Студопедия — Verbs, verb tenses, imperatives
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Verbs, verb tenses, imperatives

9.1 The simple present S + toV + (e)s у 3rd p.singular Що робить(ся) взагалі? -- > o He plays. (--! -> She is playing. >-->! He has done >-->!...> He has been doing)

9.1 A Pronunciation and spelling of the 3rd person, simple present [> LEG 96-7]

1 Pronunciation [compare plural nouns > 2.5A]:

A) We pronounce -s as /s/ after voiceless consonants: He laughs; /p/ drops; /k/ kicks; /t/ lets.

B) We pronounce -es as /iz/ after sibilants: /z/ loses; /dj/ manages; /s/ passes; /sh/ pushes; /ch/ stitches, and /ks/ mixes.

C) We pronounce -s as /z/ after sonorants: /b/ robs; /d/ adds; /g/ digs; /l/ fills; /m/ dreams; /n/ runs; /ng/ rings; after vowels: sees; after vowel + w or r: draws, stirs.

2 Spelling:

A) Add -s to most verbs: work/works, drive/drives, play/plays, run/runs.

B) Add – es to verbs ending in -o: do/does; - after sibilants: -es: misses; -x mixes; -ch/-sh catches/pushes

3 Допоміжні дієслова(?, not) = Auxiliary Verbs:do-don’t, does-doesn’t, be: am-am not, is-isn’t, are- aren’t, have -haven’t, has-hasn’t, must -musn’t, can -cannot-can’t, may -mayn’t, ought -oughtn’t, need -needn’t e.g. May I help you? No, you can’t.

4 Adverbials = Обставини точного або певного часу: often, in 2001, on Monday, never, usually, always, regularly, sometimes, seldom, occasionally, every day

Write: A) Give the third person forms of the verbs in these sentences.

B) Show whether you would pronounce the third person form as /s/, /z/ or /iz/

1 They laugh a lot. He laughs /s/ 2 I often drop things. She... 3 We drink a lot of tea. She... 4 I often forget things. She... 5 We often lose things. He... 6 They manage all right. She... 7 I often pass your house. He... 8 I rush around a lot. She… 9 I always saw the wood. She… 10 I wear old clothes at home. He… 11 I love sweets. She... 12 I often see them. He... 13 They pay £30 a week rent. He…14 I cry at sad films. She...

9.1 B Uses of the simple present tense: [> LEG 9.3,9.12] S + toV + (e)s (3ос.) Що робить(ся) взагалі? -- > o He works/He is tired.

There are 7 basic uses of the simple present tense [compare > 11.11 A]

1 Permanent truths: Summer follows spring. Gases expand when heated.

2 ‘The present period' (= 'this is the situation at present'): My sister works in a bank.

3 Habitual actions: I get up at 7. I sometimes stay up till midnight.

4 Future reference (for timetables, etc.): The concert begins at 7.30 next Friday evening.

5 Observations and declarations: I hope so. It says here that... I love you. I hate him.

6 Instructions: First you weigh the ingredients.

7 Commentaries: Becker serves to Lendl.

Write: Give the correct form of the simple present of each verb.

1 Water boils... at 100°C. (boil) 2 Hot air... (rise) 3 My uncle... in a factory, (work) 4 John and Sue... glasses, (wear) 5 The children... a lot of sweets, (eat) 6 He only... at weekends, (work) 7 I always... out on Saturdays, (go) 8 She... to London once a week. (Drive) 9 She never... up very early, (get) 10 I occasionally... meat, (eat) 11 The coach... at 6 this evening, (leave) 12 The concert... at 7 next Friday, (start) 13 I... Barcelona won again, (see) 14 It's not right, you... (know) - I... (agree) 15 Can he manage?- I... so. (hope) 16 It... in the paper it'll be hot. (say)


9.1 C Stative and dynamic verbs [> LEG 9.3, App 38]

1 We call a few verbs like love stative because they refer to 'states'. A state has no beginning and no end. We don't 'control' it, so we don't normally use stative verbs in progressive tenses: She loves her baby more than anything. (Not *is loving)

2 Most verbs in English are dynamic. We can use them in two ways:

- in the simple present tense to describe habits, etc. [> 9-1B]: I often make cakes.

- in the present progressive to describe deliberate actions in progress [> 9.2B]: I'm making a cake

3 We can describe three classes of verbs:

a Dynamic verbs which have simple or progressive forms (most verbs in English): I often listen to records, (simple present tense) I'm listening to a record, (present progressive tense)

b Verbs which are always stative: This coat belongs to you. (simple present tense) (Not *is belonging')

c Verbs that have stative or dynamic uses: I'm weighing myself, (a deliberate action: present progressive tense) I weigh 65 kilos, (a state) (Not *I'm weighing 65 kilos. *)

There are five groups of stative verbs referring to: A: feelings (like, love, etc.); b think/believe (think, understand, etc.) c wants (want, prefer, etc.) d perception (hear, see, etc. [> 11.2B]) E: being/having/owning (appear, seem, belong, etc. (>10.4]) No: V-ing

Write: Tick the sentences that are right. Cross out the verbs that are wrong and correct them.

1a You're never ill. I envy you. V 2a I understand English well. _ 3a You're knowing what I mean. _ 4a Is he seeming unfriendly? _ 5a I prefer fish to meat. _ 6a Do you see that bird over there? _ 7a Why is he smelling his coffee? _ 8a She's weighing herself again.

1b You're never ill. I'm envying you. _ 2b I'm understanding English well. _ 3b You know what I mean. _ 4b Does he seem unfriendly? _ 5b I'm preferring fish to meat. _ 6b Are you seeing John tomorrow? _ 7b Something smells strange. _ 8b She weighs 75.5 kilos. _


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