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Основные правила дифференцирования

Дата добавления: 2015-06-16; просмотров: 503

‘But, listen,’ Nicole could barely keep up with his fast pace. ‘It isn’t possible!’

‘Not only is it “not possible” but there is also no need for this,’ Peter was trying to catch up with his friend. ‘There is no war at the moment! And what if it starts because of your stupid antics? It takes just one little spark to set fire to the whole universe in a moments’ time…’

‘I have been thinking for a long time. And have it all figured out. Everything should be fine. I have told you about my plan. It’s strange that you are not with me. But in that case, at least don’t stand in my way and interfere,’ Daniel headed towards the exit of the military base main building to get to his ner. ‘If I manage to find any super-new weapons, we will be armed. And it is important to know its whereabouts so that we will be able to destroy it!’

‘You will not cope all alone by yourself! I cannot let you go to your certain death,’ Peter did not give up. He tried to hold back Dan by grabbing his uniform sleeve.

‘Listen, I am very grateful that you are always with me in everything. Always helping me. But right now, there is no need to interfere, alright? You wouldn’t able to talk me out of it. I have already decided. I can get inside their lair. They have some sort of celebration there today and there will be a lot of tobs there. No one will notice another ner. Moreover, officially, there is no war between us. So why not try? What are they going to do, disassemble me? Maybe I am a friendly deaf and mute tourist…’

‘Tourist! Crazy is what you really are,’ Nicole crossed her arms in anger. ‘You can’t even imagine what they will do to you if they find out that you are alone by yourself! They will obtain all the information they want through torture and that will be the end of your espionage. In that case, be prepared for the worst possible punishment, because the option where they disassemble will seem like the most humane one.’

‘We cannot stay here while our commander is out there on a mission. We have to follow him,’ Peter added his thoughts.

‘I am canceling this obligation for today. You can go and sleep. Tomorrow will be another pointless day spent in military training that is far away from reality and the situation this world is in today. Instead of doing something truly useful in order make us more powerful and to undermine the enemy forces…Oh,’ Dan waved his hand at them in disappointment, and disappeared behind the door of the module.

‘Let’s go?’ Nicole asked Peter.

‘Where?’ Peter asked in confusion.

‘What do you mean where? Get ready for bed,’ Nicole replied hesitantly.

‘What bed, Nikki? I am going with him. Or after him. I will not leave my friend even if this operation is entirely his initiative. Besides, so far, he has not made a single mistake that could have caused any trouble. To be precise, he always makes them but they are always successful. You know, I believe him, because he is right. It’s time to put an end to inaction. If I live through this to be interrogated by our commanding officers, I will say that I was just carrying out orders and followed my commander as any subordinate would do. And you can go, we’ll see each other tomorrow…’

‘No, I can’t let you go. I will go with you. They wouldn’t do anything to us, will they?’

‘I don’t know,’ Peter shrugged his shoulders. ‘But it would be better if you stayed here.’

Nicole confidently walked towards the door through which Daniel disappeared a minute ago.

‘Are you coming?’ she asked without turning around to face the young man.

He silently followed her, as he made a step into the unknown. He did not know what to say as he had no idea whether what they were doing was right or not.

As soon as Dan was in the sky he understood that he was not alone. Two space ships followed him. He only shook his head and clenched his beautiful lips in disapproval. He was not entirely sure about his decision but at the same time he was tired of inaction. Risk and danger were far more appealing to him rather than wasting life and inactivity. His heart was comforted by the fact that he himself will finally move closer to his aim and will not waste another day of his life.



The three friends landed their ners far away from the noise, lights and buildings of the enemy Salazan.

Dan silently jumped out of his ner. He felt a gentle push on his feet, clad in semi boots, upon the uneven surface of Salazan which seemed to be covered in stones and he also felt how his costume clenched his body even tighter. Dan new the properties of the steel uniform perfectly well but only now, for the first time, did he experience them upon himself in the unfamiliar atmosphere of an alien planet. Dan, like any civilian, did not need to change his whereabouts in cosmic space too often, Eleon and Aron, around which his life revolved, were adapted for the daily lives of their inhabitants and vice versa.

The clothes that the soldiers wore had its own special structure, colour and fabric quality, thankfully, during hundreds of years of progress, mankind has learned to ensure security albeit in special clothing. Before, humans required heavy and uncomfortable suits to able to land on other planets, but now, ultra light and dense fabric made from thousands of metal nano-technological plates unseen to the eye, replaced them.

Having left their ships amongst the trees and cliffs, people moved towards a dark, sleek, cylindrical building, which did not look like it had any doors or windows. Only the smooth black walls covered it from all sides.

‘As I suspected,’ quietly said Dan. He stood in front of what he suspected to be the entrance into the huge barn.

‘What’s inside?’ Nicole half whispered.

‘Absolutely anything can be inside. But it’s definitely something to do with preparing for war. And our mission for today. I noticed this object a week ago when I was on my field assignment and flew over this area. Just like before, the detector did not see this building. But it’s here! Before us is not a holographic deception but a most powerful defense system that is capable of confusing the most advanced navigation system. And that means they have a reason to hide it… I don’t quite know how to get inside and what’s actually in there, but obviously it is something very important since tobs have created so much secrecy around it. We’ll need to explore its surroundings as well as any minor protrusions if these smooth walls have any, ground that is in contact with the walls that may seem strange, all of this may be the key to opening it up.’

‘What about guards?’ Nicole looked around hesitantly, ‘they are probably all along the perimeter of this area!’

‘Nikki,’ Peter tried to reason with his girlfriend, ‘why do tobs need guards if they can make alarm signals from anything as small as some twig lying on the ground? And if, by some miracle, there were any old tin cans walking around here, that have survived to this day, they would have already seen us by now. And I hope we would have seen them as well. But there is no one walking here. Or crawling. No movement. And none surveillance equipment, if our equipment is to be trusted…’

‘That means all the surprises are inside,’ concluded Dan.

‘Who knows,’ Peter said with doubt.

For more than an hour they looked around, trying to open the steel doors that have tightly closed the entrance into the secret object but it was all in vain. Without any results, as if the building was enchanted, devoid of anything apart from its sleek and impenetrable metal walls.

‘Guys, get over here! I think it opened,’ somewhere behind Dan heard Nikki’s voice.

He silently ran to the side of the building.

‘How? How did you do it?’

‘I just pressed the door. It opened as I touched it.’

‘Was it definitely open?’ Peter approached his friend to clarify.

‘Yes, I have already checked them previously… Strange,’ Dan frowned.

‘I just…’ Nicole laughed, ‘I just touched this mirror surface which I thought could be the entrance with this’ the girl held out her hands to show her blaster.

‘Metal… Of course! As a precaution against human contact! But, nevertheless, it’s too simple… All right, let’s go, no time to discuss this, we will never be able to understand their logic anyway,’ Daniel set an example for his friends by taking a step inside.

Inside the building they faced a long corridor that was illuminated by dim light coming from along the bottom of its sides that seemed to lead into infinite emptiness of the cylindrical space. They looked at each other in fear, but nevertheless, determined to go all the way, they carefully stepped onto the black matt surface of the corridor, neglecting all precautions.



Самозащита трудовых прав.

ст. 378, 379, и статья из раздела оплаты труда.

Самозащита это относительно новый институт.

Самозащита это- отказ от выполнения работы в установленных законом случаях:

1.в случае поручения работы не предусмотренной трудовым договором.( согласно ст.69 ТК, работодатель не имеет права требовать от работника выполнения работы не обусловленной трудовым договором и работник имеет право отказатся от работы).

2.в случаях поручения работы в условиях опастных для жизни и здоровья.( но не могут отказаться: проф. спасатели, пожарные).

3. приостановка выполнения работы в случае задержки выплаты з.п. на срок более 15 дней.

Самозащиту следует отличать от забастовок:

1.Самозащита это отказ от выполнения работы в целях защиты индивидуальных трудовых прав; а забастовка организуется в целях защиты коллективных интересов.

2.Право на самозащиту работник реализует самостоятельно а решение о забастовке принимается коллективно на обшем собрании.

3.Наряду с самозащитой работник может обратится в гос. инспекцию труда или в суд; а для организации забастовки необходимо соблюдение предварительных примирительных процедур.

4.По правовым последствиям: самозащита может длится до тех пор пока не будет устранено нарушение, продолжитлеьность забастовки определяется ее эффективностью и она может быть завершена достижением соглашения.

Тема: Индивидуальные трудовые споры.
гл.60 ТК, постановление пленума №2 п.1-9, 53-57.

ИТС- согласно ст.381, неурегулированные разногласия между работником и работодателем по вопросам приминения трудового законодательства, коллективного договора, локальных нормативных актов, трудового договора.

Всегда ИТС по вопросам приминения.

Стороной может быть: лицо состоящие в трудовых отношениях, лицо уже уволившиеся из организации, лицо которое изъявило желание заключить трудовой договор но ему было отказано.

Ст.382 называет два органа по рассмотрению итс: ктс и суд.

Комиссия по трудовым спорам ( КТС).

Не обязательный орган по рассмотрению спора. Работники сразу могут обратится в суд.

КТС может быть создана в любой организации по инициативе как работников так и работодателя.

Создается из равного числа представителей от каждой стороны.

Представители от работодателя определяются приказом директора, а представители от работников избираются на общем собрании.

Численность КТС и срок деятельности на кот. избираются законом не определены стороны решают это самостоятельно.

На практики действует по 3 года, это основано на том что коллективный договор действует три года.

Желательно чтобы ктс был не меньше 4 чел. (по 2 чел от каждой стороны).

Из числа членов ктс избирается зам, председатель и секретарь.

Компетенция ктс: рассматривает все споры за исключением те которые ей не подведомственны.

Не относятся:

1.споры об установления норм труда и норм обслуживания.

2.споры об изменении штатного расписания.

3.об установлении тарифных ставок и должностных окладов.

4.об исчислении трудового стажа для предоставления льгот.

5.об установлении или изменении исловий оплаты труда.

Сроки обращения в ктс: в 3 месячны срок с того дня когда узнал или должен был узнать о нарушении своих прав.

Этот срок исчисляется в календарных днях. Суд может восстановить, если срок был пропущен.

Согласно ч.2 ст.385 до обращения в ктс работник должен попытатся урегулировать спор с работодателем.(? законом не установлено в какой форме урегулировать; закон не закрепляет должен ли работник представить в ктс подтверждение этого факта, имеет ли право ктс отказать в принятии заявления если работник не обращался к руководителю.) Лектор полагает, что это не совсем целесообразное требование т.к. позиция работодателя зачастую известна.

Форма обращения в ктс законом не установлена она произвольная, обязательно в заявлении указывается ф.и.о., суть требования, какими доказательствами работник располагает, член принимающийзаявление должен зарегистрировать его, заявление работника должно быть рассмотрено в течении 10 календарных дней.

КТС это независимый орган, не закреплено в какое время проводится ( согласно ч.2 ст.171 членам ктс предоставляется в рабочие от работы время для участие в работе с сохранении средненго зработка.

Не установлено, открытыя или закрытая форма проведения ктс.

Спор рассматривается обязательно в присутствии работника, но может написать заявление с просьбой рассмотрения спора без него.

Если работник не явился один раз, то рассмотрение спора откладывается. Если не явился повторно, то заявление снимается с рассмотрения.

На заседание ктс могут быть приглашены, эксперты, специалисты, свидетели, это взяли по аналогии из ГПК.

Заседание ктс правомочно если на нем присутствуют не менее половины представителей от каждой стороны. И решение принимает простым большенством голосов.

Решение КТС должно быть тшательно сформулировано, аргументировано, чтобы обладать еще более убидительной силой по отношению к работнику.

В решении ктс должно быть наименование организации, ф.и.о. всех членов ктс кот. присутствовали в рассмотрении спора, существо спора, существо решения, результаты голосования.

Копии решения ктс вручаются работнику и работодателю в трех дневный срок со дня принятия решения.

ст.389 решение ктс подлежит исполнению в 3 дневный срок по истечении 10 дней предусмотренных на обжалование. Если работодатель не выполняет решение, работник имеет право обратится в ктс за удостоверением в теч. 1 мес. со дня принятия решения. Это удостоверение работник может предяъявить в 3 месячный срок судебному приставу исполнителю для принудительного исполнения- то есть это удостоверение имеет силу исполнительного листа.

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