Tu. and Th. 10:30-11:50 AM; Rockefeller Library A9
Classics 0660, FALL 2012 The World of Byzantium Tu. and Th. 10:30-11:50 AM; Rockefeller Library A9
Stratis Papaioannou, Associate Professor of Classics Office Hours: Th. 12-1 PM and by appointment Wilbour Hall 105; E-mail: sp@brown.edu Teaching Assistant: Daria Resh (Classics: 108 MacFarlane House); E-mail: daria_resh@brown.edu
Course Description: Caught between the East and the West, the culture of Byzantium inherited the ancient worlds of Greece, Rome, and Jerusalem. The first and most long-lasting Christian Empire of world history (from 330 to 1453 CE), Byzantium nurtured many a modern ideology, conflict, cultural expression, and identity still palpable throughout the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, and beyond. In this course, Byzantium is explored through its history, texts, and art. We examine the foundation and history of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), Byzantine art and Iconoclasm, Byzantium’s relation with Islam, the Arab and Ottoman worlds, its confrontation with the Crusading Western European Christianity. We also take close looks at the life of the Byzantine court, church, monasteries and schools, as well as concepts and practices of gender, self, sexuality, and desire. Requirements: - Attendance and participation in class discussion (35%) (NOTA BENE: the use of computers and other electronic devices is not permitted, except when discussing texts available in pdf format. Any use of the internet during class time will result to an instant F; no exceptions) - One 15-minute class presentation (15%) - 10 weekly response-papers to readings (1-page long; these are not extensively argued essays but rather brief responses guided by questions provided by the instructor for the sake of initiating class-discussion) (20%) - Final examination, based on the semester’s primary readings; the exam is scheduled for Thursday 12\13\2012, 09:00 AM (30%)
Required Secondary Reading:Loverance, Byzantium (Harvard University Press, 2004). (available at the Brown Bookstore). Further readings will be posted by the instructor on the Canvas site of the class; there, you will also find handouts and slide-shows for all sections.