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Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 530

“Go on! Go on!” he shouted. “I will do the stinging!”

And he did. He darted backwards and forwards, slashing at spider-threads, hacking at their legs, and stabbing at their fat bodies if they came too near. The spiders swelled with rage, and spluttered and frothed, and hissed out horrible curses; but they had become mortally afraid of Sting, and dared not come very near, now that it had come back. So curse as they would, their prey moved slowly but steadily away. It was a most terrible business, and seemed to take hours. But at last, just when Bilbo felt that he could not lift his hand for a single stroke more, the spiders suddenly gave it up, and followed them no more, but went back disappointed to their dark colony.

The dwarves then noticed (тогда гномы заметили) that they had come to the edge of a ring (что они подошли к краю кольца/круга) where elf-fires had been (где накануне были костры эльфов). Whether it was one of those (было ли это одно из тех /колец/) they had seen the night before (что они видели предыдущей ночью), they could not tell (они не могли бы сказать). But it seemed (но казалось) that some good magic (что некое доброе волшебство) lingered in such spots (задерживалось в подобных местах; spot — пятно, крапинка; место, местность), which the spiders did not like (которые не нравились паукам). At any rate (в любом случае) here the light was greener (здесь свет был зеленее), and the boughs less thick and threatening (и ветви менее толстые и угрожающие), and they had a chance (и у них появилась возможность) to rest and draw breath (отдохнуть и перевести дух).

There they lay for some time (они полежали некоторое время), puffing and panting (пыхтя и тяжело дыша) but very soon (но очень скоро) they began to ask questions (они начали задавать вопросы). They had to have the whole vanishing business carefully explained (им нужно было, чтобы им было тщательно объяснено все это дело с исчезновением; to explain — объяснять, оправдываться; to vanish — скрываться из виду, исчезать), and the finding of the ring (и сама находка такого кольца) interested them so much (интересовала их настолько) that for a while (что на некоторое время) they forgot their own troubles (они забыли о своих собственных бедах). Balin in particular (Балин, в особенности) insisted on having the Gollum story (настаивали на том, чтобы история с Голлумом), riddles and all (загадках и всем остальном), told all over again (была рассказана заново с самого начала), with the ring in its proper place (с /упоминанием/ кольца в положенном месте). But after a time (но, спустя какое-то время) the light began to fail (надвигались сумерки: «свет начал слабеть»), and then other questions were asked (и тогда были заданы другие вопросы). Where were they (где они), and where was their path (и где была их тропа), and where was there any food (и было ли там хоть немного пищи), and what were they going to do next (и что они будут делать дальше; next — потом, затем, дальше)? These questions they asked over and over again (эти вопросы они задавали снова и снова), and it was from little Bilbo (и именно от маленького Бильбо) that they seemed to expect (они, казалось, ожидали) to get the answers (получить ответы).

linger [ˈlɪnɡǝ] threatening [ˈƟretnɪŋ] explain [ɪkˈspleɪn]

The dwarves then noticed that they had come to the edge of a ring where elf — fires had been. Whether it was one of those they had seen the night before, they could not tell. But it seemed that some good magic lingered in such spots, which the spiders did not like. At any rate here the light was greener, and the boughs less thick and threatening, and they had a chance to rest and draw breath.

There they lay for some time, puffing and panting but very soon they began to ask questions. They had to have the whole vanishing business carefully explained, and the finding of the ring interested them so much that for a while they forgot their own troubles. Balin in particular insisted on having the Gollum story, riddles and all, told all over again, with the ring in its proper place. But after a time the light began to fail, and then other questions were asked. Where were they, and where was their path, and where was there any food, and what were they going to do next? These questions they asked over and over again, and it was from little Bilbo that they seemed to expect to get the answers.

From which you can see (из этого вы можете понять) that they had changed their opinion of Mr. Baggins very much (что они очень сильно изменили свое мнение о мистере Бэггинсе; opinion — мнение, взгляд, оценка), and had begun to have a great respect for him (и начали испытывать к нему глубокое: «большое» уважение) (as Gandalf had said they would (как Гэндальф и сказал, что они будут /его испытывать/)). Indeed they really expected him (и на самом деле, они действительно ожидали от него) to think of some wonderful plan (чтобы он придумал какой-нибудь удивительный план) for helping them (чтобы помочь им), and were not merely grumbling (а не просто ворчали). They knew only too well (они слишком уж хорошо знали) that they would soon all have been dead (что вскоре они все бы были мертвы), if it had not been for the hobbit (если бы не хоббит); and they thanked him many times (и они благодарили его много раз; time — время, период времени; раз, случай). Some of them even got up (некоторые из них даже поднялись) and bowed right to the ground before him (и поклонились прямо до земли перед ним), though they fell over with the effort (хотя они и перекувырнулись от этого усилия; effort — усилие, напряжение, попытка), and could not get on their legs again (и не могли снова встать на ноги) for some time (некоторое время). Knowing the truth about the vanishing (знание правды об исчезновении) did not lessen their opinion of Bilbo at all (совсем не умалило их мнение о Бильбо; to lessen — уменьшать, убавлять, преуменьшать); for they saw that he had some wits (так как они видели, что у него есть ум), as well as luck (также как и удача) and a magic ring (и волшебное кольцо) — and all three are very useful possessions (а всеми этими тремя вещами очень полезно владеть: «все три /составляют/ очень полезное имущество»; possession—владение, обладание, собственность; to possess — обладать, владеть). In fact they praised him so much (на самом деле, они его так сильно хвалили; to praise — хвалить, прославлять, восхвалять) that Bilbo began to feel (что Бильбо начал чувствовать) there really was something (что действительно было нечто) of a bold adventurer about himself after all (от храброго искателя приключений в нем, в конце-то концов), though he would have felt a lot bolder still (хотя бы он почувствовал себя гораздо более храбрым), if there had been anything to eat (если бы было чего-нибудь поесть).

respect [rɪˈspekt] possession [pǝˈzeʃ (ǝ) n] adventurer [ǝdˈventʃ (ǝ) rǝ]

From which you can see that they had changed their opinion of Mr. Baggins very much, and had begun to have a great respect for him (as Gandalf had said they would). Indeed they really expected him to think of some wonderful plan for helping them, and were not merely grumbling. They knew only too well that they would soon all have been dead, if it had not been for the hobbit; and they thanked him many times. Some of them even got up and bowed right to the ground before him, though they fell over with the effort, and could not get on their legs again for some time. Knowing the truth about the vanishing did not lessen their opinion of Bilbo at all; for they saw that he had some wits, as well as luck and a magic ring — and all three are very useful possessions. In fact they praised him so much that Bilbo began to feel there really was something of a bold adventurer about himself after all, though he would have felt a lot bolder still, if there had been anything to eat.

But there was nothing, nothing at all (но /поесть/ было нечего, совершенно нечего); and none of them were fit (и никто из них не был готов; to fit — соответствовать, годиться; fit — пригодный, способный, готовый) to go and look for anything (пойти и поискать что-нибудь), or to search for the lost path (или разыскивать потерянную тропу). The lost path (потерянная тропа)! No other idea (никакая другая идея) would come into Bilbo’s tired head (не приходила в усталую голову Бильбо). He just sat staring in front of him (он просто сидел, уставившись перед собой; to stare — пристально смотреть, уставиться) at the endless trees (на бесконечные деревья); and after a while (и, спустя какое-то время) they all fell silent again (они все снова замолчали; to fall (fell, fallen) — падать, опускаться, зд. как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом; silent — молчаливый, бессловесный). All except Balin (все, за исключением Балина). Long after the others had stopped talking (еще долго после того, как все остальные перестали разговаривать; to stop — останавливать (ся), прекращать) and shut their eyes (и закрыли /свои/ глаза), he kept on muttering (он продолжал бормотать) and chuckling to himself (и усмехался сам себе; to chuckle — посмеиваться, хихикать, фыркать от смеха).

“Gollum (Голлум)! Well I’m blest (не может быть/черт меня побери; to bless (blessed, blest) — благословлять)! So that’s how he sneaked past me is it (вот, значит, как он прокрался мимо меня; to sneak — красться, ускользать; делать тайком)? Now I know (теперь-то я знаю)! Just crept quietly along did you, Mr. Baggins (просто проползли тихонько мимо, так выходит, мистер Бэггинс)? Buttons all over the doorstep (пуговицы по всему порогу)? Good old Bilbo-Bilbo-Bilbo-bo-bo-bo — (старый добрый Бильбо-Бильбо-Бильбо-бо-бо—бо) — “

And then he fell asleep (и затем и он уснул; asleep — спящий; to fall asleep — заснуть), and there was complete silence for a long time (и долгое время была полная тишина).

All of a sudden (совершенно внезапно) Dwalin opened an eye (Двалин открыл один глаз), and looked round at them (и осмотрел /их/ всех).

“Where is Thorin (где Торин)?” he asked (спросил он). It was a terrible shock (вот ужас-то: «это был ужасный удар»). Of course there were only thirteen of them (конечно же, их было только тринадцать), twelve dwarves and the hobbit (двенадцать гномов и хоббит). Where indeed was Thorin (где же, на самом деле, был Торин)? They wondered (они призадумались) what evil fate had befallen him (какая же злая судьба постигла его; to befall (befell, befallen) — случаться с кем-либо, выпадать на чью-либо долю), magic (волшебство/колдовство) or dark monsters (или темные чудовища); and shuddered as they lay (и содрогались, пока они лежали) lost in the forest (потерянные в этом лесу). There they dropped off (затем они впали; to drop off — выходить, отходить ко сну) one by one (один за одним) into uncomfortable sleep (в неуютный сон) full of horrible dreams (полный ужасных сновидений), as evening wore to black night (когда вечер перешел в черную ночь; to wear (wore, worn) — носить; изнашиваться; продвигаться; тянуться, проходить /о времени/, сравните: the day wears towards its close — день близится к концу); and there we must leave them for the present (и там мы должны оставить их пока; present — настоящее /время/, for the present — пока, на этот раз), too sick and weary to set guards (слишком больных и уставших, чтобы выставить часовых) or take turns watching (или, сменяясь, нести караул).

path [pɑ: Ɵ] chuckle [ˈtʃʌk (ǝ) l] monster [ˈmɔnstǝ]

But there was nothing, nothing at all; and none of them were fit to go and look for anything, or to search for the lost path. The lost path! No other idea would come into Bilbo’s tired head. He just sat staring in front of him at the endless trees; and after a while they all fell silent again. All except Balin. Long after the others had stopped talking and shut their eyes, he kept on muttering and chuckling to himself.

“Gollum! Well I’m blest! So that’s how he sneaked past me is it? Now I know! Just crept quietly along did you, Mr. Baggins? Buttons all over the doorstep? Good old Bilbo-Bilbo-Bilbo-bo-bo-bo-“

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