Hair Tips
Here are some tips to keep your hair in shape: · Use conditioners. They won't necessarily give your hair a radiant glow, but they can coat the hair with a lubricant or synthetic that replaces the stripped out sebum. Some conditioners bond to the hair, helping to smooth the cuticle and restore sheen to the hair. Others cut down the static charges of flyaway hair. · Go easy on colouring, hot rollers and dryers – especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. · Remember, "perm" is short for "permanent" and although it is not permanent it can take a long time to grow out. If you really want to have it done, have a hairdresser do it and make sure they tell you the different options for your hair type. · Wear a hat in the sun. The sun dries your hair out, as it bleaches it too. Hats can be cute, fun and change your look. · Wear a bathing cap in pools or in salt water. Comb conditioner into your hair before you put the cap on and then wash your hair afterward. I know you think you will look like a dork, but chlorinated pool water can change your hair colour. I know, I live in Florida and the water here is very chlorinated. So, it lightens and damages everyone's hair! · Dry your hair gently, by blotting and squeezing, not wringing or rubbing. Never brush wet hair. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb.