Студопедия — Writing a resume
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Writing a resume


A resume describes your background and qualifications in more detail than does a letter of application. It may be enclosed with such a letter or given to an employer before or during an interview. A good resume is neat, well organized, and easy to read. Most are about one or two pages long.

Begin your resume with your name, address, and telephone number and indicate the kind of job you are seeking. Then list your work experiences, beginning with the most recent. Give the names and addresses of past employers, dates of employment, and a brief description of your duties and functions. Indicate any skills you have that relate to the job you are seeking. Also mention any related volunteer work or other activities.

Next, list the names and locations of all schools and training programs you have attended since high school. Include your attendance dates and major subjects plus any degrees, diplomas, certificates, and honors you received. Finally, list any hobbies, travel experience, or other information that applies to the job you are seeking. Be sure to date your resume to show how recent the information is.

Many employers ask for the names and addresses of personal references – that is, persons the employer may contact to learn more about you. Some job applicants list three or four personal references in their resumes. Other applicants indicate that such references are available on request.


* * *


Before you write the first line, you will need to decide whether you want to write a chronological or functional resume.


The chronological resume highlights your employment history by dates, starting with the most recent. A chronological resume is good for those who have a strong work history. Employers often prefer a chronological resume, because it is specific and lists your work experiences.


A functional resume lists your experiences under key skills. A functional resume is good for persons who have limited work experience, because it emphasizes skills rather than job experience. It highlights strengths and hides weaknesses. A functional resume is also good for someone who has too much work history. Foe example, a waiter who has worked in 45 different restaurants over five years may need to use a functional resume, which would highlight his experiences without making it look like he drifted from job to job with no purpose. Although most employers prefer the chronological resume, the above reasons explain why functional resumes may need to be used instead.







HORVATINEC 1918 Holly Lane

Des Plains, Illinois 60016




(708) 528-1982

To secure a position in the field of telecommunications utilizing both voice/data skills and oral/written communication skills. Opportunities for advancement also desired.


DeVRY Institute of Technology - Lombard, Illinois Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Management Graduation: June 1992

Grade Point Average: 3.8/4.0

National Dean's List/Dean's List

President's List


Related Courses · Voice Communication Systems Data · Communication Systems · Voice/Data · Transmission Network Systems · Evaluation BASIC Programming · Regulations and Tariffs Laboratory experience over 500 hours.

Hardware/Software · IBM PC · Tektronix Data Analyzer · SL-1 PBX · Lotus 1-2-3 · DBase III Plus · Microsoft Project




March 1991-Present

Ameritech Credit Corporation - Rolling Meadows, Illinois Equipment Remarketing Representative

• Test, configure, and refurbish used telecommunication equipment

• Interface with secondary market vendors

• Responsible for large inventory of PBX and key systems

April 1990-March 1991

Hensley Heating and Cooling, Inc. - Addison, Illinois Office Manager


Supervised and dispatched service staff

Trained new employees

Analyzed accounting records and budgets

Initiated account of inventory

Invented computer payroll program

Developed proposals for HVAC work

December 1989-Aprll1990

Sears Teleconsumer Resource Center - Downers Grove, Illinois Customer Service Representative

• Investigated and resolved customer order problems

• Assisted supervisor with managing of team

• Trained new team employees



Member of color guards and drill teams over the past 13 years. 1986 Rifle Sergeant for The Accents of Sheboygan Color Guard.


REFERENCES Available upon request.



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