Студопедия — D) Attribute
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D) Attribute


The road to connect these two towns is being built. — Дорога, которая должна соединить эти два города, строится.

Here is the text to be translated. — Вот текст, который нужно (надо) перевести.

1. Windows provided humans with the ability to both let light into rooms while at the same time keeping inclement weather outside. 2. They designed the building structures to successfully support and resist the loads which act on them. 3. Facing bricks to be used in the outer walls of buildings can be given a rough or textured surface.

4. Arches called trusses are used to span the area to be left open.

5. The first degree in Civil Engineering to be awarded to a woman in the USA was granted by Cornell University to Nora Blatch in 1905.

E) Part of a predicate


The problem was to get there in time. — Задача состояла в том, чтобы добраться туда вовремя.

1. Another way was to span a large space which can be used as a dome. 2. The effect is to compress the row of blocks so that they form a beam or girder. 3. The problem is to control the hazards

I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



and risks to construction workers in a constantly changing work environment. 4. The main objectives of earthquake engineering are to understand the interaction of structures with shaky ground and foresee the consequences of possible earthquakes. 5. One of the construction surveyors' tasks is to survey existing conditions of the future work site.

Replace the group of words in bold type by an infinitive. Translate the sentences.


He was the first man who came to the party. — He was the first to come to the party. — Он первым пришел на вечеринку.

1. Joseph L. Lambot was the first man who developed reinforced concrete in France in 1849. 2. Everybody was late except me. I was the only one who arrived on time. 3. Fiona was the only student who passed 'the exam. 4. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the Moon. 5. He was the first man who swam the English Channel.

Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the use of the Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions.

A) Objective Infinitive Construction (Complex Object).


•He wants me to go home. — Он хочет, чтобы я пошел домой. I expect him to write to me. —Я надеюсь, что он напишет мне.

I saw them go to the park. — Я видел, как они пошли в парк. I saw them going to the park. — Я видел, как они шли в парк.

I made him do that job. — Я заставил его сделать эту работу.

1. We consider ultra-lightweight concrete to be one of the most fundamental bulk materials of the future. 2. They wanted the manager to organize all the workers needed for construction jobs. 3. I heard you break something. What was it? 4. They made construction workers wear the personal protective equipment — hard hats, steel-toe boots and high visibility jackets. 5. I saw her pick up the parcel, open it and take out a book. 6. They expected the students to pass an exam on mathematics to start building construction studies. 7. I saw bricklayers constructing brickwork and plumbers installing drainage systems.

B) Subjective Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject).


This man is said to know everybody here. — Говорят, что этот человек знает здесь всех.

Не is known to be a good student. — Известно, что он хоро­ший студент.

The child seemed to be sleeping. — Казалось, что ребенок спит.

They are likely to come back on Tuesday. — Вероятно, они вернутся во вторник.

1. This type of concrete is known to have reinforcement in the form of wires. 2. Reinforced concrete is said to crack in tension rather than in compression. 3. Steel rods are sure to be embedded in the mixture, thus forming reinforced concrete. 4. Sand lime bricks are reported to be made by pressing a mixture of moist sand and lime into brick shape by machine. 5. The final strength of the cement paste is likely to be reached in three weeks. 6. Concrete is usually considered not to shrink due to hydration.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 1919. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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