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I. Reference text

Train Operation

One of the ways to facilitate the problem of train operation is that all railroads, except the very short ones, are divided into sections or divisions operated just as a small railroad. The train with a long run is operated over many divisions and may change locomotives and crews several times in the course of its journey.

A railroad runs two principal kinds of trains: regular trains and extra trains. A regular train is a scheduled train, i. e. a train listed on the railroad time-table. Regular trains are all numbered. An extra train is not scheduled in the time-table; special trains, work trains, and wreck trains are examples of extra trains.

The list of times at which a regular train is to arrive at and leave a station is known as the train's schedule. The printed schedules of the regular trains form the time-table.

The making of a time-table is the most complicated job, in the operating business. In order to make up time-table many factors have to be taken into account. The fact is that the railways make up different time-tables for the summer and for the winter service and that the weekday time-table is not the same as that of Saturday and Sunday. Besides, one should not forget that express trains and slow local trains have to run on the same tracks. And it is these tracks which are also used by freight trains, whether they are slow or fast, diesel-powered or electrically-operated. Having taken into account these and many other factors one may get an idea what difficulties are encountered when making a time-table.

Besides the making of time-tables the operating business also includes the making of separate working programmes for locomotives and train crews, the planning of regular switching operations and so on. In other words, the operating business comprises all the problems connected with the safe and efficient operation of trains, whether passenger or freight.

That the problems of railway operation must be now solved with the use of the most up-to-date technical aids is clear to everyone. Being introduced on railways, the technical aids greatly facilitate the task of directing train movements and make the job of the railwaymen simpler and more productive. The technical aids, which provide the so-called telecommunication service, comprise the telephone, the radio and the television.

Of all technical aids it is the radio which plays the most significant part on modern railways. While the telephone system is principally made use of for control purposes the radio has found a wide application practically in all aspects of railway operation.

Today, locomotives are equipped with both transmitters and receivers and the

Locomotive drivers can communicate with at least the nearest station along the track

or with other train on the route. In case of an emergency the engine driver can radio

a warning to other drivers or ask the dispatcher for help. Thus thanks to the radio the

danger of train collisions has been substantially decreased.

The radio has also proved very useful in the switching yards where much time

Is saved thanks to constant and direct communication between the engine drivers and

the operators on duty. The sorting of goods trains and separate cars is now unthinkable without radio.

One of the radio devices being commonly used in the switching yard is the walkie-talkie. This individual radio helps the car inspector do a better job and saves

him much time. Having found a damaged car the car inspector can radio other

wolkers for help.

Another very helpful radio device is the so-called loud speaker. The loud speakers are installed at passenger stations where they give the passengers regular information on the incoming and the outgoing trains.

The TV is increasingly applied in the switching yards. Some years ago, when the train arrived at the switching yard, a man had to walk along the train, checking car. Now an operator in an office can watch a long line of cars directly on the television screen and check them off comfortably and accurately,

From the above-said it becomes clear that it is telecommunication that greatly contributes to the safety and the efficiency of train operation and facilitates the work of railwaymen.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1085. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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