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Трудове навчання

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 664



Grammar Revision

Grammar Training


26. Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


Killer’s Helper Found Guilty of Bride’s Murder

The owner of a taxi firm who helped his cousin (1) ____________ (to carry out) the ‘honour killing’ of a Muslim bride moments before her wedding yesterday (2) _______________ (to convict) of murder.

A jury at Birmingham crown court took seven-and-a-half hours (3) _______________ (to find) Tafarak Hussein guilty of (4) _______________ (to murder) Sahjda Bibi, who (5) ____________ (to stab) 22 times.

Miss Bibi, 21, died almost immediately at her home in Alum Rock, Birmingham, on January 11, after (6) _______________ (to attack) by Tafarak’s cousin, Rafaqat Hussein, who was angry that she (7) _______________ (not to marry) a blood relative. The cousins, who both face mandatory life terms, (8) _______________ (to sentence) by Mr Justice Wakerley on Monday.

During the eight-day trial Tim Raggatt QC, for the prosecution, told the jury how Rafaqat (9) _______________ (to attack) Miss Bibi, a dressmaker, with a kitchen knife in her bedroom as she (10) _______________ (to prepare) for the wedding ceremony. The bride’s mother (11) _______________ (to witness) the final stages of the murder. Rafaqat then fled in a waiting BMW (12) _______________ (to drive) by Tafarak.

The killer (13) _______________ (to learn) of the wedding a few days earlier and, together with Tafarak, decided (14) ______________ (to kill) Miss Bibi before it could take place. On January 10, they met in Birmingham (15) _______________ (to finalize) their plan. They bought a plane ticket (16) _______________ (to allow) Rafaqat (17) _______________ (to flee) to Pakistan immediately after the killing.

Although he pleaded guilty to murder in September, Rafaqat told police Miss Bibi’s death (18) _______________ (to be) an accident and (19) _______________ (to offer) no other explanation.

However, detectives believe the factory worker decided (20) _______________ (to kill) Miss Bibi because he (21) _____________ (not to approve) of her choice of husband.

(22) _______________ (to speak) after the case, the West Midlands police said they were satisfied with the court’s decision. A spokesman said: “Sahjda’s death (23) _______________ (to call) an honour killing, when a person (24) _______________ (to murder) because they (25) _______________ (to bring) ‘dishonour’ upon their family. But I can see no honour in killing another human being. In this case the victim was a relative of the killer and she seemed (26) _______________ (to trust) him. It seems Sahjda (27) _______________ (to fall) in love with a wrong man. Rafaqat appears (28) _______________ (to be unable) to accept this union and took it upon himself (29) _______________ (to prevent) it (30) _______________ (to take) place – at any cost.”

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)



Violent Offences Rise by 12%

But Overall Crime Rate Falls

Violent crime, excluding robberies and sex offences, (1) _______________ (to rise) by 12% in the past year according to new crime figures (2) _______________ (to publish) tomorrow. But while most violent crime continues to rise the official figures will also show that the overall crime rate in England and Wales (3) ______________ (to fall) and for the first time people’s fear also (4) _______________ (to start) to drop.

The government’s drive against anti-social behaviour (5) _______________ (to launch) this week is as much about (6) _______________ (to try) (7) _______________ (to reduce) the public’s fear of crime as it is about (8) _______________ (to tackle) the low-level offences that (9) _______________ (to involve).

Ministers (10) _______________ (to expect) (11) _____________ (to step up) efforts to curb gun crime and highlight the new five-year mandatory sentence for (12) _______________ (to carry) an illegal firearm.

Tomorrow’s figures (13) _______________ (to mark) the third year that the BCS and the police recorded crime figures (14) _______________ (to show) crime (15) _______________ (to fall) in England and Wales.

The figures (16) _______________ (to publish) soon by the Home Office are the quarterly recorded crime figures for April-June this year, and the results of the British Crime Survey, (17) _______________ (to base) on interviews with 40,000 people.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Silcott to Be Released after

Serving 18 Years in Prison

Winston Silcott, who (1) _______________ (to convict) and subsequently (2) _______________ (to clear) of murdering PC Keith Blakelock in 1985 Broadwater Farm riot, is (3) _______________ (to release) from prison next week after ministers (4) _______________ (to back) the Parole Board’s verdict the he (5) _______________ (to pose) no risk to the public.

Silcott, 43, (6) _______________ (to serve) a life sentence for the unrelated murder of amateur boxer Anthony Smith a year earlier.

PC Blakelock was set upon by a mob and hacked to death during the riot in Tottenham, north of London on October 6, 1985. At the time Silcott was on bail (7) _______________ (to await) trial for the murder of Mr Smith. In March 1987, 13 months after (8) _______________ (to convict) of murdering Smith he (9) _______________ (to convict) of murdering PC Blakelock.

Despite more than 1,000 police photos of the riots, not one showed Silcott to be present. He always (10) _______________ (to maintain) his innocence of the murder of the PC and (11) _______________ (to claim) that police saw him as a target because of his position as founder of Broadwater Farm Youth Association which (12) _______________ (to speak up) for young black people.

Six years after (13) _______________ (to sentence) to 30 years in prison his conviction (14) _______________ (to overturn) on appeal because of tainted police evidence. He since (15) _______________ (to pay) £50,000 by the Metropolitan police for wrongful arrest and punishment.

In a statement, Silcott said: “I (16) _______________ (to look) forward to returning to my family and overturning my conviction.”

He is expected to return to his former home area in Tottenham, where he (17) _______________ (to believe) (18) _______________ (to sign) up for a course in sound engineering and computers at a local college.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Grammar in Speech


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