Студопедия — Exercise 5. Define what part of speech a word in italics is. Translate the sentences into Russian
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Exercise 5. Define what part of speech a word in italics is. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. The measurements obtained from the testing machines are not always exact.

2. We describe now the most difficult part of our work, that is the selection of two-level systems.

3. This process causes a sudden increase in the sound speed.

4. The rate of chemical reaction is measured by the change in the concentration of one of the reactants or one of the products, per unit of time.

5. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success.

6. The oceans attain their greatest depths not in their central parts, but in certain elongated furrows, called deeps.

7. There are about ten chemical elements which remain permanently in gaseous form in the atmosphere under all natural conditions.

8. Your judgement should be based on what this company offers to you and how this offer meets your needs.

9. To provide a basis for comparing their capabilities, computers are generally grouped into four basic categories.

10. Industry must recognize that a graduate will need training in the specific area of his work and must also be prepared to encourage him to attend education courses or seminars as appropriate.

11. The scientific and technological progress will continue in engineering firstly in automation and secondly, in the further development of reliability and longer service life of equipment.

12. Since steel is the most popular structural material available, steelmakers do their best to meet the changing needs of the market.

13. But because magnesium is difficult to convert to a useful metal, it may cost several times that of the least expensive metal, iron billet.

14. Metal fibers are used in high-strength, high-temperature, light-weight composite materials for aerospace applications.

15. The amount of water vapor and its variations in amount and distribution are of extraordinary importance in weather changes.

16. The success of the discussion on protein structure exceeded all expectation.

17. Oxygen is very active chemically, meaning that it readily combines with other elements in a process called oxidation.

18. An atomic explosion occurs as a slow chain reaction of splitting atoms.

19. Melting is a conversion of a solid to a liquid.

20. We informed the suppliers that some goods, which were urgently needed, had not been delivered yet.

21. Special attention has been paid to the packing of the new equipment.

22. The primary role of the hearth is to contain liquid iron.





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