Студопедия — The study of microorganisms in the living state
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The study of microorganisms in the living state

The study of microorganisms in the living state is used mainly for the study of the shape and motility of bacteria, at least when the agglutination reaction. For these purposes, the finished product "crushed drop" and "hanging drop".

The drug is "crushed" drop

Liquid with the test material was applied to a glass slide and the cover is applied on top. Drops of material necessary to take such a magnitude that it fills the entire space between the cover and slide and do not extend beyond the edge of the cover.

The drug is "hanging" drop

On coverslip pre-coated with a liquid droplet investigated culture microorganisms. Then, on the cover glass is applied to the glass slide in the middle of the crescent, the edges of which pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly. The slide glass was lightly pressed against the coverslip, whereby both glass gluing. Thereafter, the drug is inverted coverslip upwards. It turns hermetically sealed chamber, in which the drop is not long dry. To prevent rapid drying formulations it is recommended to place in a moist chamber (petri dish), the bottom of which lies 2-3 wet circle of filter paper, coated dry.

The study of drugs "crushed" and "hanging" drops under a light microscope, first seek out the edge of the drop with a slight increase at the neck and the diaphragm, and then examine the drug using a stronger increase. More convenient for their microscopic study presented these types of microscopy as a dark-field, phase contrast and noptralnaya.

The study of bacteria in the stained preparation provides an opportunity not only to study their morphology, but also get an idea about some of the details of their chemical structure. This is achieved by using special techniques.

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1 Preparations {native, fixed}

1) the hanging drop

2) stained smear

3) crushed drop

4) fixed smear

2 Mobility bacteria studied under:

1) electronic

2) dark field

3) immersion

4) fluorescent

5) phase-contrast


Set the correct sequence

3 Stages of cooking the drug "crushed drop"

□ - on top of the cover glass is applied

□ -.mikroskopiruyut using lenses or x40 x50

□ -.na a glass slide coated drop of broth culture

4 Stages of cooking the drug "hanging drop"

□ - the edge of the hole smeared with Vaseline

□ - at low magnification (x8) are the edge of the drop

□ - mikroskopiruyut with a flat mirror and a narrowing of the diaphragm

□ - a glass slide with a cover glass adhering inverted

□ - coated glass slide with recess to drop freely hanging in the center of the hole

□ - found the edge of the drop is set in the center of the field of view of the microscope at low magnification

□ - in the middle of the cover glass of skim applied a small drop of culture broth or physically. solution

□ - without moving the drug, go to the lens (x40) or immersion system, slightly widening the aperture microscope

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 857. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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