Студопедия — Comprehension Practice. A.Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.
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Comprehension Practice. A.Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.

A. Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.

1) What did the dog steal from a shop one day?

2) Why did he run off with in?

3) Where did the dog come to?

4) Who did he see in the water?

5) Why did the dog jump into the water?

6) Could he see the other dog and the other bone in the water? If not, then why? Give your reasons?

7) Why did the dog get nothing in the end?

8) What is the moral of the fable?

B. Listen to the text, divide it into communicative blocks, entitle them.

C. Listen to the text, find the logical centre of each communicative block and of the whole text. Write them down.

D. Listen to the jumbled sentences and put them in the right order to complete the fable.

a) As he looked down into the water, he saw another dog with a bone!

b) So in he jumped.

c) He had lost his own bone, too, because it fell as he jumped in.

d) One day, a dog took a bone from a shop.

e) He did not know that the dog he saw in the water was a reflection of himself.

f) When he was in the water, he could not see the other dog.

g) So, because he was greedy, he got nothing in the end.

h) He ran off with it before anyone could catch him.

i) If you want more because you are greedy, in the end you might find less.

j) And he could not see the other bone either.

k) "That dog has a big bone."

l) He came to a river and went over the bridge.

m) "It is as big as mine," he said.

n) Moral:

o) "I will jump into the water and take it from him"

Written Practice

A. Complete the following sentences.

a) One day...

b) He came to a river...

c) c)...he saw another dog with a bone.

d) He didn't know that...

e) "I will jump into the water"...

f) When he was in the water...

g) And he could not see...

h) He had lost his own bone, too, because…

B. Find in the text the reason the dog jumped into the water, write it down.

C. Comment on the moral of the fable describing the greedy dog. What do you think the author’s attitude towards greediness is (positive or negative)? Do it in writing.

D. Write general, alternative and disjunctive questions (five for each type) referring to the plot of the fable.

E. State the grammar tensesinthe narration. Give reasons for the Present Simple and Past Simple functioning in the fable. Write down the Present Simple of the irregular verbs mentioned in the text.

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