Студопедия — Writing. 1. Make up sentences according to the model.
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Writing. 1. Make up sentences according to the model.


1. Make up sentences according to the model.


Model: She looks ill, doesn’t she?


1) I/faint. 2) he/unwell. 3) they/afraid. 4) you/alert. 5) they/alike. 6) he/alive. 7) she/alone. 8) they/ashamed. 9) Jane/asleep. 10) John/awake. 11) I/aware. 12) you/ill.


2. Put words in Comparative and Superlative adjectives.


New, small, famous, big, nice, beautiful, old, comfortable, young, dark, tall, exotic, short, thin, thick, hot, expensive, cheap, interesting, noisy, popular, traditional, heavy, light, simple, slow, fast, hungry, pleasant, quiet, soft, strong, cloudy, frosty, late, wet, wonderful, bright, dry, humid, good, windy, happy, little, early, icy, many, clever, loud, bad, far, rainy, sunny, narrow.


3. Make up sentences according to the model:


Model: man-tall-

This man is taller than that man.


1) dress-new. 2) cupboard-old. 3) lawyer- famous. 4) room-small. 5) flat-big. 6) shirt-nice. 7) book-bad. 8) car-beautiful. 9) man-old. 10) woman-young. 11) house-dark. 12) lamp-bright. 13) restaurant-exotic. 14) pencil-short. 15) pen-long. 16) man-thin. 17) tree-thick. 18) radiator-hot. 19) bottle-cold. 20) TV-set- expensive.


4. These sentences are all about London. The adjectives in the box below have been missed out from the sentences. Which sentences should each of the words fit into?


London is one of the _____ cities in the world.

It is also the ______ place I have ever visited.

It looks particularly ______ on a sunny day and I usually feel ___ when I’m there.

It is much _____ capital than Paris although it is probably not as ____ as New York.

It is also less ____ than New York.

London drivers seem to drive ___ than other Briish drivers, and taxi-drivers perhaps drive ____ of all.


Lovely, most interesting, faster, more international, biggest, happy, cosmopolitan, fastest, dangerous.


5. Fill in the correct form of the adjectives (comparative or superlative):


My house is (big) ________ than yours.

This flower is (beautiful) _______ than that one.

This is the (interesting) _________ book I have ever read.

Non-smokers usually live (long) _______ than smokers.

Which is the (dangerous) _______ animal in the world?

A holiday by the sea is (good) ______ than a holiday in the mountains.

It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ________ than a beer.

Who is the (rich) ______ woman on earth?

The weather this summer is even (bad) ______ than last summer.

He was the (clever) ______ thief of all.



6. Make up correct order of following adjectives.


1) Which is the correct order?
a small Canadian thin lady
a Canadian small thin lady
a small thin Canadian lady
a thin small Canadian lady  
2) Which is the correct order?
a carving steel new knife
a new steel carving knife
a steel new carving knife
a new carving steel knife  
3) Which is the correct order?
a beautiful blue sailing boat
a blue beautiful sailing boat
a sailing beautiful blue boat
a blue sailing beautiful boat  
4) Which is the correct order?
an old wooden square table
a square wooden old table
an old square wooden table
a wooden old square table  
5) Which is the correct order?
an new French exciting band
a French new exciting band
an exciting French new band
an exciting new French band  
6) Which is the correct order?
a red big plastic hat
a big red plastic hat
a plastic big red hat
a bit plastic red hat  
7) Which is the correct order?
a small Japanese serving bowl
a Japanese small serving bowl
a small serving Japanese bowl
a serving small Japanese bowl
8) Which is the correct order?
a cotton dirty old tie
a dirty cotton old tie
an old cotton dirty tie
a dirty old cotton tie


7. Comparison of adjectives. Pick the correct form:


My father is as (strong, stronger, the strongest) as his father.

She is (pretty, prettier, the prettiest) than her sister.

You are not as (tall, taller, the tallest) as your brother.

That pond is (shallow, shallower, the shallowest) in this area.

That has to be (interesting, more interesting, the most interesting) film I have seen.

Which university offers (good, better, the best) degree courses?.

This clown is not as (funny, funnier, the funniest) as the other one.

He is easily the (bad, worse, the worst) player in the team.

The second half of the play was (little, less, the least) interesting.

What is (far, farther, the farthest) distance you have ever run?


8. Fill in the correct forms.


Positive Form Comparative Form Superlative Form


9. Fill in the correct form of the adjectives (comparative or superlative):


My house is (big)______ than yours.

This flower is (beautiful) ________ than that one.

This is the (interesting) __________ book I have ever read.

Non-smokers usually live (long) _________ than smokers.

Which is the (dangerous) _________ animal in the world?

A holiday by the sea is (good) _________ than a holiday in the mountains.

It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) _______ than a beer.

Who is the (rich) _________ woman on earth?

The weather this summer is even (bad) _________ than last summer.

He was the (clever) _________ thief of all.


10. Comparison of adjectives. Fill in the missing adjectives into the gaps. Mind the first two words:


strong - stronger; good -

coldest - colder; happiest -

nice - nicer; bad -

angry - angrier; much -

more boring - boring; sunnier -

more interesting - most interesting; worse -

hard - hardest; new -

most expensive - expensive; cleanest -

fast - fastest; old -

shortest - short; most difficult -

Unit 4


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 717. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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