Студопедия — Mode, drive, access, driver, multitasking, bus, ROM, device, motherboard, program.
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Mode, drive, access, driver, multitasking, bus, ROM, device, motherboard, program.

  1. the main board in a computer, into which the circuits are plugged.
  2. a combination of physical components forming a unit that performs a specific function, such as storage or I/O.
  3. a type of memory chip that can be read but cannot be written on or altered.
  4. a unit that reads and writes data on an external storage device.
  5. a program that controls devices or other programs.
  6. the ability to store or retrieve data.
  7. a circuit for the transfer of data or electrical signal between two devices.
  8. a method or condition of operation.
  9. the technique of concurrently executing a number of related tasks in the same partition.
  10. a logically arranged set programming statements defining the operation to be performed by a computer.


III. Read the words as they are used in the following sentences and try to come up with your own definition.

1. Using computers to create graphics and sounds, virtual reality makes the viewer believe he or she is in another world.

2. Three-dimensional images are created using technology that fools the viewers’ mind into perceptive depth.

3. Plug a terminal directly into the brain via a prepared skull and you can enter cyberspace.

4. I’ve got a set of eyephones, 3D goggles, a fiber optic glove and the rest of the gear.

5. There are many word substitutes for invalids, e.g. the handicapped, challenged by birth or by accidents, disabled people.

6. The bowman took a deep breath, aimed at the target and shot, but the arrow went astray.

Virtual reality – ………………………………….............

Three-dimensional (3D) – ………………………..……...

Cyberspace – …………………………………………….

Gear – …………………………………............................

Disabled – ………………………………………………..

To go astray – …………………………………………….



Study the formation and the usage of the Present Perfect Tense in Grammar Appendix


1. Listen to the Present Perfect explanation from BBC Learning English and write down examples of Present Perfect.

2. Write down answers to the listening quiz (grammar challenge) and compare them with your partner.

3. Listen to the Present Perfect explanation from BBC Learning English once more.

4. Tell your partner what the audio file is about.



I. Working in pairs. Look at the picture and discuss with your partner what computer parts are the main and what parts are not obligatory for work on a computer.


II. Divide into small groups and discuss the question:

What is important for optimum computer work (CPU clock, hard disk, motherboard, RAM, ROM, video card, audio card)?

III. Discuss with your partner for what purposes one can use a computer nowadays.


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