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HEARING THE LAST OF ITДата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 621
Notes: 1. Can has only two tense forms: can (present) and could (past), so for other tenses to be able to do smth. or to be capable of doing smth. are used. But if you mean that someone managed to do something in one particular situation (where can or could are possible), you have to use was/were able to do smth. or was/were capable of doing smth. 2. Couldis not always the past of can, sometimes it has a present or future meaning. Perfect infinitive after can or could in such cases shows that they refer to the past. 3. Passive and progressive infinitives after can or could are also possible in some cases. MAY – to be allowed (permitted) to do smth.
Notes: 1. May has only two tense forms: may (present) and might (past), so for other tenses to be allowed (permitted) to do sth. is used. 2. Mightis not always the past of may, sometimes it has a present or future meaning. Perfect infinitive after may or might in such cases shows that they refer to the past. 3. Passive and progressive infinitives after may or might are also possible in some cases.
Notes: 1. Must has no other forms. To express past perfect infinitive can be used sometimes. 2. Had to is the past form of must which refers to a past obligation. 3. Need is used in its negative form to express the lack of necessity.