Студопедия — Resume sections
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Resume sections

When writing a resume there are several parts that must be organized and adequately represented on your resume. Here they are, listed in order:


Your name

Current address

Zip code

Phone number

Message number


Career objective (optional):

· list the type of position that you are seeking;

· include skills that you can offer to the company;

· current trends in resume writing state that you don’t have to create a career objective, especially if your objective is bland or nonspecific. It is your decision.



· list your most recent education first;

· include your grade point average (GPA);

· list academic honors;

· list other educational information in reverse chronological order. Include graduation dates, and the city and state in which each school is located.

· List any courses you have taken that are relevant to your career goals and objective (this is optional).

Military experience:

· List your experience in military if they relate to your career objective, or if they were a significant part of your life;

· Mention any honors earned, skills learned, and related expertise.


Employment experience:

· list your present position first;

· for each position that you’ve held, list the job title, the name of the company, and the city and state in which the company is located;

· if your employment history includes many short-term, miscellaneous jobs, use the following rules: (1) list those relevant to the position for which you are applying, and (2) list those you held for the longest period of time;

· briefly explain the job duties for or your accomplishments in each position.


Personal data (optional):

· you may want to list awards, hobbies, sports, activities, or volunteer work.

· Do not take up more than two or three lines when writing this section.

· Equal employment regulations have made it illegal for employers to discriminate based upon age, sex, marital status, or religion. Do not include confidential information such as your birth date, marital status, social security number, health status, race, religious and political affiliation, etc.



· Centered on the bottom of the page should be the statement – “References available upon request.”

· Remember, references are important. Think carefully about your reference choice. Make sure that they are people who like you and could help a potential employer make a positive decision in hiring you.



Work in pairs: look at this resume. If you were interviewing Kevin Willis for the job in Bermuda, what questions would you ask him about his career history?


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