Студопедия — Part 3. Landscape
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Part 3. Landscape

Ex. 1.

A. Nouns: 1.g., 2.i., 3.f., 4.h., 5.b., 6.c., 7.d., 8.j., 9.e., 10.a.

B. Adjectives: 1.b., 2.e., 3.d., 4.a., 5.f., 6.c.

Ex. 3.

1. I like any time of the day in summer: the scarlet dawn in the East, the heat of July midday, and the splendour of the ended day with the last rays of the setting sun. 2. Heavy gray clouds are hanging above the city today. 3. The lightning has just flashed and the sound of thunder has been heard. 4. It is only heard how the bees are buzzing above the flowers. The bees’ buzz is being heard above the meadow flowers. 5. Another moment and the next wave will have broken against the rocky shore. 6. The sun’s rays penetrated through the dense foliage and lit the very forest interior. 7. The snow covers the ground for 7 months a year. 8. Cedar, spruce tree, birch, rowan tree, bird cherry tree, dog-rose are the common plants of Western Siberia. 9. The cherry trees have already shed their blossom. 10. The awaking of Nature begins with the first rays of the spring sun, with the migratory birds’ return, with the snow melting and with the murmur of the gay brooks.

Text 1. Fragment from I Balbyshev story “February Is the Snowiest Month”


<> In February the day becomes longer and the sun rises higher. And in the sunniest days the birds’ babbling fills the forest. In the heat of the sun the flock of sparrows is very noisy. The magpies are chattering like in spring and more often are flying away from the settlements to the forest, they are sitting down on the branches and are calling to one another, <…> The kinglet is singing as if it is playing on the tiny violin; <…>

<…> The scarlet light of the afterglow is burning down and the cold star night is coming. By the morning the frost will have covered the trees, bushes and blades with the sparkling rime. The fallen snow is shining and gleaming with the pink-red light. The silent forest is dreaming. The trees are standing quietly as if they are afraid of to move and spoil their smart dress from the fairy tale.

Text 2. Fragment from K. Ushinskiy story “Autumn”

<…> At the end of August the air becomes colder. The freshness is noticed especially in the mornings and the first frosts take place in September sometimes. Awaking in the morning you can see how white the grass is or the roof of the next house.

<…> The drizzles in autumn are quite different from the storming summer showers; they are endless and the ground doesn’t dry so soon as it was in summer. The wind blows without being tired taking far away the ripened seeds of the trees and herbs … <…>

Text 3. Fragment from G. Skrebitskiy story “July”

In July the summer is at its height, it is the warmest and the sunniest time. The sun is heating all day long.

<…> The forest has already put on its dark-green foliage. The bushes and trees lost their bloom long ago but only the curly lime trees on the light forest meadows are flowering.

Look – how many bees are flying above their branches all in blossom. They will take a rich harvest to their beehive.

Everything around is being filled with juice and is ripening under the summer sun’s rays. <…> And how it is gaily on the meadow. The herbs grew higher up to the waist. The bumble bees and the beetles are buzzing above the flowers, and the grasshoppers are chirping in the grass.

Text 4. Fragment from A. Chekhov story “In Spring”

The snow is still covering the ground, but the soul is already asking for the spring. <…>The ground is cold, mud with snow is squelching under your feet but it is so gaily, tenderly and friendly around! The air is so clear and limpid that if you climb on pigeon-loft or on the bell tower it seems you’ll be able to see the whole universe from one border to another. The sun is shining brightly and its rays, playing and smiling, are taking a bath in the puddles together with the sparrows. The river is becoming wider and darker. It has already awaken and today or tomorrow it will have started to roar. The trees are bare but they are alive, they are breathing.

<…> Yes, everything is wonderful in this happy time of the year especially if you are young and love nature …


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 455. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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