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Основи здоров’я

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 599


6. Change the sentences according to the pattern:

3. It is said that he has done everything.

4. He is said to have done everything.

Note that there are a few sentences in which the transformation is impossible.

1. It is reported that the disaster area has become uninhabitable.

2. It is expected that environmentalists will bring a wide range of vital issues to the attention of the public.

3. It is reported that the US Senate has refused to ratify the treaty.

4. It is known that public sentiment has been growing increasingly unfavourable for the government of late.

5. It is said that the company has been polluting the lake with industrial waste for years.

6. It is known that concentration of strontium in the soil here will have exceeded a permissible level by next year.

7. It is believed the conference on environment protection has been called off.

8. It is reported that the criminal has been given a suspended sentence.

9. It was supposed that the two companies were sharing profits.

10. It was declared that a coherent policy on environment would have come into effect by the end of this decade.

11. It was expected that the authorities would lift the ban on fishing in these rivers.

12. It was said that the manager of the company had been put under pretrial arrest.

13. It is supposed that he will have been released by the end of next week.

14. It is known that the plant has been discharging radioactive substances into the environment for months.

15. It was heard that the chairperson was calling the members of the committee to order.

16. It was seen that several trucks were dumping radioactive waste into the lake.


7. Study Grammar Reference (9) p. … and do the back translation of the following sentences.

1. I was stupid to believe him.

2. You are welcome to stay as long as you like.

3. He is easy to amuse.

4. His theory is impossible to understand.

5. The letters are ready to sign.

6. The apples are ripe enough to pick.

7. He is very easy to get on with.

8. It’s not a bad place to live in.

9. There are many problems to deal with.

10. There is nothing to be congratulated on.

11. There are a lot of forms to be filled in.

12. Jack is just the man to cope with such problems.

13. Jessica is a person to be put in charge of the office.

14. Mr Hodges is not a man to speak to in such a way.

15. He is the only person to have carried out his part of the work in time.

16. Alice is the only one to have got the message.

17. The dog was nowhere to be found.

18. The measures to be taken are yet to be discussed.

19. The list of the people to be invited must be typed.

20. The problems to be dealt with right now must be singled out.

21. Don’t worry. The document is unlikely to have been lost.

22. The event is sure to have attracted everybody’s attention. It is bound to be spotlighted in the press soon.

23. The boy is intelligent. He is sure to succeed.

24. There is too much gossip. The people are sure to have been given wrong information.

25. The people are sure to have been discussing it for days.


8. Translate into English. Use the active vocabulary of Unit 5 to translate the words and word combinations given in italics. Useinfinitive structures to translate the underlined parts of the sentences.


Ты читал сегодняшнюю газету? – Нет, а что? – Тебе лучше ее прочитать. Там есть новая информация о плотине, которая должнабыть построена на нашей реке. – Я бы предпочел ее сейчас не читать. У меня слишком много проблем, о которых надо подумать. Есть письма, которые нужно написать, потом у меня есть вопросы, которые надо обсудить с начальником, и я должен найти место, куда нам поехать отдыхать. Пора об этом подумать, знаешь ли. – Но разве ты не понимаешь, что тебе давно пора предпринять какие-то шаги, так как деревня, в которой находится твой загородный дом, обязательно будет затоплена. – Я все понял. Но я не тот человек, который может остановить проект, и все мои усилия, конечно же,будут тщетными. Кроме того, говорят, что проект находится на стадии планирования, и ожидается, что защитники окружающей средывмешаются, так как плотина, конечно, нанесет вред окружающей среде. – Да, да, да! Я знаю, ты собираешься сказать, что местным жителям в этом деле слова не дано, и что ничего здесь не поделаешь. – Естественно! Есть слишком много влиятельных людей, которые хотят, чтобы плотина была построена. Они обязательно представят какое-нибудь экономическое обоснование, с которым властям будет легко согласиться, даже если известно, чтонедостатки проекта перевешивают его преимущества. – Я согласен, но должен же быть кто-то, к кому можно обратиться за помощью. Почему бы не написать письмо губернатору? Известно, что он обещал поддержку защитникам окружающей среды во время своей последней предвыборной кампании. – Ты наивен. Он не тот человек, который будет вмешиваться. Говорят, что его последняяпредвыборная кампания финансировалась теми самыми людьми, которые, как полагают, заинтересованы в проекте, так что ему будет практически невозможно перестать его поддерживать. Я думаю, он, вероятно, первым скажет, что проект экономически осуществим, и что предполагается, что он создаст рабочие места. В то же время он вряд ли упомянет о том, что многим людям придется переселиться из района, который должен быть затоплен, и он последним признает свою вину, когда район придет в упадок, после того как строительство будет закончено. Так что единственное, чтонам остается делать, это ждать. – Ну, я вижу, нам обсуждать нечего. – Именно так.


9. Study Grammar Reference p. … and supply the gerund or theinfinitive of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Policy-makers consented _______________ (hold) a briefing to update the population on the current situation in the capital.

2. The police didn’t take the trouble ______________ (undertake) an investigation of the case.

3. It was no use _______________ (verify) the information. It was clear the authorities chose _______________ (conceal) facts.

4. If you agree _______________ (risk) _______________ (lose) your money, you can attempt _______________ (invest) it in the shares of this company.

5. Don’t delay _______________ (bring) up the issue with the board of directors, or they might refuse _______________ (look) into the matter.

6. Do you think the mayor will hesitate ________________ (take) tough measures to stop people _______________ (protest) against banning demonstrations in the city? – What are you talking about? He hasn’t even considered _______________ (take) any measures.

7. The committee admitted _______________ (reject) environment protection measures because they involved _______________ (close down) two big enterprises.

8. If you want some details, don’t hesitate _______________ (write) and ask for more information.

9. The authorities made no effort _______________ (inform) the public about the situation in the city, so the editor of the local newspaper suggested _______________ (issue) a press release.

10. Why did you get upset when they didn’t allow you _______________ (visit) the hospital and _______________ (interview) the patients? They usually forbid _______________ (visit) hospitals when there is a flu epidemic.

11. The mayor of the city advised the police _______________ (undertake) an investigation of bribes in the municipal council. – That’s odd, usually he doesn’t allow _______________ (investigate) such sensitive matters.

12. The head manager says it’s no good _______________ (undertake) this project and he’ll never agree _______________ (sign) a contract with you. – How come? I remember _______________ (discuss) it with him and he promised _______________ (give) his consent.

13. This statement is an important document. Read every page carefully and don’t forget _______________ (sign) it.

14. So, you couldn’t help _______________ (accept) the job. But was it worth _______________ (fight) for? – Excuse me, you seem _______________ (misunderstand) something. I don’t remember _______________ (give) my consent.

15. I can’t stand _______________ (visit) my neighbour. When we meet she can go on _______________ (talk) about her problems for hours.

16. The architect praised the project for a long time. Then, however, he went on _______________ (say) there were many people who appeared _______________ (challenge) his views.

17. The board of directors discussed all the pros and cons of the deal, and then they went on _______________ (consider) their possible profit.

18. My lawyer went on _______________ (explain) the clauses of our prenuptial contract till I got tired and was about _______________ (give) it all up. – Evidently he meant _______________ (make) you realize that you should take it seriously.

19. When Mr and Mrs Clayton started their divorce proceedings they consented _______________ (have) joint custody of the children. Now, however, Mrs Clayton is determined _______________ (demand) full custody. – It means _______________ (review) the whole of the divorce arrangements.

20. Mr Jackson promised _______________ (consider) ___________ (restructure) our office, but he hasn’t come up with any ideas so far. – I think he meant _______________ (leave) things the way they are from the start. I’m certain it’s no use _______________ (bring) up the matter with him again.

21. The council proposed _______________ (give) donations to pensioners from the city funds. – But it means _______________ (allocate) too much money for social needs at the expense of other projects. – Of course, but they mean _______________ (be) generous in view of the forthcoming elections. However, politicians tend _______________ (forget) their promises afterwards.

22. James keeps _______________ (tell) me we should sell our house as soon as possible for the prices are likely to go down. I dread _______________ (tell) my parents about it because they don’t advise _______________ (sell) it at all. – Such things should not be done in a rush. Stop ________________ (think) of the consequences.

23. Our firm is definitely going down and still our management didn’t hesitate _______________ (arrange) a fantastic party for our prospective clients. I’m sure they were only trying _______________ (keep) up appearances. – Stop _______________ (think) about it. – But I can’t help it. – Try _______________ (take) a holiday and it won’t bother you any more.

24. I regret _______________ (say) we are dissatisfied with the way you dealt with the problem. – I’m sure you’ll reconsider and then you’ll regret _______________ (say) this.

25. What’s the matter with Alison? She used (to?) _______________ (keep) her feelings to herself and now she’s always complaining about everything. It really gets me. I’m not used (to?) _______________ (listen) to such things. She used (to?) _______________ (keep) everybody at arm’s length and wasn’t used (to?) _______________ (discuss) her private affairs with anybody. Now I have to get used (to?) _______________ (give) her advice about what to do. She used (to?) _______________ (be) punctual and didn’t use (to?) _______________ (forget) things and now she is used (to?) _______________ (break) her promises. – Nobody knows what happened. Stop ______________ (think) about it and get used (to?) _______________ (take) her the way she is.


Grammar in Speech


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