Студопедия — MUST or HAVE TO
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a) The speaker’s authority: You must come home at nine o’clock. = As I am your mother, I want you to come home at nine o’clock.

b) External authority: I have to wear a chef’s hat in the restaurant. = I do not want to wear a chef’s hat, but I always do, because it is obligatory in the restaurant I work for.

MUST (speaker’s authority) HAVE (GOT) TO (external authority)
The speaker orders: You must be in time The speaker obeys: I have to be in time.
The speaker imposes the obligation on himself: I must get a ‘five’ in my exam. Obligation is imposed by the circumstances: I have to take one more exam.
An urgent action: I must see a doctor. Usual routine: I have to see him once a month
Written formal notices: Staff must wear uniforms. You comment on someone’s obligation: They have to wear uniforms, don’t they?
Do you insist on it? = Must I do it? Is it necessary? = Do I have to do it?
Prohibition: You mustn’t do it. Absence of necessity: You don’t have to do it
Assumption (BrE): You must be joking. Assumption (AmE.): You’ve got to be kidding

I … sit in this room for three hours!  
Exam Candidates … answer four questions. The exam lasts three hours.  
Bye! I … be home by 11.00
You … be home by 11.00
Ex 3 Fill the spaces with ‘must’ or ‘have to’ and explain your choice.  

Ex 4 Rephrase the following sentences using ‘must’ or ‘have (got) to’:

1. I strongly advise you to speak to your parents about your decision.

2. It isn't necessary for Emma to attend tomorrow's staff meeting.

3. I’m obliged to wear a suit and a tie at work because the manager says so.

4. I'm sure Antonio is from Milan.

5. It's necessary for me to find a job soon.

6. It's forbidden to use mobile phones inside the hospital.

7. A boss to a secretary: You are obliged to work overtime today.

8. Susan is obliged to work overtime because her boss says so.

9. Susan has been obliged to work overtime every Friday this month.

10. Susan wishes she wasn’t obliged to work overtime.

NEED ( A semi-modal verb)

Modal verb Ordinary/ regular verb
Grammatical characteristics
Takes a bare infinitive You needn’t com e tomorrow. You needn’t have come yesterday. Takes a full infinitive, a gerund or a noun. I need to work. I need some money.
Auxiliary verbs are not used. Need I come? You needn’t come. Auxiliaries are necessary. Do you need to come? I don’t need to come.
Only questions or negative sent-s. Need I come? You needn’t come. A ll types of sentences: I need to leave now.
1. To give permission not to do smth we say:
You needn’t cut the grass. You don’t need to cut the grass.
2. To say that one action is not necessary for the speaker:
I needn’t type these letters today. I don’t need to type the letters today
3. To talk about general necessity we say:
  ––––––– You need to be over 18 to get married. You don’t need to be over 18 to get into a disco.
4. If the action was fulfilled but it wasn’t necessary we say:
You needn’t have come. = Даремно ти прийшов/ приходив. –––––––––
5. If the action wasn’tfulfilled because it wasn’t necessary we say:
––––––– I didn’t need/ have to come. = Мені не довелося приходити.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 851. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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