Студопедия — Ex. 1. Choose the required nouns from the list below and use them in the sentence in the plural. Underline the nouns. Translate into Russian.
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Ex. 1. Choose the required nouns from the list below and use them in the sentence in the plural. Underline the nouns. Translate into Russian.

Coup d'etat, cherub, phenomenon, grab-all, gado-gado, dormouse, goose, woman driver, fly-by, crossroads, fungus, corpus.

1. The domestic breeds of ____ are not generally capable of flight, although with a tail wind and a running start they can sometimes clear a 4-5 foot fence, especially if it's downhill.

2. Many sources attempt to explain the event using known ____ such as clouds, stratospheric dust, or a “sundog“, but it is most often associated with biblical “endtime” prophecies and UFO lore.

3. Text ____ are also used in the study of historical documents, for example in attempts to decipher ancient scripts, or in Biblical scholarship.

4. ____ are small for rodents, with a body length of between 6 and 19 cm (2.4 and 7.5 in), and weighing between 15 and 200 g (0.53 and 7.1 oz).

5. While I wouldn't recommend eating three ____ in twelve hours, as we did in Jakarta, I returned home with a new appreciation for this stalwart of the overseas Indonesian restaurant menu.

6. Twelve million fashion-conscious ____ are risking their lives by wearing sunglasses which limit their view of the road.

7. I hope you will enjoy learning something about lots of different kinds of mushrooms and other ____.

8. Some people are the “____”, which simply means that whatever they happen to find while browsing they will be getting.

9. The original mission plan included ____ of asteroids 433 Eros and 4179 Toutatis.

10. ____ in more recent times include the overthrow of the socialist government of Chile 1973 by a right-wing junta, the military seizures of power in Nigeria 1983, Myanmar 1988 and Gambia 1994, the short-lived removal of Mikhail Gorbachev from power in the USSR by hardline communists 19-22 August 1991, and the overthrow of president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in Sierra Leone in February 1998.

11. Follow Adenauerallee direction to Bonn City (on the right you will see the sign “Bundeskartellamt”), keep straight on, pass several ____ with traffic lights until you see the entrance to “Auswärtiges Amt”.

12. According to Peak's Commentary on the Bible, a number of scholars have proposed that ____ were originally a version of the shedu, protective deities sometimes found as pairs of colossal statues either side of objects to be protected, such as doorways


Ex. 2. Choose the required nouns from the list below and use them in the sentence in the plural. Underline the nouns. Translate into Russian.

Amoeba, kibbutz, dogma, virtuoso, haiku, fellah, diagnosis, woman driver, seraph, cover-up,kimono, millennium.

1. Unlike the mediocre talents of so many of the Salzburg musicians, members of the Mannheim orchestra were each ____ in their own right and frequently performed concertante works with two or more of them taking solo roles.

2. ____ are T-shaped, straight-lined robes that fall to the ankle, with collars and wide, full-length sleeves.

3. In medieval Christian neo-Platonic theology, the ____ belong to the highest order, or angelic choir, of the hierarchy of angels.

4. ____ are found in many religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, where they are considered core principles that must be upheld by all followers of that religion.

5. Placed into fresh water, ____ will also attempt to match the concentration of the surrounding water, causing the cell to swell and sometimes burst.

6. Saudi Arabia's non-elected parliament said yesterday that it was not entitled to debate the kingdom's long-standing ban on ____.

7. Egyptian ____ (peasant workers) have farmed in the fertile Nile River valley for centuries.

8. Although less than five percent of Israelis live on ____, they are disproportionately represented in key positions and high-status fields.

9. Indeed, the Arctic had been cooling for nearly two ____ before reversing course in the last century and starting to warm as human activities added greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

10. In Japanese, ____ are traditionally printed in a single vertical line.

11. Some unscientific practitioners apply one or more of these ____ to almost every patient they see.

12. ____ do not necessarily require the active manipulation of facts or circumstances. Arguably the most common form of them is one of non-action.


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