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Modal verbs. Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which behave irregularly in English

Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verb s, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They are used to indicate modality. They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions.

Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without "to"

Modal Verb Meaning Expressing Example
must to have to 100 % obligation I must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
to be very probable logical conclusion (deduction) He must be very tired after such enormous work
must not not to be allowed to prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital.
can to be able to ability I can swim
to be allowed to permission Can I use your phone please?
it is possible possibility Smoking can cause cancer!
could to be able to ability in the past When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired..
to be allowed to more polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
it is possible possibility It could rain tomorrow!
may to be allowed to permission May I use your phone please?
it is possible, probable possibility, probability It may rain tomorrow!
might to be allowed to more polite permission Might I use your phone please?
it is possible, probable weak possibility, probability I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money.
need necessary necessity Need I say more?
need not not necessary lack of necessity/absence of obligation I need not buy any tomatoes. There are plenty in the fridge.
should/ought to used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do 50 % obligation I should / ought to see a doctor. I have a terrible headache.
to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary advice You should / ought to revise your lessons
to be very probable logical conclusion (deduction) He should / ought to be very tired after such enormous work
had better to suggest an action or to show that it is necessary advice You 'd better revise your lessons


Exercise 1.Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses:

Початок форми

1. You don't look well. You _____ see a doctor. (Advice)

a) are to

b) could

c) need to

d) should

2. _____ lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request)

a) can you

b) could you

c) would you

d) would you mind

3. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It _____ be Anna's. (Possibility)

a) might

b) must

c) should

d) would

4. She _____ home yesterday because her little son was sick. (Necessity)

a) could have stayed

b) had to stay

c) must have stayed

d) should have stayed

5. You _____ leave work at 3:30 today. (Permission)

a) can

b) could

c) might

d) will

6. Though he was ill and weak, he_____ get out of the burning building. (Ability)

a) could

b) might

c) should

d) was able to

7. The windows look clean. You _____ wash them. (Absence of necessity)

a) can’t

b) don’t have to

c) mustn’t

d) are not to

8. You _____ disturb him during his work! (Prohibition)

a) could not

b) don’t have to

c) must not

d) should not

9. Whose car is this? – It _____ be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. (Strong probability)

a) might

b) could

c) must

d) would

10. I don't believe it. It _____ be true. (Impossibility)

a) can’t

b) mustn’t

c) shouldn’t

d) wouldn’t


Кінець форми

Exercise 2.Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold:

1. It isn’t necessary to wait for us.

have You ___________ for us.

2. Taking pictures inside the museum is forbidden.

must You ___________ inside the museum.

3. Is it necessary for you to leave so early?

have Do ___________ so early?

4. It isn’t necessary to go by taxi. I’ll give you a lift.

needn't You ___________ by taxi. I’ll give you a lift.

5. Keeping pets in the building is forbidden.

must You ___________ in the building.

6. It isn’t necessary to water the flowers.

have You ___________ the flowers.


Exercise 3.Fill in the gaps with must or can’t. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Wow! Look at that man in the beautiful car. Yes, he ____ be rich man.

2. I passed my exam! Congratulations. You ____ be very happy.

3. Aunt Sheila’s dog died. Oh, no. She ____ be very sad.

4. That woman always wears smart clothes and lots of jewellery. I know. She ____ be poor.

5. I’ve been working all day without a break. Sit down, you ____ be really tired.

6. I’ve finished tidying my room. I’m ready to leave now. You ____ be ready so soon! You only started ten minutes ago!

Exercise 4.Underline the correct answer:

1. Good morning madam. May/Must I help you?

2. You might/mustn’t be able to. I need a ball of wool that is the same colour as my jumper.

3. Just a moment, please. I must/mustn’t look in the stock room.

4. We might/might not have some left. I’m not sure.

5. The wool must/might not be exactly the same colour.

6. It must/mustn’t be different.

7. Could/Might I ask you a question, madam?


What do you want the wool for?

8. I could/must finish knitting this jumper. It only has one sleeve at the moment!

TEST 6 (Modal verbs)

1. Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs:

1. It isn’t necessary for her to wear a suit to the office.

2. You aren’t allowed to take books out of the library.

3. It is possible that Mark will be at home this evening.

4. I advise you to leave early.

5. Emily managed to find a job after looking for six months.

6. Would you like me to make some sandwiches for you?

7. I’m sure Paul isn’t from Canada.

8. We are obliged to take exams every six months.

9. I’m sure the children aren’t happy with your decision.

10. Perhaps we will go to Florida on holiday.

2.Choose the most appropriate answer to express the idea specified in parentheses:

Початок форми

1. You ­­____ go there with me. I can handle it, it's not difficult. (Absence of necessity)

a) may not

b) must not

c) don't have to

d) had better not

2. ____ bring me a glass of cold water, please? (Request)

a) Could you

b) Couldn't you

c) Would you mind

d) Wouldn't you

3. I ____ give you a lift to the station. My car broke down yesterday. (Ability)

a) must not

b) should not

c) may not

d) can't

4. I don't know what to do. – You ____ your father for advice. (Suggestion)

a) are able to ask

b) could ask

c) must ask

d) have to ask

5. He didn't go to the park with us yesterday because he ____ write a report. (Necessity)

a) should

b) must

c) had to

d) could

6. I left my bag here just five minutes ago. You ____ it! (Strong probability)

a) should have seen

b) must have seen

c) were able to see

d) could see

7. You ____ the bills two weeks ago! (Advice)

a) had better pay

b) should pay

c) ought to pay

d) should have paid

8. I don't know how to help you. Try asking Anton for help. He ____ be able to find a solution. (Possibility)

a) must

b) has to

c) might

d) will

9. I ____ play tennis every day when I was younger. (Repeated action in the past)

a) had to

b) was able to

c) used to

d) could

10. You want to call them now? It's already after midnight! They ____. (Strong probability)

a) must sleep

b) should sleep

c) may sleep

d) must be sleeping


Кінець форми

3.Translate the sentences into English:

1. Я вмію розмовляти англійською мовою.

2. Мій тато не вміє розмовляти німецькою мовою.

3. Чи вмієш ти розмовляти французькою мовою?

4. Моя сестра не вміє грати у футбол.

5. Чи можеш ти допомогти мені?

6. Я не можу випити це молоко.

7. Вона не може вас зрозуміти.

8. Чи вмів ти плавати у минулому році?

9. У минулому році я не вмів кататися на лижах, а тепер умію.

10. Чи не можете ви мені сказати, як доїхати до магазина?

11. Чи не могли б ви мені допомогти?

12. Я не можу перекласти це речення.

13. Ніхто не міг мені допомогти.

14. Де тут можна купити хліб?

15. Чи вміла твоя бабуся танцювати, коли була молодою? - Так, вона і зараз уміє.

4.Translate the sentences into English:

1. Вона не зможе дістатися до аеропорту.
2. Чи зможеш ти відправити йому листа?
3. Вони не зможуть дивитися телевізор.
4. Я не зможу допомогти тобі переїхати у новий будинок наступної неділі.
5. Ти зможеш зробити цю работу завтра?
6. Я думаю, що вона не зможе виконати цю вправу.
7. Завтра я буду вільний і зможу допомогти тобі.
8. Чи зможемо ми поїхати до Нью-Йорку наступного року?
9. Чи зможеш ти полагодити мій магнітофон?
10. Вчора я не зміг побачити директора, тому що він був зайнятий, але сьогодні я зможу це зробити.


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