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Облік вибуття об'єктів основних засобів: ліквідація, реалізація, безоплатне передання

Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 685


1. Geoffrey Chaucer is considered to be the greatest writer of:

a) the Middle English period; b) the Old English period; c) the Early English period; d) the Late English period;

2. «The Canterbury Tales» became one of the most popular:

a) poems of its day; b) songs of its day; c) stories of its day; d) riddles of its day;

3. «The Canterbury Tales» were important for the devel­opment of:

a) Celtic poetry; b) French poetry; c) German poetry; d) English poetry;


Unit 3. The Renaissance (1500-1650)

Choose the right answer.

1.The Renaissance began to develop:

a) in Italy; b) in France; c) in Russia; d) in England;

2. The Renaissance is the rebirth of:

a) economy; b) music; c) poetry; d) scholarship based on classical learning and philosophy;

3. The Renaissance period in England may be divided into:

a) two parts; b) three parts; c) four parts; d) five parts;

4.The Height of the Renaissance was under:

a) the reign Henry VIII; b) the reign Mary; c) Elizabeth 1; d) Charles 1;

5.The greatest of the Puritan poets was:

a) John Milton; b) Geoffrey Chaucer; c) Bede; d) Ben Jonson;

6.In Elizabethan England the most popular poetic form was:

a) ballade; b) sonnet; c) song; d) drama written in blank verse;

7.Globe theatre belonged to:

a) Christopher Marlowe; b) William Shakespeare; c) Edmund Spencer; d) Philip Sidney;

Unit 5. The Romantics (1780-1830)

Choose the right answer

1.The Romantic Age is a term used to describe life and literature in England:

a) in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; b) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth; c) in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth; d) in the late eleventh and early twelfth;

2.In general, the romantic writers placed:

a) the religious, rather than the individual, at the center of their vision;

b) the individual, rather than the society, at the center of their vision;

c) the society, rather than the individual, at the center of their vision;

d) the individual, rather than the religious, at the center of their vision;

3.The Industrial Revolution involved the changes that took place in England:

a) in agriculture; b) in literature; c) in industry; d) from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production;

4. The Romantic Age in England was a part of a movement that affected:

a) all the countries of the Western World; b) the USA; c) the Northern Ireland; d) Australia;

5.Robert Burns was interested in:

a) in scientific fiction; b) in publicist style; c) in authentic folk songs ; d) in comedy;

6. Robert Burns is the national poet of:

a) the USA; b) Scotland; c) England; d) Wales;

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