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Фізична культура

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 667

1. Don’t worry about the boy: he’ll be able (постоять за себя) in any situation.

2. Jane’s knowledge of history is very poor, so (ясно) that she’ll fail her history exam.

3. The CEO (означает/расшифровывается) the chief executive officer.

4. He can be trusted. He (остается верным) his word at all times.

5. In spite of the union’s efforts to defeat the new wage and price control, the government (крепко стоит на своем).

6. No, I won’t lend you any money. It’s time you (встал на ноги) and earned your own living.

7. His family can be trusted (поддерживать его) through his struggle.

8. Everybody tried to persuade Jim to change his mind, but he (прочно стоял на своем) and refused to be influenced.

9. If he supports the trade unions, then (отсюда ясно следует) that he will vote Labour.

10. I like to know where I (в каких отношениях я с) people.

11. Mary found it difficult (противостоять) Jim’s father when he disapproved of their marriage.



An idiom is a fixed group of words with a special meaning that cannot be guessed from the separate meanings of the words used.

See an example in the article given above: “She fought tooth and nail.” – Она боролась изо всех сил, (не на жизнь, а на смерть).


21. Study the meaning of the following idioms:

1. by leaps and bounds

2. a leap in the dark

3. to jump at an offer

4. to jump the queue

5. to hit the nail on the head

6. to take the bull by the horns

7. to lay one’s cards on the table

8. to find a happy medium

9. to be on tenterhooks

10. to toe the line

11. to see light at the end of the tunnel


Fill in the gaps with suitable idioms:

1. You shouldn’t have started this campaign without examining all the pros and cons. – Yes, I agree it was … . However, we are getting on fine.

2. The situation is very uncertain, and our manager is afraid to take decisive steps. – You should find someone who can … and straighten it all up.

3. We had certain misgivings when Mr Stinson was appointed head of the stock exchange division. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be just the man to do the job, so the board of directors … when they promoted him.

4. I was late for work and had to … at the bus stop even though some old lady told me off.

5. Martin has signed a contract with “Johnson, Ltd.” However, now he feels his partners aren’t quite reliable. He’ll … till the deal comes through.

6. Gentlemen! We won’t get anywhere if we conceal facts from each other. Let’s … .

7. You should be careful in your business deals. Never … until you have considered all the pros and cons carefully.

8. Two big companies have gone down the drain this month, so unemployment is growing … .

9. Have Sally and Jack got married? – Not yet. They wanted to have a wedding right now, but their parents insisted they should wait. They settled on a long engagement. – I’m glad they … .

10. These talks are hopeless, I don’t know how we can reach a compromise. – Don’t worry. Tomorrow our counterparts will come up with an idea. I, personally, see … .

11. Jessica is too stubborn and self-willed. If she doesn’t …, she’ll get the sack.

12. Show business is tricky. Don’t think success will come only because you are beautiful and talented. You’ll have to … for it.


Translate into English. Use the active vocabulary to translate the words and word combinations given in italics. Use the infinitive structures to translate the underlined parts of the sentences.


Ты знаешь, что суд подошел к концу, и Мартина оправдали? – Какой суд? О чем ты говоришь? – Разве ты не слышал, что прошлой осенью Мартина Хаксли обвинили в незаконном использовании конфиденциальной информации на бирже ценных бумаг? – В это нельзя поверить. Мартин не тот человек, который можетнарушить закон, и он никогда не был мошенником. Хотя, конечно, каждый может совершить незначительное правонарушение, но таким делам не место в суде. – Ну, он был не единственным, кого привлекли к судебной ответственности. У него было два партнера, которые вступили в сговор с биржевым маклером, чтобы играть на бирже, используя внутреннюю конфиденциальную информацию. Мартин, естественно, первым об этом узнал и угрожал раскрыть это. Однако ему не удалось это сделать. Я помню, что говорил с ним позже, и он объяснил мне, что они пытались запугать его. Когда все это обнаружилось, партнеры Мартина представили ложные улики, делающие его козлом отпущения. Все это было очень печально, так как в то время средства массовой информации обвиняли судебные органы в том, что они слишком мягко обходятся с финансовыми преступлениями, так что им нужно было громкое дело, чтобы показать, что они не позволяют мошенникам использовать лазейки в системе законов. Слишком много было поставлено на карту, и Мартин бился изо всех сил, чтобы доказать, что он невиновен. – Но почему ему было трудно доказать это, если он не совершал никакого преступления? Бояться было нечего. – Ты забываешь, что он не раскрыл информацию о мошенничестве в нужное время, поэтому его обвинили в препятствии отправлению правосудия. Кроме того, говорили, что он пришел к соглашению с мошенниками, и суд держал его в качестве подозреваемого. Как и ожидалось, тот факт, что его запугивали, смягчал его вину, но защите былоочень трудно приобрести твердые доказательства шантажа. Хорошо, что у Мартина было достаточно сил, чтобы не сдавать своих позиций. В конце концов, после того как суд выслушал обвинение и защиту, присяжные должны были вынести свой вердикт. Пока они его обсуждали, Мартин сидел как на иголках, потому что были основания, чтобы его осудить. Вердикт был «Не виновен», хотя ясно следует, что присяжные голосовали согласно своей совести, а не согласно доказательствам, представленным в суде. Таким образом, все обвинения против Мартина были сняты, и его освободили. – Как насчет других? – Ну, их вина, так сказать, была установлена вне разумных оснований для сомнения. Их приговорили к 5 годам тюрьмы, и им придется уплатить огромные штрафы.




23. Revise all the articles of this Unit and get ready to discuss thefollowing points:

1. What are the basic factors that lead to a rise in crime rate?

2. What criminals present greater danger to society: individual criminals? Maniacs? Large criminal groups? Why?

3. Is crime rate linked with the rate of immigration? Why do you think so?

4. How can crime be fought? By giving criminals harsh sentences and keeping them in prisons? By improving the work of law enforcement bodies?

5. What do you think of the “three-strikes law” adopted in the USA? How do you think repeat offenders should be dealt with?

6. Do you agree that prison can improve the personality of the convicted people or do you think that a person who has served a prison sentence is only too likely to commit a crime again? Why?

7. What is your point of view on capital punishment? How can you explain that the attitude to it differs from country to country?

8. Do you think capital punishment can be approved from a religious point of view?

9. How can justice in courts be ensured?

10. What do you think are the basic causes of miscarriage of justice?



24. Revise the articles of this Unit and write an essay (not more than 250 words): “Crime and Punishment”. Follow the procedure suggested in the previous Units. While writing the essay try to use infinitive constructions.


Writing a Memorandum


A memorandum (memo) is a message between colleagues. The layout of a memo is generally not strictly determined, but normally at the top of the page the names of the sender and the recipient are given. They are followed by the date and the subject of the message. The language depends on who the memo is written to. It can be rather informal if it is written to an equal and formal if it is written to a superior.


Study the following examples carefully. Determine therelationship between the writer and the recipient in each case.




To: A. Bernhard

From: C. Dixon

Date: 10/12

Subject: Annual Conference with Shareholders, January 10.

In order to compile the annual finance report for the above event, I need up-to-date financial transactions figures for your department.

I want them on my desk by December 15 at the latest.




To: Edward K.

From: Melissa A.

Date: 10/12

Subject: Information brochures


I’m writing to remind you that you’ve agreed to help us prepare information brochures for our prospective clients. We’ve been given the go-ahead for this! I’m sure you haven’t changed your mind and will suggest something terrific. The idea is to outline the specific services we can offer. _____________________________________________________________


25. Write a memo in the following situation.

You have a job in “Russian Diamond”, a business which has trade partners in many European cities. At the moment you are working at a jeweler store in Geneva, studying the ways such stores are run. You are interested in every small detail of the business, so last week you asked the manager to let you observe the work of shop assistants, which he allowed you to do.

Three days ago, a VIP client and his wife arrived in a Rolls and said they wanted a diamond necklace. They annoyed you to frustration because they spent nearly two hours in the store trying to choose the jewelry but eventually they left without buying anything.

Today, however, you were reading ‘The Guardian’ and came across the article given below. There was a photo of the person concerned in which you recognized the VIP client who had visited the store.


Bogus Sheikh Accused of Being

Prince of Jewel Thieves

They called him the sultan, the emir, the sheikh. He wore crocodile-skin loafers and fine silk suits, rode in chauffeur-driven limos and leather-upholstered private jets, maintained servants and even boasted, on special occasions, of a harem.

In fact Jean Herrina was born in a middle-class family in Rome 46 years ago. He grew up in a modest and nondescript suburb of Paris. But among exclusive fraternity of top-class jewel thieves he is said to have had no equal.

Like something out of a novel, he could switch from Arabic to French to Italian to English at will. He always looked the part, from the moustache to the princess on his arm. He was a great actor, no doubt. But his best weapon was the quickness of his hands. Half the time, his victims didn’t even know they’d been done till it was too late.

By the time he was finally arrested, Mr Herrina was wanted by police in France, Monaco, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Hong Kong.

He was suspected of stealing assorted diamonds, precious stones, rings, necklaces and luxury watches worth something in excess of €6 million, and that, police really admit, is probably not the half of it.

Mr Herrina is accused of practicing what is known in the trade as “distraction theft”, posing most of the time as Ben Abdulaziz al Saud, a senior member of the extended Saudi royal family.

He would arrive at some chic resort town by chartered private plane, then move into a suite at the resort’s swankiest hotel. The town’s leading jewelers were then asked to come to him with their most precious pieces, or he would tour their stores himself in a rented Rolls.

The technique he is said to have used in August 2002 to make off with a particularly fine 15-carat, €250,000 diamond from one of the best Paris stores was typical, the gendarmerie spokesman said.

“He walked in with one of his so-called wives, who tried on every piece in the shop but plainly couldn’t make up her mind and eventually went back out to the car,” he said.

The gentleman thief, who has never been accused of the slightest violence, lingered for a while and even left a large wad of €500 notes by the till to allay any lingering suspicion, the gendarme alleged. When he “popped back out to the car to consult his wife one last time”, the store’s most valuable gem was in his pocket, it is said.

Using similar methods of substituting costume jewelry for the real thing, the fame emir allegedly made off with two diamond rings worth more than $1 million each in Hong Kong in 2001.

Mr Herrina’s most spectacular coup, however, took place in Marbella, Spain, last year, when he is said to have strolled calmly out of one of the world’s most expensive jewelry chains, Van Cleef & Arpels, allegedly carrying a unique, century-old 22-carat diamond known as the Golconda. The stone, which measures more than 2cm across the face, is estimated at more than €3 million.

Recognized by police from security cameras, the alleged master thief was finally traced to a relatively modest apartment in Paris, where he was finally arrested.

In the flat, and in two stashes in Paris, police found a false passport (in the name of Jean-Mario Sturiano), a necklace worth €230,000, a gold Rolex worth €43,000, more luxury watches stolen in Switzerland and Belgium, and a diamond measuring 2cm across the face that experts say is probably the Golconda, recut and repolished.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)

1) Write a memo to the manager of the store (Mr Swartzkopf) and inform him about the visit of the VIP client and the article you’ve just read.

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