Студопедия — Vocabulary. Position должность, opening position – вакансия
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Vocabulary. Position должность, opening position – вакансия

Position должность, opening position – вакансия

application 1) заявление, заявка, обращение, просьба; written application – письменное заявление;

application for the position– заявление о зачислении на должность; application to smb.– заявление на чье-то имя;

applicant – претендент, заявитель. 2) применение; to apply – 1) заявлять, обращаться; 2) применять


promising перспективный, многообещающий


effort усилие, попытка; to make an effort – сделать попытку


creative творческий, созидательный


competitive конкурентноспособный, конкурирующий


responsibility 1) ответственность; to take responsibility – взять на себя ответственность; to decline all responsibility for smth – снять с себя всякую ответственность за что-то; 2) обязанность


obligation 1) обязательство; contractual (treaty) obligations – договорные обязательства; under (an) obligation to smb – обязанный кому-либо; 2) обязанность


skillful умелый, искусный, опытный


negotiation(s) переговоры, обсуждение условий; to conduct (to carry out, to hold) negotiations – вести переговоры


entrepreneur предприниматель, владелец предприятия


fair 1) честный, справедливый; 2) ярмарка


strength 1) сила; 2) достоинство


reliability надежность; to rely on (upon) smb. – полагаться на кого-либо, надеяться


tension напряжение


reference 1) ссылка; 2) рекомендация, отзыв


environment окружающая обстановка, окружение, среда



Work in pairs: Some interviewers give candidates a hard time by asking them difficult questions – like the 16 questions below. Can you think of three more questions you might be asked at an interview? Add them to the list. What would your own answers to each of the questions be?


1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

3. We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we appoint you?

4. Which is more important to you: status or money?

5. How long do you think you’d stay with us if you were appointed?

6. Why do you want to leave your present job?

7. Why do you want to work for our company?

8. What would you like to be doing ten years from now?

9. What are you most proud of having done recently?

10. What is you worst fault and what is your best quality?

11. Don’t you think you’re a little young/old for this job?

12. Are you a team player?

13. What are you long-range goals?

14. What excites you about the job you’re doing now?

15. How would you rate your present boss?

16. Tell me about your past employers. (Try not to be negative)


DOs and DON’Ts for job seekers

Do learn ahead of time about the company and its product. Do your homework.

Do let as many people as possible know you are “job hunting”.

Do stress your qualification for the job opening.

Do mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job.

Do talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

Do assume an air of confidence.

Do try to be optimistic in your attitude.

Do try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.

Do answer questions honestly.

Do have a good resume.

Do recognize your limitations.

Do make plenty of applications.

Do indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

Do be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.

Do shake hand firmly.

Do arrive prepared. (Don’t forget your resume, pen, references, and portfolio.)

Do express yourself clearly.

Do be positive and tactful when disagreeing.

Do make eye contact with the person(s) interviewing you.


Don’t keep stressing your need for a job.

Don’t discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.

Don’t be untidy in appearance.

Don’t mumble or speak with a muffled voice.

Don’t hesitate to fill out applications, give references, take physical examinations

or tests on request.

Don’t arrive late and breathless for an interview.

Don’t write incorrect information on your CV to make it look better.

Don’t slouch. Sit straight in the chair, and maintain good posture. You should feel comfortable, but not too comfortable!

Don’t interrupt.



Fit for hiring? It’s mind over matter


A growing number of companies, from General Motors Corp to American Express Co., are no longer satisfied with traditional job interviews. Instead, they are requiring applicants for many white-collar jobs – from job executives down – to submit to a series of paper-and-pencil tests, role-playing exercises, simulated decision-making exercises and brainteasers*. Others put candidates through a long series of interviews by psychologists or trained interviewers.

The tests are not about mathematics or grammar, nor about any of the basic technical skills for which many production, sales and clerical workers have long been tested. Rather, employers want to evaluate on intangible* qualities: Is she creative and entrepreneurial? Can he lead and coach? Is he flexible and capable of learning? How will he function under pressure? Most important, will the potential recruit fit the corporate culture?

Ten years ago, candidates can win a top job with the right look and right answers to questions such as: “Why do you want this job? ” Now, many are having to face questions and exercises intended to learn how they get things done.

They may, for example, have to describe in great detail not one career accomplishment but many – so that patterns of behavior emerge.

They may face questions such as: ”Who is the best manager you ever worked for and why? ” or “What is your best friend like? ”. The answers, psychologists say, reveal much about a candidate’s management style and about himself and herself.

The reason for the interrogations is clear: many hires* work out badly. About 35 per cent of recently hired senior executives are judged failures, according to the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, which surveyed nearly 500 chief executives.

The cost of bringing a wrong person on board is sometimes huge. Searching and training can cost from $5000 for a lower-level manager to $250, 000 for a top executive. With the pace of change accelerating in markets and technology, companies want to know how an executive will perform, not just how he or she performed. “Years ago, employers looked for experience – has a candidate done this before? ” said Harold P. Weinstein, executive vice-president of Caliper, a personnel testing and consulting firm in Princeton, New Jersey. “But having experience in a job does not guarantee that you can do it in a different environment.”

At this point, most companies have not shifted to this practice. But human-resource specialists say that white-collar testing is growing in popularity. What has brought so many employers around to testing is a sense of the limitations in the usual job interview. With so little information on which to base a decision, “most people hire people they like, rather than the most competent person, ” said Orv Owens, a psychologist in Washington, who sizes up executive candidate. Research has shown, he said, that “most decision makers make their hiring decisions in the first five minutes of an interview and spend the rest of the time rationalizing their choice.”

Besides, with advice on how to land a better job about as common as a ten-dollar bill, many people are learning to play the interview game.


*a brainteaser: a problem which is fun to solve.

*intangible: smth. That can not be felt or described.

*a hire (US); a recruit (GB): someone who starts to work for a company.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1178. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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