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Прилади радіаційної розвідки та дозиметричного контролю

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 909


Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from each table.

I He She We They am is are was were expected known believed considered supposed to arrive in Kiev tomorrow, to be very strong, to be interested in chemistry, to make a present for her. to be a lover of music.


I He She We You am is are was were seen heard watched noticed to cross the street at that place, to play volley-ball, to burst out laughing, to unlock the door, to approach the school building.


I He She We They seem(s) appeared happened proved chanced to understand spoken English, to have recognized me. to be cooking dinner, to know the city very well. to meet them at the exhibition.


I He We You They am is are was were sure certain likely unlikely to come back in time, to know French, to lose the match, to solve the problem, to get an excellent mark.


Exercise 2.Transform the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex instead of the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: / saw her read the letter.She was seen to read

the letter.

1. We heard her sing a folk song. 2. I saw him put his coat on. 3. They heard the clock strike nine. 4. We saw the rider disappear in the distance. 5. We saw the plane take off. 6. They expected him to return in a fortnight. 7. We know her to be a talented actress. 8. Everybody supposed him to be a foreigner. 9. Everybody considered him to be a great man. 10. I expect the telegram to be sent tomorrow.

Exercise 3.Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.

A. 1. It is said that they work in the field. 2. It is believed that she knows several foreign languages. 3. It is said that the film is very interesting. 4. It is supposed that he under­ stands Spanish. 5. It is reported that the cosmonauts feel well.

B. 1. It is said that Kate is preparing for her entrance examinations. 2. It is said that they are working in the field.

It is reported that the painter is working at a new picture.

It is believed that he is writing a historical novel.

C. 1. It is reported that the delegation arrived in Paris on the 10th of September. 2. It is reported that our spaceship has reached the moon. 3. It is believed that this house was built in the 18th century. 4. It is said that she has been teaching mathematics for thirty years.

D. 1. It is expected that he will arrive on Monday. 2. It is supposed that the book will be published next year. 3. It was expected that the film would be shown in May. 4. It was supposed that the weather would be fine in April. 5. It is expected that he will buy a car.

E. 1. It seems that they live in the same house. 2. It seems that he is composing a new symphony. 3. It seems that he knew it long ago. 4. It seems that she is listening.

5. It proved that you were right. 6. It turned out that the text was very difficult.

Exercise 4.Transform the sentences according to the models.

Models: It is (im)probable that he will come tomorrow.—? He is (un) likely to come tomorrow. He will certainly come.He is sure to come. He will probably come.He is likely to come.

A. 1 It is probable that it will rain before evening.

2. It is improbable that she will forget her promise. It is probable that the winter will be very cold this year. 4. It is probable that they will be late. 5. It is improbable that this medicine will help him.

B. 1. They will certainly like this film. 2. The doc­tor will certainly do his best. 3. He will probably for­get the address. 4. She will probably catch cold. 4. He will certainly do his duty. 6. The weather will probably change.

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian

2. She is said to be a very kind woman.3. He is considered to heave finished his scientific researches.4. What are they supposed to be doing?5. Children were supposed to have stayed in the country- house.6. This student is believed to know four foreign language.7. She is believed to have been instructed about everything.8. He was believed to be preparing a report.9. The new invention is considered to be applied in some days.10. .They aren't supposed to take part in this conference. 11. What am I expected to answer? j

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian using Complex Subject.

My work is considered to be finished in some hours.2. You are supposed to have told the truth.3. His parents were not expected to come so early.4. The pupils are not considered to know the answers to these questions.5. What are they expected to do now?6. My friends are believed to be their way to my place.7. Do you know the ship is reported to call in the port tomorrow?8. Isn't he considered to be one of the best surgeon?9,. Her father was to have been appointed to this post.10.These plants are known to grow in subtropics..11. She was heard to have left for France.12. Who is considered to be the best specialist in this field of science?13. The documents are reported to have been received.14. They are said to have been traveling for a long time.15. These reforms are thought to be difficult to carry out.16. These' is said to be plenty of oil off own coast.17. The train can be expected to arrive at seven.

Exercise 6. Translate into English using Complex Subject.

Поліція не думає, що він скоїв злочин.2. Вважають, що вона дуже чесна людина.3. Кажуть, що він був шпигуном шд час війни.4. .Hixто не чекав, що ціни знову підвищаться.5. Не можна чекати, що температура повітря підвищиться завтра.6. Вважали, що його колекщю картин продано за низь кою ціною.7. Припускають, що їx забрали саме до цього госпіталю.8. Говорять, що в комп'ютерній індустрії з'явиться богато конкурентів.9. Виявилось, що документи ще не підписані.10. Оголошують, що результати тестування ще невідомі.11. Бачили, що він зайшов до свого кабінету.12. Цю симфонію вважають одним i3 найкращих творів цього композитора.13. Відомо, що він був найпопулярнішим письменником свого часу.14. Повідомили, що ліггак впав у море.15. Встановлено, що властивості цієї глини дуже корисні для людини.

Exercise 7. Translate into English using Complex Subject.

Цю рослину довго вважали отруйною.2. Говорять, що Джейн знає все про життя тварин.3. Відомо, що цей співак дуже популярний серед молоді.4. Виявилось, що він змінив адресу.5. Не чекали, що він так швидко йде вгору.6. Відомо, що ця експедиція проводить розкопки вже тривалий час.7. Припускають, що результати ixнix дослідів можуть виявитися незадовільними.8. Було відомо, що бyдiвлю зруйнували під час війни.9. Кажуть, він досяг великого ycnixy в спорті10. Не можна занадто сподіватися, що наші умови приймуть беззастережно.11. Якщо він цього не зробить, його вважатимуть нечесною людиною.12. Очікують, що цей фільм буде відзначено на фестивалі преі1єю.13. Думаю, що він зараз працює в бібліотеці.14. Говорять, що клімат на землі стає теплішим.15. Допускають, що будівництво нової школи завершиться до першого вересня.

was will be

Exercise 8.Make up five sentences from each table.necessary important dangerous high time better

I He/She We You They wait(s) waited will wait for me him you us them to speak, to go out. to send an invitation, to come back, to answer.


Exercise 9.Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Prepositional Infinitive Complex.

1. It is necessary that we should start early in the morn­ing. 2. It is necessary that she should come here in time.2. It is important that he should work systematically.3. It is necessary that you should air the room twice a day.4. It is necessary that you should go in for sports.

Exercise 10.Paraphrase the following using the Prepositional Infinitive Complex.

Model: The stone was too heavy. I couldn't lift it.The stone was too heavy for me to lift it.

1. The text is too difficult. The pupils can't translate it, 2. The car is too dear. I can't buy it. 3. The story is easy enough. I can read it without a dictionary. 4. The weather was too bad. We couldn't go to the forest. 5. The coat is too long. She can't wear it.

Exercise 11. Find infinitive complexes in the following sentences and state their functions. Translate the sentences.

1. Then he seemed to hear a voice. (Gordon) 2. I saw her look at him. (Dickens) 3. What do you want me to do? (Heym) 4. Jude watched her disappear in the direction of the hotel. (Hardy) 5. She made her brother talk of himself, (Wilde) 6. I never expected you to ask him at all. (Shaw) 7. My father doesn't want us to know each other. (Galsw­orthy) 8. He seemed to be looking for words. (Greene) 9. Her face seemed to have become much more youthful, (Gaskell) 10. We saw him enter the station. (Gaskell)11. Mr. Rochester is not likely to return soon. (Bronte)12. She seemed not to listen to him. (Wilde) 13. Clyde felt himself tremble. (Dreiser) 14. I don't like to hear you speak so of Harry. (Gaskell) 15. You don't seem to understand how hard it is. (Tressel)

Exercise 12 Translate into English using infinitive complexes.

A. 1. Ми бачили, як вона переходила вулицю. 2. Я помггив, що вона розгорнула книжку. 3. Учні бачили, як приземлився літак. 4. Я чула, як вони співали цю пісню. 5.Ми помітили, що він встав i вийшов з кімнати. 6. Bci чули, як ти сказав це. 7. Вони бачили, що я 6iг додому, 8. Мати почула, що дитина заплакала.

Б. 1. Я хочу, щоб ви зробили це сьогодні. 2. Мені хотілося б, щоб ви прийшли на збори. 3. Його батько хоче, щоб він став лікарем. 4. Мені не подобається, коли він говорить так повільно. 5. Я хочу, щоб ти залищився тут. 6. Я не хочу, щоб ви йшли сьогодні в кіно.

В. I. Ми сподівалися, що він приїде у середу. 2. Я не думав, що ти запізнищся. 3. Ви вважаєте його добрим організатором? 4. Лікарі сподіваються, що він скоро видужає. 5. Вчені вважають, що це місто було засноване в XII столітті. 6. Ми сподіваємося, що наша волейбольна команда виграє матч.

Г. 1. Учитель змусив нас вивчити вірш напам'ять. 2. Що примусило вас іти туди в таку погану погоду? 3. Ми примусимо його прибрати кімнату. 4. Дощ примусив мене залишитися тут. 5. Я не змушую вас робити це.

Д. 1. Кажуть, що він зараз живе в Києві 2. Кажуть, що він жив у Києві 3. Повідомляють, що польська делега-ція прибула до Києва. 4. Вважають, що ця фортеця була збудована в X ст. 5. Вважають, що він дуже освічена лю-дина. 6. Кажуть, що він найкращий спортсмен у школі 7. Відомо, що вона вивчала кілька іноземних мов.

Е. 1. Було чути, як наближався поїзд. 2. Кожного ранку його бачили в крамниці 3. Чули, як вона співала в сусідній кімнаті. 4. Ніколи не бачили, щоб він сердився. 5. Було видно, як високо в нe6i летів літак..

€. 1. Вона, здається, знає французьку мову. 2. Здається, він одержав ваш лист. 3. Здавалося, що вони не слу-хають його, 4. Сталося так, що ми зустрілись у Полтаві 5. Biн виявився здібним математиком. 6. Очевидно, ви за-були про це.

Ж. 1. Він, напевно, прийде сьогодні ввечері 2. Вони, очевидно, знають про це. 3. Навряд, щоб вона дістала цю книжку. 4. Цей фьльм, безсумнівно, сподобається вам. 5. Ми, мабуть, не підемо туди. 6. Biн, очевидно, за-пізниться.

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