Студопедия — Peculiarities of translation of newspaper articles.
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Peculiarities of translation of newspaper articles.

Difficulties in translation of newspaper articles

Very often we have to translate newspaper or magazine articles in different topics. In course of translation some questions may arise connected to the translation of newspaper headlines. The peculiarities of development of the press in USA and Great Britain have made a prominent stylistic influence upon the style of newspaper headlines, the translation of which due to their specific character presents certain difficulties.

A headline in English and American newspapers plays a rather important role; its main goal is to attract the reader's attention, to provoke their interest and even amaze them, and only in the second place a headline is given an informative and explanatory function - conveyance to the reader of the summary of the given article. Due to such purpose in English and American press a special style of newspaper headlines was formed which has a characteristic feature of great expressiveness of lexical and grammar means. The headlines are usually written in "telegraphic language", i.e. they are written in maximally brief and laconic phrases where all the semantically inessential components are dropped.

At the same time, for the aim of securing of maximal understandability headlines are constructed on the basis of common lexis and the simplest grammar means. There are few peculiarities of headlines and ways of their translation. For attraction of readers' attention to the main idea of the message in the headlines the articles and personal forms of the auxiliary verb to be are usually dropped. The information about recent events is conveyed using Present Indefinite form. This as if brings an event nearer to the reader and enhances their interest. Future action is often rendered using the Infinitive. Sometimes in the headline the predicate is dropped because it is of less importance in the sentence. To attract readers' attention to the predicate and provoke their interest the subject is dropped if it is of less importance then the predicate. The Genitive case due to its structural compactness is used with inanimate nouns instead of the prepositional construction with of.

Often popular nicknames and contracted names are used instead of family names of some politicians, actors, sportsmen etc. For giving some emotional tone to the common lexis headlines often employ neologisms, dialectic words, poetic lexis, or slang. Abbreviations and abridgements are widely used. The figurative elements are often employed.

The headlines of English and American newspapers include a range of specific features that require separate approach to their translation.. Ukrainian headlines and the newspaper style in general is more fluent and restricted and the action in them contrary to the headlines of English and American newspapers is rendered more often by a noun then by a verb.

The headlines of English and American newspapers often employ abbreviations, sometimes they are letter abbreviations, and in many cases the meaning of such a headline can be understood only from the text of the article itself.

It is often necessary to read the test of an article before translation of its headline when a headline contains some figurative elements.

In many occasions a tendency to make a headline more intriguing and suspenseful results in that such a headline cannot perform its informative function correctly and actually gives no idea about the content of a notice or an article. In such occasions a translator should expand the headline by using additional details from the text of an article.

To sum it up, we should stress that contrary to the headlines of scientific and technical articles that as a rule give some insight into the main idea of the article's content and thus in a certain way are the "key" to understanding of the text, for the newspaper headlines the situation is different. It is often necessary to read the text beforehand to understand and translate its headline correctly. English newspaper text has a certain laconicism that in headlines takes the form of slogan-like concise pieces, being very abrupt and hectic. Our translation should retain brevity but at the same time be more fluent and rhythmical, that is peculiar to our newspaper style in general.

11. Types and genres of translation.

1) Communicative classification of translation
2) Genre classification of translation
3) Psycho-linguistic classification of translation

1) Communicative classification of translation is based on the predominant communicative function of the source text or the form of speech involved in the translation process. Translation can be literary and informative. Literary translation is the translation of literary texts. The main function of literary translation is to produce an emotional or aesthetic impression upon the reader.
The informative translation deals with rendering into target language the non-literary texts.

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