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Оцінка радіаційної обстановки

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 837

Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from each table.


I saw me playing tennis.
He heard you quarrelling.
She watched him swimming across the river.
We noticed her skating on the pond.
You observed us climbing a tree.
They found . the boys whispering something.
I He/She We You They was were seen heard watched observed noticed entering the department store, running away, crying, playing the violin, climbing over the fence.


I had my hair cut.
He will have his eoait cleaned.
We   our shoes mended.
You   your dinner cooked.
They   their dress made.

Exercise 2. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Oblective Participle Complex.

Model: saw them as they were working in. the field.Isaw them working in the field.

1. I saw him as he was picking flowers in the park. 2. We watched them as they were playing hockey. 3. The teacher observed the pupils as they were writing compositions, 4. I saw the girl as she was crossing the street 5. She watched Mm as he was repairing his car. &. We saw wild geese as they were flying to the South.

Exercise 3. Combine the given two sentences into one using Objective Participle Complex.

Model: The girls were singing afolk song. I heard it.—/ heard the girls singing a folk song.

1. The woman was shouting at the boys. We heard %t. 2. The birds were singing in the trees. She heard it. 3. The man was trying to unlock the door. I noticed it. 4. The boy was whistling. They heard it. 5. The children were swimming in the river. We watched it.

Exercise 4.Paraphrase the following using the Objective Participle Complex.

Model: The hairdresser did her hair.— She had her hair done.

1. The tailor made a suit for him. 2. The worker repaired his car. 3. The photographer took a photograph of him.4.The typist typed his article for him. 5. The waitress brought them dinner. 6. His wife washed and ironed his shirt. 7. Their daughter cooked supper for them. 8. The porter brought his luggage into the car.

Exercise 5.Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participle Complex.

A. Model: As the weather was fine, we went for a walk.—The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus. 2. As the play was very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. 3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat. 4. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

5. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

B. Model: As my brother had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.My brother having locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country. 2. When the match had ended, the people went home. 3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry. 4. After the sun had risen, we continued our way.' 5. As his sister has broken his spectacles, he had to buy a pair of new ones.

C. Model: As the bridge was destroyed, we couldn't cross the river.The bridge being destroyed, we couldn't cross the river.

I. As all shops were closed, we couldn't buy anything. 2. As the road was being repaired, I couldn't go there by bus. 3. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon. 4. As houses are built very quickly nowadays, we'll soon get a new flat. 5. As the waiting-room was being cleaned, the passengers were not let in.

D. Model: When the work had been done, they went home.The work having been done, they went home.

. When the house had been built, we got a new flat. As the key had been lost, she couldn't get into the room. As the road had been repaired, we could go there by bus, When the waiting-room had been cleaned, the passengers were let in.. As all the tickets had been sold out, we couldn't see the performance.

Exercise 6.Find participle complexes and state their function in the sentence. Translate the sentences.

1. She opened the door and heard their voices speaking. (Gaskell) 2. She found the old man and his granddaughter sitting at breakfast. (Gaskell) 3. Antony saw his younger brother coming. (Gordon) 4. She had seen him reading it over. (Gaskell) 5. I saw the mild eye of the good old doctor turned upon me for a moment. (Dickens) 6. That done, he felt almost obliged to leave the room. (Gaskell) 7. And so often he overheard them discussing so interesting things. (Dreiser) 8. Her heart beating, Mary hurried home. (Gas­kell) 9. I saw him going downstairs early in the morning. (Dickens) 10. He saw her sitting in bed, her golden hair floating behind her. (Gaskell)

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