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Неособові форми дієслова

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 612


Toxic Ships to Be Sent Home

The government yesterday (1) _______________ (to accept) legal evidence that a fleet of dilapidated and polluted US navy ships on their way to Hartlepool should (2) _______________ (to send) back to America.

In an apparent change of direction, the environment secretary, Margaret Beckett, yesterday said that the ships, which are part of the US navy’s “ghost fleet” of ancient reserve vessels, could not legally (3) _______________ (to dismantle) in Hartlepool as (4) _______________ (to plan), and that international and EU law “required” them (5) _______________ (to return).

“The Environment Agency (6) _______________ (to make) it clear that the shipments are inconsistent with international regulations,” she said. “The government agrees that the law requires the ships (7) _______________ (to return) to the United States.”

By last night two 50-year-old ships (8) _______________ (to reach) the Bay of Biscay and (9) _________________ (to be) only 24 hours from British waters. But it is unclear where the government wants them to go. A source last night said several options (10) _______________ (to consider).

The government hopes that a British port (11) _______________ (to find) but it is known (12) _______________ (to consider) (13) _______________ (to ask) its EU partners for assistance.

However, the boats (14) _______________ (to cause) a storm of protest across Europe and few countries, it (15) _______________ (to think), will want to take even short-term responsibility for them, especially since the US government (16) _______________ (to declare) them environmentally unsound and in need of immediate scrapping.

The government is believed (17) _______________ (to come) under extreme pressure from the US authorities to allow them (18) _______________ (to continue) their passage to Europe. Washington is politically embarrassed by the ships and wants them (19) _______________ (to scrap) as soon as possible.

The long-term future of the ships is now in serious doubt since Hartlepool council voted unanimously earlier this week against the ships (20) _______________ (to come) to the port.

Friends of the Earth last night called on the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (21) _______________ (to make) an independent assessment of the environmental risks of (22) _______________ (to return or to store) the first two ships.

The group’s campaign director, Mike Childs, said the ships should (23) _______________ (to store) at the nearest available port. “These ships should never (24) _______________ (to cross) the Atlantic in the first place,” he said. “But now that two ships (25) _____________ (to approach) UK waters, the UK authorities must ensure that the safest solution (26) _______________ (to find) for temporarily (27) _______________ (to store) those ghost ships if it is unsafe for them (28) _______________ (to return) during winter.”

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Role play. A public rally is being held in Hartlepool in protest against polluted US navy ships arriving in Britain.

Role 1. You are Margaret Breckett, environment minister. Inform the public about the government decision concerning the polluted US navy ships on their way to Hartlepool and explain why that particular decision has been taken.

Role 2. You are Mike Childs, Friends of the Earth’s campaign director. Inform the public about the environmental risks the ships present. Remember that now you are discussing the problem of the two ships that are in the Bay of Biscay, but there are four more dilapidated ships on their way to Britain.

Role 3. You are Richard Barnet, an environmentalist. Say what you think of US policies in the field of environment protection.

Role 4. You are Rebecca Brown, an anti-globalist. Describe the storm of protest the boats have caused across Europe.


Vocabulary Revision

30. Revise Vocabulary 1, Unit 5 p. …and do the following multiple choice task.

1. As I see it, this question is _______ with something far greater than the right of property itself.

A. associated B. connected C. linked

2. The individual passages in your composition are not logically ______.

A. associated B. connected C. linked

3. We _____ the name of Columbus with the discovery of America.

A. associate B. connect C. link

4. Do you consider it right to_______ politics with war?

A. associate B. connect C. link

5. Why are these people so close? – They are _______ by common interests.

A. associated B. connected C. linked

6. If you want to succeed in this kind of research you must ______ theory and practice.

A. associate B. connect C. link

7. He tried to use his _______ to get the job.

A. impact B. effect C. influence

8. Her new dress produced quite an _______ on everyone.

A. impact B. effect C. influence

9. The stars’ _______ on people has yet to be proved.

A. impact B. effect C. influence

10. We tried really hard, but unfortunately, our efforts had no ____.

A. impact B. effect C. influence

11. Having read the book many people changed their views on the problem. So we can see it had a great ______ on its readers.

A. impact B. effect C. influence

12. Fresh fruit is _______ just now, and it costs a lot.

A. rare B. scarce

13. It happened on one of his _______ visits to Paris.

A. rare B. scarce

14. I see you are enjoying yourself. – Yes, this party is _____ fun.

A. rare B. scarce

15. Safari is banned in the region since tigers and lions have become ________ here.

A. rare B. scarce

16. Such plants _______ well to high altitudes.

A. adapt B. adjust

17. Nobody expected him to ________ to the new environment so easily.

A. adapt B. adjust

18. It was difficult for her to ________ to the new requirements.

A. adapt B. adjust

19. The mind ______ itself to a difficult problem as the eye ______ itself to darkness.

A. adapts - adapts B. adjusts - adjusts

20. This suggestion ________ careful thought.

A. demands B. requires

21. All passengers are _______ to show their tickets.

A. demanded B. required


22. He passed all the _______ examinations to become a doctor.

A. demanded B. required

23. What’s the meaning of all this? I’m no just asking, I’m ______.

A. demanding B. requiring

24. This work _______ your attention without delay!

A. demands B. requires

25. A funny old man wearing a top hat ________ suddenly from nowhere.

A. appeared B. emerged

26. His new book will be ______ in the shops very soon.

A. appearing B. emerging

27. The sun _______ slowly from behind the clouds.

A. appeared B. emerged

28. If I fail to _______ by 7 o’clock I won’t be coming at all.

A. appear B. emerge

29. Gradually it ________ that he had been stealing the money all the time.

A. appeared B. emerged

30. We have _______ to believe that he was murdered.

A. cause B. reason

31. What were the _______ of the Second World War?

A. causes B. reasons

32. She lied to me before. For this ________ I don’t believe her now.

A. cause B. reason

33. His foolishness was the _______ of her bad mood.

A. cause B. reason

34. Natural resources on our planet are ________.

A. limited B. restricted

35. It is vital to ________ the use of natural resources.

A. limit B. restrict

36. His bad eyesight is a ________; there are certain things he can’t do because of it.

A. limitation B. restriction



Unit 7


Reading and Speaking: Drug Abuse


Focus on Grammar:



Grammar Training


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