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Методи контролю

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 496

All of a sudden Dwalin opened an eye, and looked round at them. “Where is Thorin?” he asked. It was a terrible shock. Of course there were only thirteen of them, twelve dwarves and the hobbit. Where indeed was Thorin? They wondered what evil fate had befallen him, magic or dark monsters; and shuddered as they lay lost in the forest. There they dropped off one by one into uncomfortable sleep full of horrible dreams, as evening wore to black night; and there we must leave them for the present, too sick and weary to set guards or take turns watching.

Thorin had been caught much faster (Торина поймали: «был пойман» гораздо быстрее) than they had (чем их). You remember Bilbo falling like a log into sleep (вы помните, как Бильбо заснул как бревно: «впал, как бревно, в сон»), as he stepped into a circle of light (когда он шагнул в круг света)? The next time it had been Thorin (на следующий раз именно Торин был тем) who stepped forward (кто шагнул вперед), and as the lights went out (и когда огни погасли) he fell like a stone enchanted (он упал, как камень, зачарованный). All the noise of the dwarves lost in the night (весь галдеж: «шум» гномов потерялся в ночи), their cries as the spiders caught them (их крики, когда пауки схватили их) and bound them (и связали их), and all the sounds of the battle (и все звуки схватки) next day (на следующий день), had passed over him unheard (прошли мимо него, не услышанные). Then the Wood-elves had come to him (затем к нему подошли Лесные эльфы), and bound him (и связали его), and carried him away (и унесли его). The feasting people were Wood-elves, of course (пирующими людьми были Лесные эльфы, конечно же). These are not wicked folk (они не злобный народ;wicked — злой, нехороший). If they have a fault (если и есть у них какой недостаток) it is distrust of strangers (так это недоверие к незнакомцам; (dis) trust — (не) доверие). Though their magic was strong (хотя их магия и была сильна), even in those days they were wary (даже в те дни они были осторожны). They differed from the High Elves of the West (они отличались от Высоких Эльфов с Запада), and were more dangerous (и были более опасными) and less wise (и менее мудрыми).

enchanted [ɪnˈtʃɑ: ntɪd] distrust [dɪsˈtrʌst] stranger [ˈstreɪndʒǝ] dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒǝrǝs]

Thorin had been caught much faster than they had. You remember Bilbo falling like a log into sleep, as he stepped into a circle of light? The next time it had been Thorin who stepped forward, and as the lights went out he fell like a stone enchanted. All the noise of the dwarves lost in the night, their cries as the spiders caught them and bound them, and all the sounds of the battle next day, had passed over him unheard. Then the Wood-elves had come to him, and bound him, and carried him away. The feasting people were Wood-elves, of course. These are not wicked folk. If they have a fault it is distrust of strangers. Though their magic was strong, even in those days they were wary. They differed from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous and less wise.

For most of them (так как большинство из них) (together with their scattered relations (вместе с их разбросанными = живущими в разных местах родственниками; to scatter — разбрасывать, рассыпать) in the hills and mountains (по холмам и горам)) were descended (происходили; to descend — спускаться, сходить, происходить) from the ancient tribes (от древних племен) that never went to Faerie in the West (которые никогда не ходили в Волшебное Царство на Западе). There the Light-elves (туда эльфы Света) and the Deep-elves (и эльфы Глубин) and the Sea-elves (и эльфы Моря) went and lived for ages (отправились и жили там веками), and grew fairer and wiser (и становились все прекраснее и мудрее) and more learned (и более образованными), and invented their magic (и изобрели свое волшебство) and their cunning craft (и свое хитрое ремесло; cunning — коварный, хитрый, умелый, ловкий), in the making of beautiful and marvellous things (в изготовлении прекрасных и изумительных предметов), before some came back into the Wide World (до того, как некоторые вернулись в Весь Мир; wide — широкий, обширный). In the Wide World the Wood-elves (во Всем Мире Лесные эльфы) lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon (иногда показывались: «задерживались» в сумерках /света/ нашего Солнца и Луны; to linger — задерживаться, мешкать, не исчезать полностью) but loved best the stars (но больше всего любили звезды); and they wandered in the great forests (и они бродили в больших лесах) that grew tall in lands (которые стояли высокой /стеной/: «росли высоко» на землях; to grow (grew, grown) tall — вырастать) that are now lost (которые теперь затеряны). They dwelt most often (они наиболее часто обитали; to dwell (dwelt) — обитать, жить, пребывать) by the edges of the woods (на краю леса: «на опушках лесов»), from which they could escape at times to hunt (откуда они могли ускользнуть временами, чтобы поохотиться), or to ride (или поскакать верхом) and run over the open lands by moonlight or starlight (или побегать по просторам: «открытым землям» при свете луны или звезд); and after the coming of Men (а после появления Людей) they took ever more and more to the gloaming and the dusk (они все более и более полюбили сумерки и темноту; to take to smth. — пристраститься, проявлять интерес, привыкнуть). Still elves they were and remain (и все же, они были и остаются эльфами), and that is Good People (а они — Добрый Народ).

relation [rɪˈleɪʃ (ǝ) n] descend [dɪˈsend] ancient [ˈeɪnʃ (ǝ) nt] faerie [ˈfe (ǝ) rɪ] marvellous [ˈmɑ: v (ǝ) lǝs]

For most of them (together with their scattered relations in the hills and mountains) were descended from the ancient tribes that never went to Faerie in the West. There the Light-elves and the Deep-elves and the Sea-elves went and lived for ages, and grew fairer and wiser and more learned, and invented their magic and their cunning craft, in the making of beautiful and marvellous things, before some came back into the Wide World. In the Wide World the Wood-elves lingered in the twilight of our Sun and Moon but loved best the stars; and they wandered in the great forests that grew tall in lands that are now lost. They dwelt most often by the edges of the woods, from which they could escape at times to hunt, or to ride and run over the open lands by moonlight or starlight; and after the coming of Men they took ever more and more to the gloaming and the dusk. Still elves they were and remain, and that is Good People.

In a great cave (в огромной пещере) some miles within the edge of Mirkwood (в нескольких милях от края Мрачного Леса; within — внутри, с внутренней стороны) on its eastern side (на его восточной стороне) there lived at this time their greatest king (жил-был в это время их величайший король). Before his huge doors of stone (перед /его/ громадными дверями из камня) a river ran (текла река) out of the heights of the forest (с лесистых холмов: «с вершин леса»; height — высота, рост, вершина) and flowed on and out into the marshes (и продолжала течь дальше и вытекала в болота) at the feet of the high wooded lands (у подножия поросшего лесом нагорья; foot (pl. feet) — нога, ступня; основание; highland — нагорье, высокогорная местность). This great cave (эта огромная пещера), from which countless smaller ones (от которой бесчисленные пещеры поменьше) opened out on every side (открывались по каждой стороне), wound far underground (извиваясь, вела глубоко под землю; far — далеко, на большом расстоянии) and had many passages (у нее было много проходов) and wide halls (и обширных залов); but it was lighter (но она была светлее) and more wholesome (и более полезной для здоровья) than any goblin-dwelling (чем любое жилище гоблинов), and neither so deep nor so dangerous (а также не такая глубокая и не такая опасная). In fact the subjects of the king (на самом деле, подданные короля) mostly lived and hunted in the open woods (по большей части жили и охотились в лесах), and had houses or huts (и у них были дома или хижины) on the ground and in the branches (на земле или в ветвях). The beeches were their favourite trees (их любимые деревья это буки: «буки были их любимыми деревьями»). The king’s cave was his palace (пещера короля была его же дворцом), and the strong place of his treasure (а так же надежным местом для его сокровищ; strong — сильный, здоровый, крепкий), and the fortress of his people against their enemies (и крепостью для его людей для защиты от: «против» врагов).

huge [hju: dʒ] treasure [ˈtreʒǝ] enemy [ˈenǝmɪ]

In a great cave some miles within the edge of Mirkwood on its eastern side there lived at this time their greatest king. Before his huge doors of stone a river ran out of the heights of the forest and flowed on and out into the marshes at the feet of the high wooded lands. This great cave, from which countless smaller ones opened out on every side, wound far underground and had many passages and wide halls; but it was lighter and more wholesome than any goblin-dwelling, and neither so deep nor so dangerous. In fact the subjects of the king mostly lived and hunted in the open woods, and had houses or huts on the ground and in the branches. The beeches were their favourite trees. The king’s cave was his palace, and the strong place of his treasure, and the fortress of his people against their enemies.

It was also the dungeon of his prisoners (это также была и подземная тюрьма для его узников). So to the cave they dragged Thorin (итак, Торина притащили в эту пещеру) — not too gently (не очень то вежливо; gently — мягко, тихо, спокойно) for they did not love dwarves (так как они не любят гномов), and thought he was an enemy (и думали, что он враг). In ancient days (в стародавние времена; ancient — старинный, древний) they had had wars with some of the dwarves (у них были войны с некоторыми гномами), whom they accused of stealing their treasure (которых они обвиняли в краже их сокровищ). It is only fair to say (будет честным сказать) that the dwarves gave a different account (что гномы излагали обстоятельства по другому; to give an account of smth. — делать отчет о чем-либо, описывать или объяснять что-либо), and said that they only took (и говорили, что они только забрали то) what was their due (что им причиталось; due — должное, то, что причитается), for the elf-king had bargained with them (так как король эльфов заключил с ними сделку) to shape his raw gold and silver (на изготовление /изделий/ из необработанного золота и серебра; toshape—придаватьформу, создавать; raw—сырой, необработанный, грубый), and had afterwards refused to give them their pay (и впоследствии отказался заплатить: «отдать плату» им). If the elf-king had a weakness (если у короля эльфов и была слабость) it was for treasure (то эта /слабость/ была к сокровищам), especially for silver and white gems (особенно к серебру и белым драгоценным камням); and though his hoard was rich (и, хотя его запасы были неисчерпаемы; rich — богатый, ценный, изобилующий), he was ever eager for more (он всегда страстно стремился к еще большему), since he had not yet (потому, что у него все еще не было) as great a treasure (таких же огромных сокровищ) as other elf-lords of old (как у других повелителей эльфов в старые времена). His people neither mined (его народ не работал в рудниках) nor worked metals or jewels (и не работал с металлами или драгоценными камнями), nor did they bother much with trade (они также не уделяли много времени торговле; to bother — надоедать, беспокоить; беспокоиться, хлопотать) or with tilling the earth (или возделыванию земли; to till — обрабатывать, пахать землю). All this was well known to every dwarf (все это было хорошо известно каждому гному), though Thorin’s family had had nothing to do with the old quarrel (хотя семья Торина не имела ничего общего с этой старой ссорой) I have spoken of (о которой я говорил). Consequently Thorin was angry (поэтому: «следовательно» Торин рассердился) at their treatment of him (на их обращение с ним), when they took their spell off him (когда они сняли с него свои чары) and he came to his senses (и он пришел в себя); and also he was determined (и он также был решительно настроен) that no word of gold or jewels (что ни одно слово о золоте или драгоценных камнях) should be dragged out of him (из него не вытащат: «не будет вытащено из него»; to drag — тащить, волочить, подгребать).

dungeon [ˈdʌndʒǝn] accused [ǝˈkju: zd] due [dju: ] bargain [ˈbɑ: ɡɪn] hoard [hɔ: d] tilling [ˈtɪlɪŋ] consequently [ˈkɔnsɪkwǝntlɪ]

It was also the dungeon of his prisoners. So to the cave they dragged Thorin — not too gently, for they did not love dwarves, and thought he was an enemy. In ancient days they had had wars with some of the dwarves, whom they accused of stealing their treasure. It is only fair to say that the dwarves gave a different account, and said that they only took what was their due, for the elf — king had bargained with them to shape his raw gold and silver, and had afterwards refused to give them their pay. If the elf-king had a weakness it was for treasure, especially for silver and white gems; and though his hoard was rich, he was ever eager for more, since he had not yet as great a treasure as other elf-lords of old. His people neither mined nor worked metals or jewels, nor did they bother much with trade or with tilling the earth. All this was well known to every dwarf, though Thorin’s family had had nothing to do with the old quarrel I have spoken of. Consequently Thorin was angry at their treatment of him, when they took their spell off him and he came to his senses; and also he was determined that no word of gold or jewels should be dragged out of him.

The king looked sternly on Thorin (король сурово посмотрел на Торина), when he was brought before him (когда тот предстал перед ним: «когда его привели пред него»), and asked him many questions (и задал ему много вопросов). But Thorin would only say (но Торин говорил только) that he was starving (что он умирает с голоду).

“Why did you and your folk (почему вы и ваши люди) three times try to attack my people (три раза пытались напасть на моих людей) at their merrymaking (когда они веселились; to merrymake — веселиться, пировать)?” asked the king (спросил король).

“We did not attack them (мы не нападали на них), ” answered Thorin (ответил Торин); “we came to beg (мы пришли, чтобы просить /еды/), because we were starving (потому, что мы умирали с голода). ”

“Where are your friends now (где же сейчас ваши друзья), and what are they doing (и что они делают)?”

“I don’t know (я не знаю), but I expect starving in the forest (но думаю, что они умирают с голоду в лесу). ”

“What were you doing in the forest (что вы делали в лесу)?”

“Looking for food and drink (искали еду и питье), because we were starving (потому что мы умирали с голоду). ”

“But what brought you into the forest at all (ну а что вообще привело вас в этот лес)?” asked the king angrily (спросил король рассерженно).

merry-making [ˈmerɪˌ meɪkɪŋ] starve [stɑ: v] angrily [ˈæŋɡrɪlɪ]

The king looked sternly on Thorin, when he was brought before him, and asked him many questions. But Thorin would only say that he was starving. “Why did you and your folk three times try to attack my people at their merrymaking?” asked the king.

“We did not attack them, ” answered Thorin; “we came to beg, because we were starving. ”

“Where are your friends now, and what are they doing?” “I don’t know, but I expect starving in the forest. ”

“What were you doing in the forest?”

“Looking for food and drink, because we were starving. ”

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