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АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 604

employ v

employer n

employee, co-worker n

employment n

unemployment n

unemployed a

manual labor

white-collar, blue-collar, pink-collar jobs

full, seasonal, formal, informal employment

telecommuting = teleworking n

part-time work

self employment

freelancer n

flexible working hours, flexitime

clock in/ out v (clock on/ off)

work in shifts

be on the day/ night shift

run one’s own business

workforce, payroll n

staff, personnel n

be overstaffed

skilled, unskilled workers

redundancy n

make smb redundant, sack, lay off, dismiss, fire v

leave, quit one’s job, resign, retire v

wages, salary, fee, bonus, commission, tip, premium, retainer, fringe benefits, perks n

trade unions

recruitment process

absentee record

hire = recruit v

recruitment / employment agency

headhunter n

failure n

interviewer, interviewee n

applicant, candidate, nominee n

shortlist n

job opening, position, post, vacancy

“golden hello”, “golden handshake”

apply for a job

applicant n

meet requirements

CV (curriculum vitae)

application letter

reference n

racial / sex discrimination, sexism, sexual harassment, ageism

leave for work

go to work

get to / arrive at work

be at / off work

be in / out of work

satisfying, stimulating, fascinating, exciting, dull, boring, uninteresting, repetitive,

routine, tiring, tough, hard, demanding work (job)

1.Being turned down/ turning down an applicant

-Thank you for attending an interview on___.

-We regret to inform you that you were unsuccessful in your application, and hope that you are successful in finding a suitable post elsewhere.

-We regret that we are unable to offer you the position of___ for which you were interviewed on___.

-Thank you for your interest in XYZ & Partners.

-We have decided not to appoint any of the applicants who were interviewed for the post of ___on and will be re-advertising the vacancy.



2.Being offered/ offering a post

-We are pleased to inform you that you were successful in your interview for the post of___.

-We would like to offer you the post of___.

-The firm is pleased to be able to offer you the post of trainee, subject to provision of satisfactory references___.


Details of employment

-As discussed during your interview, you will be working in the___ department under the supervision of___.

-You are entitled to 20 days , annual leave plus all public holidays.

-There is a staff contributory pension scheme which you will be eligible to join on successful completion of a six-month probationary period.

-Four weeks , notice of termination of employment is required by both you and the partnership.


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