Студопедия — Ex. 5. Look at this menu. Everything is wrong on the menu. Write out the correct one
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Ex. 5. Look at this menu. Everything is wrong on the menu. Write out the correct one


The Wrong Menu Starters 1. Pineapple soup 2. Chicken juice Main courses 1. Fish Bolognese 2. Spaghetti and pie 3. Cream and chips Desserts 1. Ice steak 2. Apple and chips   The Correct Menu Starters 1. __________ 2. __________ Main courses 1. ___________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ Desserts 1. ___________ 2. ___________

Ex. 6. Guess the proper word by the context

1. A very popular pastime today is … in a restaurant.

2. If you want to dine at a restaurant you’d better … a table.

3. If you can’t come don’t forget to…your reservation.

4. You ask the waiter to see the …

5. First, you can have soup or a salad as a …. Then follows the main course, i.e. …. Finally you can order ….

6. When you finish eating, ask the waiter to bring you the ….

7. If you are content with the service you may give the waiter some extra money. This is called a ….

8. You can also take food away from restaurants. It may be packed into special ….

9. For many British people … is the center of their social life.

10. You can buy many kinds of … in pubs.


Menu, starter, steak or fish, dessert, eating out, reserve, cancel, tip, bill, drinks, containers, pub


Ex. 7. Match the sentences with the answers

Could I have the menu, please? No, thank you. I wouldn’t.
Whose is the tomato soup? Rare, medium or well done?
What would she like? Tomato or chicken soup?
Would you like a dessert? Sorry, it isn’t. But that one is.
Have you got any fish? Here it is, sir.
Could we have two steaks, please? Black or white?
Is this table free? A rare steak for her, please.
We’d like two coffees, please? It’s mine. Thank you.
Could we have two soups, please? I’d like vanilla, please.
Which flavour would you like? Sorry, fish is off the menu.



Larry at Lunch

Mother: Larry, lunch is ready.
Larry: I don’t want to eat, Mummy.
Mother: But you must, Larry.
Larry: No.
Mother: I insist on your eating, Larry. Just a little bit, my boy.
Larry: No, Mom.
Mother: Now, Larry, be a good boy. Just sit down here and have a little bit of fish.
Larry: That’s too much.
Mother: Will that do now, Larry? And stop trifling with the fish, will you?
Larry: I’m picking out the bones, Mummy.
Mother: O.K. and drink your coffee. It has already grown cold.


At Dinner

Fred: Hello, old chap. So nice of you to have come. We are about to have dinner. Will you dine with us?
John: With the greatest pleasure. I’m starving.
Fred: That’s fine. Well, I’m off to lay the table. Say, John, how about a drink?
John: Will a duck swim?
Fred: To you, John. Let me help you to some salad.
John: Please do. That’s quite enough, thank you.
Fred: Some soup?
John: Why, yes. I think I could manage a plateful.


At Dinner

Ann: How do you like the soup?
John: Awfully nice, really. Don’t you think so?
Ann: Yes, it is indeed. Pass me the salt, please.
John: Here you are. Some more bread?
Ann: Yes, please.
John: What comes next, Ann?
Ann: Pork chops with roast potatoes.
John: And what follows that?
Ann: Wouldn’t you like to make a guess?
John: Stewed apricots as usual, I suppose.
Ann: There you are wrong, John. It’s apple pudding with whipped cream.
John: Apple pudding and with whipped cream! My, isn’t it fine!
Ann: I am happy that I’ve suited your taste.



A: The table is laid. Come along and let’s start. It’s high time to have dinner.
B: I’m ready. I feel quite hungry. I could eat a horse.
A: So am I. I haven’t got a horse for you but your favorite dishes will be served today.
B: What are they? I’ve got so many.
A: For the first course we’ll have chicken soup and cutlets with mashed potatoes for the main.
B: And for the dessert?
A: I’ve made cherry pie and stewed fruits.
B: Oh, that’s wonderful. Let’s sit at the table as soon as possible.


Jim: Shall I help you dish up, Maggie?
Maggie: Well, I’m afraid lunch isn’t ready yet. You see the meat hasn’t cooked properly. It’s been stewing for two hours but it’s still not quite tender. Perhaps another 10 minutes...?
Jim: Of course, of course. We are not in a hurry. We’ll have a drop of sherry while we are waiting. Oh! It doesn’t seem to be here. Maggie! What have you done with it. I keep it in the sideboard.
Maggie: I’ve been using it for cooking. It’s all gone.
Jim: But that happened to be a very good sherry. I’ve been keeping it for special occasions. By the way, there is a rather funny smell coming from the kitchen.
Maggie: Good heavens! While I’ve been chatting with you the meat must have burnt. Oh! it’s burnt to a cinder. I really don’t know what to do. Perhaps I might make an omelet.
Jim: I’ve a much better idea. I’ll come into the kitchen and make omelet. I love cooking. And I’ll trust you to break the eggs, Maggie.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 2374. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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