Студопедия — Teaching Strategies
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Teaching Strategies

Match young learners' abilities in HO 1 and teaching strategies in HO 2. Strategies depend on what children can and can't do.

__ 23 __a) Encourage children to comment on what they are doing.

___1 __b) Use body language and intonation to develop children's comprehension skills.

______c) Avoid tasks which need conscious efforts.

______d) Use English in classroom to provide children with a wide range of input.

______e) Provide opportunities for children to sort pictures or objects into sets in order to exploit and develop their ability to categorize.

______f) Avoid teaching formal grammar.

______g) Use recycling to make children memorize better.

______h) Encourage children to experiment with the language and avoid emphasizing mistakes.

______i) Change activities every 7 minutes.

______j) Use games for both fun and learning.

______k) Avoid concentrating on every single word. Focus on the meaning of a message but not on individual words.

______1) Use various activities for different purposes.

______m) Exploit children's imagination to create stories and situations.

______n) Use different size groups as one of the main interaction patterns.

______o) Ensure that every exposure to language has clear and meaningful context.

______p) Provide children with an opportunity to have their own choice in solving or doing tasks.

______q) Develop children's ability to arrange objects in rank order (according to size, length, etc.) to teach degrees of comparison.

______r) Highlight children's success to encourage further learning.

______s) Use drama activities as a strong stimulus for speaking.

______t) Use a large number of muscle activities.

______u) Use children's age abilities to identify play as a reality to make them feel a foreign language as their mother tongue.

______v) Exploit and develop children's ability to differentiate rhythm through chants and songs. Use poems, rhymes and chants to practise sound, rhythm and stress patterns of English.

______w) Exploit story-telling as a major technique for learning and development.

______x) Encourage children to guess meaning from what they see and hear.

Summary and problem setting

The syllabus requires:

- teaching foreign language should be communication-based

- language should be used as a tool

- teaching should be meaningful and focus on message not on form

- learning should be based on real life.

How can we succeed?

Find the key words that will help identify the most appropriate types of activities for young learners.

Young Ls’ Needs:

More: Less:
  TTT (Teacher’s Talking Time)

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