Студопедия — Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - authority - deviation - effectiveness /
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Test on the video film. Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations: - authority - deviation - effectiveness /

A. Previewing task.

Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations:

- authority - deviation - effectiveness / efficiency - employer / employee / employment - feedback - goals / objectives - groundwork - responsibilities - staffing - supervisor - training - annual / strategic plan - company assets - critical functions - day-to-day managerial functions - management techniques - recruitment process - rewarding / awarding - to allocate / utilize resources - to appraise the performance - to be flexible - to carry out / implement plans - to complement - to cope with uncertainty - to define missions - to establish a course of action - to involve people in doing smth - to keep track of work - to make functions come to life - to refine - to report to smb - to retain - to revise plans - to sort out problem


B. While watching.

Task II. State whether the following sentences are true or false. Make the false expressions sound true:

1. Management is the world’s newest profession.

2. People plan their activities, organize resources, and compare what they have done with the goals and objectives.

3. Management techniques have been refined over the past century, but basic day-to-day managerial functions have remained relatively constant.

4. Planning, organizing, motivating, directing and controlling represent the heart of management.

5. All five functions operate separately.

6. Planning is often considered the most critical function.

7. Organizing means defining missions, roles, responsibilities, making decisions, allocating resources.

8. Controlling matches people to the jobs, it’s putting life to the organization structure, it’s breathing life to the organization.

9. In order to get the organization’s work done managers need to utilize these valuable human resources in the most effective manner. This process is called directing.

10. Top managers are responsible for staffing, organizing and directing, while lower level managers are responsible for planning and controlling.


Task III. Match the following words with the definitions that follow:

planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling

1. The managerial activity that attempts to attract good people to the organization and retain them.

2. It keeps track of work which is performed and compares it to the standards that have been established.

3. The work division. Jobs are established and grouped so that they complement each other in a carefully sorted out logical structure.

4. Leadership and motivation that managers provide to help workers carry out the organization’s plans.

5. It lays the groundwork for the other functions, identifies objectives, goals and establishes a course of action for the future.


Task IV. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The major goal of planning is to cope with uncertainty.

2. Planning and organizing are closely related, because planning sets the stage for what to be done and organizing establishes the apparatus for doing this or that thing.

3. Bringing a new employee to the company is like bringing a baby into the world; that is why people are vitally important company assets.

4. To direct means to treat employees honestly, recognize their achievements, appraise their performance, communicate, provide opportunities for growth, give feedback and solve problems.

5. Controlling is the way of managing activity to determine whether the organization is on target or making sure that the organization is achieving its goals.

6. There’s no end-point in the managerial process, because each function drives the next in the kind of a continuing circular motion.

7. Managers of all levels perform all five functions to a certain degree and are judged according to two criteria: effectiveness (the ability to achieve desired results) and efficiency (the ability to achieve desired results with the least possible efforts).


C. Follow-up activities.

Task V. Having watched the film, prove the following:

a) All five managerial functions are interdependent.

b) Planning and organizing are closely related.

c) Management is a universal fact of life.


Task VI. Give a brief summary of the film using this plan:

a) five managerial functions;

b) planning as the most critical function;

c) planning and organizing as closely related functions;

d) the role of staffing;

e) the goal of directing;

f) controlling as the way of managing activity;

g) effectiveness and efficiency in the work of a manager.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 337. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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