Студопедия — Ex. 5. Choose the most suitable word for each space.
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Ex. 5. Choose the most suitable word for each space.


1. All the classroom windows were broken, but nobody knew who the … was.

A victim B culprit C guilty D responsible

2. The police have not yet found a possible … for the murder.

A example B motive C principle D understanding

3. Mr Baxwell threatened to … the newspaper for libel.

A sue B arrest C blackmail D enforce

4. Police have … off the town centre and are searching for the bomb.

A withdrawn B surrounded C sealed D assembled

5. The death … in the weekend’s traffic exodus has risen to sixteen.

A score B rate C toll D mark

6. He was arrested for trying to pass … notes at the banks.

A false B counterfeit C fake D fraudulent

7. The police are concentrating on arresting drug … rather than casual users.

A traffickers B agents C merchants D enterpreneurs

8. The railway station was full of … asking passengers for money.

A wanderers B beggars C penniless D petitioners

9. David was … twenty pounds for driving without due care and attention.

A charged B fined C ordered D penalized

10. The whole building collapsed, but fortunately there were no ….

A wounded B hurt C casualties D victims


Ask most people for their list of Top Ten fears, and you’ll be sure to find (1) … burgled fairly high on the list. An informal survey I carried out among friends at a party last week revealed that eight of them had had their homes (2) … into more than twice, and two had been burgled five times. To put the record straight, (3)… of my friends owns valuable paintings or a sideboard full of family silverware. Three of them are students, in fact. The most typical (4) …, it seems, involves the (5) … of easily transportable items – the television, the video, even food from the freezer. This may have something to do with the (6) … that the average burglar is in his (or her) late teens, and probably wouldn’t know (7) … to do with a Picasso, whereas selling a Walkman or a vacuum cleaner is a much easier (8) …. They are perhaps not so (9) … professional criminals, as hard-up young people who need a few pounds and some excitement. (10) … that this makes having your house turned upside down and your favourite things stolen any easier to (11) …. In most cases, the police have no luck in (12) … any of the stolen goods. Unless there is any definite (13) …, they are probably unable to do anything at all. And alarms or special locks don’t seem to help either. The only advice my friends could (14) … was “Never live on the ground floor” and “Keep two or three very fierce dogs”, which reminded me of a case I read about, where the burglars’ (15) … included the family’s pet poodle.

1. A been B having C being D out

2. A robbed B broken C taken D entered

3. A none B some C all D few

4. A burglary B item C one D invariably

5. A carrying B robbing C example D theft

6. A information B fact C idea D knowledge

7. A where B how C what D whatever

8. A matter B price C event D one

9. A many B much C that D rarely

10. A Given B So C Not D Despite

11. A believe B accept C do D attempt

12. A taking B bout C tracking D recovering

13. A case B burglary C investigation D evidence

14. A come up with B get by with C bring up with D put in with

15. A takings B profit C loot D receipts

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2771. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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