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Частина І. ЗАГАЛЬНА ПАТОЛОГІЯ 29 страница

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 653

The words "Static electricity" have no definition on which the experts agree. What is static electricity? To answer this question, first I'd have to know what you mean by the words "static electricity!" <grin>

I could answer your question by choosing just one of the several meanings. I'll probably choose a different one than the one you want. Then my answer will be correct... yet it will confuse you. And I won't be answering your actual question.


1. Static electricity is a field of science.

Some people call it "Electrostatics." Same thing. So, if Static Electricity is a kind of science, then it can't be made by generators. In a similar way, you can slice open a dead frog, but you'll never find any biology inside. And rocks don't contain any tiny pieces of "geology." Remember: Hydrostatics is the study of fluid pressure, Newtonian Statics is the study of physical forces, and Static Electricity is the study of charge, voltage, and electrical forces. Where can we find static electricity? Physics books are full of static electricity. So are certain buildings at the University!

2. Static electricity is a set of events which humans have grouped together.Sparks and lightning are "static electricity," even though sparks and lightning are about the most dynamic things imaginable. Also, "dryer cling" is static electricity. Make no mistake, the "static" isn't inside the clothes, since "static" is not a stuff. The cling effect, THAT is the electricity. After all, "electricity" can mean "a class of phenomenon." And having your socks stick to the back of your sweater is certainly a phenomenon. Where does static electricity come from? From human minds: same as with "weather" and "bureaucracy" and all other classes of phenomenon.

3. Static electricity is another word for high voltage.Whenever we have high voltage, then we also have electrostatic attraction and repulsion. High voltage can attract lint or tiny bits of paper, and it can make hair stand up. With high voltage we also get long sparks, crackling noises, and blue glows and flashes. High voltage makes ozone; the stuff that gives that funny chlorine smell. These things are the hallmarks of Static Electricity, but they are never caused by the "static-ness" of electric charges. Instead they are caused by intense e-fields. Intense e-fields are another way of saying "high votlage." If you can scuff шаркать ногами your shoes on the carpet and then zap застрелить people with your finger, then you've been charging your body to several thousand volts.

4.Static Electricity means an imbalance of electric charge An electrically "charged" object contains more protons than electrons, or it contains more electrons than protons.

Electrically neutral matter is made of positive and negative charges. Matter is made of atoms, and atoms contain closely-spaced electrons and protons. The "positives" and the "negatives" are very close together, so their effects cancel out. That's why electrical phenomena don't seem obvious in the everyday world. But if we accidentally remove a bunch of electrons from their atoms, and then we put these electrons in a distant spot, we'll leave behind a region of positive net charge. We'll also create an equal region of negative net charge. These imbalances of charge will surround themselves with intense electrical fields or "e-fields."

5.Static Electricity means FRICTIONAL charge-imbalanceThere are several ways to create an imbalance of charge upon an object. Suppose we use a high voltage power supply to separate some charge? No friction was involved, yet our charged object can attract paper and raise arm-hair. Sometimes we use the words "static electricity" to mean "triboelectricity" or "frictional electricity." But this means that... if it wasn't created by friction, then it's not static electricity.

But this definition is a little ridiculous! For example, if we rub a piece of rubber upon a piece of plastic, then "static electricity" appears, but suppose we press a rapidly spinning rubber roller against a plastic roller, and both of them spin without slipping. They become strongly charged. But there is no friction. The charges were separated through "electrification by contact," by touching-and-peeling. Because the rollers did not rub against each other, doesn't this mean that the imbalanced charge on the rollers IS NOT static electricity?!! Clearly it's silly to require friction as part of the definition of the term "static electricity."

Let't try to cut through the morass and clear thing up. Just avoid asking about "static," since the answers are confusing. Here are several clearer questions to ask instead:

  • Clinging clothes make cracking noises when peeled apart. Why?!!!
  • In general, what is this stuff known as "electric charge?"
  • I touched the doorknob and made a spark. What was that?
  • I can zap people after scuffing my shoes on the rug? Why?
  • The air around a rubbed balloon feels weird. What's going on?

Uses of Static Electricity


We've all have experienced static electricity in one way or another. Those unexpected little shocks we get when we touch a doorknob or some other metalic object, the balloons that stick to the wall after being rubbed in the head, or hair itself standing straight when it comes close, all are produced by static electricity.

All those are common in our everyday lives, and at most they are fun to watch but, is there any practical uses of static electricity? or is it just a fun but useless electronic phenomenon?


The effects of static electricity in hair


What is Static Electricity?

Static electricity is generated when any material gains or loses electrons and becomes positively (when it loses electrons) or negatively charged (when it gains electrons). The acumulated charges are whats called static electricity.

It is called static because the charges do not move from where they where generated, unlike the electricity used to power electronic devices that flows from one pole of a battery or power source to the other. Most of the time it is produced when two objects come in contact or are rubbed together.

For a static charge to remain in an object, it must have a high resistance to the flow of electricity. That is why plastic balloons and hair remain charged, they are poor electric conductors. Other materials like aluminum can get a static charge, but it will dissipate very quickly because of its low resistance to the flow of electrons.

Images: Uses of Static Charges

Static charges are used to remove dust and other pollutants in smokestacks

Practical Uses of Static Charges

The ability of opposite charges in static electricity is what's used when designing applications for it.

Dust removal: There are some appliances that can eliminate dust from the air, like air purifiers. They use static electricity to alter the charges in the dust particles so that they stick to a plate or filter of the purifier that has an opposite charge as that of the dust (opposite charges attract each other).

This effect is also used in industrial smokestacks to reduce the pollution that they generate, altough they work in a very large scale, the effect is basically the same as the home air purifier.

Photocopy: Copy machines use static to make ink get attracted to the areas where we need the information copied. It uses the charges to apply the ink only in the areas where the paper to be copied is darker (usually this means text or other information) and not where the paper is white, this process is called xerography.

Car painting: To make sure a car's paint is uniform and that it will resist the high speeds and weather to protect the car's metal interior, it is applied with a static charge. The metal body of the car is submerged in a substance that charges it positively, and the paint is charged negatively with the paint sprayer.

This process ensures a uniform layer of paint, since when there is enough negative paint in the car the extra will be repelled by the paint already in the car.

It also ensures that the paint won't fall off, since the electrical attraction between the paint and the car is stronger than if it was just sprayed.

All of these processes use electronic circuits to generate and control the static charges generated. If you are interested in electricity and electronics, check out my electronic circuits for beginners site, where you will find simple circuits to get you started, When you have learned enough you can build your own practical static electricity circuits for your own use!

Power from Static Electricity?

Many people have wondered if static electricity can be used as a source of power for homes and industries. Despite the extremely high voltages that can be generated with static electricity (tens of thousands of volts, compared that to the 110v of a common power outlet) the amount current it can generate is very low, from microAmperes to a few miliAmperes (Ampere is the unit of electric current) and only for very short times.

Lightning can produce a considerable amount of energy, but the high voltages, current, temperature and speed of the discharge make it extremely difficult and inefficient to use or store.

Storing electricity is so inefficient that power plants will just sell the extra energy at a lower price or let it unused and lost instead of storing it because of the cost and also the amount of energy that can be stored is not significant enough to offset the expenses.


A Shocking New Understanding of Static Electricity

A new study has found that the age-old understanding of this everyday phenomenon—one item becoming positively charged while the other becomes uniformly negative—is incorrect.

By Douglas Main


June 29, 2011 3

When you rub your hair with a balloon, your hair sticks to it. However, the common explanation behind this elementary school science demonstration may not be correct. A new study proposes a different story that goes against the common wisdom on static electricity that has prevailed for centuries.

The traditional explanation for the balloon experiment goes like this: Friction causes the balloon and hair to transfer electrons, leaving each item with a uniform opposite charge. One is entirely negative and one positive, and they are then attracted to each other via static electricity. But Northwestern University researcher Bartosz Grzybowski led a study that appeared in Science last week that found things are not so black-and-white. His team's close examination of statically charged objects shows that both contain pockets of negative and positive charges. It is only the net total charge of each object that leads to their attraction. Furthermore, he found, static electricity is not caused solely by a migration of electrons or ions from one item to the other. In fact, Grzybowski says, static electricity may arise from a significant transfer of materials such as surface molecules.

Grzybowski admits it's bizarre to find a huge surprise in a topic that has been studied since Greek polymath Thales of Miletus first rubbed amber on wool in 600 B.C., and found it could then attract light objects like feathers. Leading lights such as Nikola Tesla and Michael Faraday have studied the phenomenon, but they too reached the same conclusion. "One assumption common to all these models is that one material was positively charged, and one negatively charged," Grzybowski says. "This is actually not true."

Perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised: Static electricity is a weird phenomenon to begin with, arising from contact between two insulators—materials that don't conduct electricity, but can create it when rubbed together. To test it in the lab, Grzybowski and colleagues used not balloons, but materials like the common polymers PDMS and Teflon. He pressed samples of insulators together before separating them (rubbing them could create more electrification but would make results harder to analyze). He then used Kelvin probe microscopy to measure molecular charges in the material. With this technique, a scientist runs a tiny probe over the microscopic hills and valleys of surfaces, and the probe vibrates differently over differently charged regions, creating a map of the charges. That's how Grzybowski saw that each material had a random patchwork of positive and negative charges, and neither was uniformly charged. In addition, his tests showed that PDMS and Teflon exchange silicon and fluorine atoms upon contact, a more significant transfer of material than ever previously shown.

Case Western Reserve University chemical engineer Daniel Lacks says this new understanding is both fascinating and surprisingly practical. For instance, photocopying depends on precisely delivering charges to ink particles so they end up in the right place on the paper. But Lacks recalls several examples of powders becoming unexpectedly charged and exploding during manufacturing, something engineers could hopefully avoid with better knowledge of static electricity. That knowledge could also lead to better industrial coatings, which would help people like the manufacturer of polyethylene that Lacks advises. During the creation of polyethylene, sometimes the particles get unexpectedly charged and stick to the side of the reactor vessel. "Then you have to shut it down and clear out the chunks with chainsaws and blowtorches (паяльная лампа)," he says.

Grzybowski's new study also provides new puzzles for scientists to investigate. While the new study overturns some older beliefs about static electricity, it doesn't fully explain how the phenomenon works. "It's a great day when you come to the office and somebody shows you that your beliefs are wrong," UCLA physicist Seth Putterman says.
Putterman says one thing that remains unexplained after this new study—and surprises him—is that the geometry of the charge pattern (that map of the different charges) doesn't change significantly as the two statically charged object move together and the charge decreases. To him, this implies that ions that move around easily on an object's surface are not causing static electricity. If they were, they should change the charging pattern that Grzybowski's team saw on the surface, he says. "To me this means you have extra electrons trapped deep inside the material causing the [static electricity], and they can't go walking around the surface as would ions," he says. That's because the electrons are bound up inside the material.
Whatever the explanation proves to be, Harvard University chemist Logan McCarty says it's incredible something so common as static electricity remains such a mystery. "It's certainly more complicated than we have naively believed for many years."


Static Electricity & Sialic Contra! http:ZAvww.electrostatiai.com/paee2.html

STATIC ELECTRICITY? Denoting or pertaining to electricity at rest. 1 low simple and inadequate this definition is of a phenomenon that creates problems which cost industry billions of dollars per year. A clearer understanding can be gained by explaining lightning. Static electricity in the atmosphere remains at rest until the potential gradient, between clouds, reaches a level that causes the insulator between clouds, in this case air, to break down or fail, and lightning is created to equalize the potential gradient. For the brief instant the lightning flashes, the static electricity is no longer at rest.

What do we know about this phenomenon called "static electricity"? What is it and how do we get rid of it or at least control it? Well, let's examine it CAUSE

Static electricity is generated by an unbalance of the molecular construction of relatively non-conductive insulators such as plastics and paper. All matter is composed of atoms. Л balanced atom contains positive charges that are present in the nucleus of the atom. An equal amount of negative charges orbits this nucleus in the form of electrons. Both charges are equal and, therefore, the overall charge of a balanced atom is zero. However, should this configuration be disturbed and several electrons removed from this atom, we end up with a greater positive charge in the nucleus and a deficiency of electrons, which gives you an overall charge in the positive direction. Conversely, should we add a few extra electrons, we have an overall charge of negative, due to the fact that we now have an excess of electrons and the net charge is now in the negative direction.

Some materials such as glass, hair, and Nylon tend to give up electrons and become positively charged. Other materials such as Polypropylene, Vinyl (PVC), Silicon, Teflon, Silicone tend to collect electrons and become negatively charged. Hie Triboelectric series is a listing of various materials and there tendency to charge positive or negative.


The ability of material to surrender уступать its electrons or absorb excess electrons is purely a function of (he conductivity of the material with which you are working. For example, a pure conductor, such as copper, has a rigid molecular construction that will not permit its electrons to be moved about freely. However, as you approach the semi-conductor range, such as some bond papers высокосортная бумага, the ability of this material to surrender its electrons is relatively easy and can be accomplished by friction, heat or pressure. As you approach the purely non-conductive materials, such as plastics, it is extremely easy to disrupt the molecular construction and cause the materia! to charge with the slightest friction, heat or pressure. If the conductivity of your processed material can be controlled, then, preventing static electricity becomes relatively easy.

For example, adding surface conductivity to plastics will move them up into the higher conductivity range and prevent the build up of static electricity that is caused by friction. This is normally accomplished by use of additives such as moisture and anti-static sprays. The average anti-static spray is made up from a soap based material that's been diluted in a solvent, such as mild alcohol. A fire retardant is added to combat flammability of the solvent. A short time after contact with your material, the fire retardant and solvents evaporate leaving you with a conductive coating on the surface of the material. I he plastic has now become conductive and as long as this coating is not disturbed, it will be difficult to generate static electricity in this material. Passive Solutions INDUCTION

Removing or neutralizing static electricity by induction is the simplest and oldest method. Tinsel is the most common tool for this application. However, tinsel is oftentimes misused and. therefore, oftentimes not successful. The first thing that must be recognized is the (act that any induction device, such as tinsel, will never reduce or neutralize static electricity to the zero potential level. litis is due to the fact that a threshold or beginning voltage is required to "start" the process.

first, flic correct induction equipment must be utilized. The induction bar must be well grounded electrically. The induction bar must be stretched tight and placed 1/4 of an inch from the material to be neutralized. There must be "free air space" under the material to be neutralized directly under or over the spot where you place the tinsel. In this fashion the induction will reduce static electricity on both sides of the static laden material. Actually, if the above steps are utilized, the sharp ends or points of the grounded induction device will ionize the air over the surface being neutralized, because the grounded sharp ends are placed within the electrostatic field that is present due to static electricity. If the static charge is negative in polarity, the electrostatic field is negative and positive ions arc generated via the grounded sharp ends of the induction device and the positive ions arc attracted back to the static laden surface. Conversely, if the static charge is positive in polarity, negative ions will be generated by the grounding induction device and attracted back to the charged area.

Induction does work but is limited to reducing ihe level of static to a threshold level which usually still very high. Ionization or active static control is Ihc best way to reduce static charge on non conductive surfaces to very low levels.


It is also possible to disturb the molecular construction of your operator. As ridiculous as this sounds, if an operator is isolated by standing on a wooden floor or wearing crepe rubber soles, he will soon pick up a voltage gradient. For example, it is possible for an operator to charge to several hundred volts each time he handles a piece of charged plastic. As he handles many different pieces, he will become charged to a higher voltage gradient until a flash-over will occur and the operator receives a shock, and or damages a static sensitive device. This can be prevented by having your operator stand on a grounded conductive mat, by the use of personnel grounding equipment that is commercially available and by ionization.

Personnel grounding equipment becomes important if your operators tire sitting while working. This is the best means of isolating operators and, therefore, they become extremely vulnerable to static discharge due to charging. This phenomenon can be related to an individual dragging his feet on the living room rug and then discharging himself by toudiing a well grounded lamp.

In addition, grounding of all your plant machinery and related equipment is most important. It never ceases to amaze us that so many plants are operating machinery that is not grounded electrically. Besides the safety factor, a grounded machine will help drain off extremely high charges of static electricity from partial conductors. Remember, grounding is only an aid to reducing your problems with static electricity. It is not a solution. For example, grounding your operators will not drain off static electricity from their clothing. Also, it will not drain off static electricity from a plastic container one maybe holding. The conductivity of some clothing and most plastics is so low that electricity cannot flow to a ground; hence, "static electricity." To solve this problem, ionization or active static control must be utilized. Active Solutions to Reduce or Eliminate Static Electricity IONIZATION

By following the above steps, you can reduce the hazards of building up high charges of static electricity. However the above steps are passive and of limited effectiveness. An active method static control is by ionization. It is important to understand that static electricity cannot be entirely eliminated. In fact, the terminology, "static eliminators," is definitely misleading.

Static eliminators are really ionizing units that produce both positive and negative ions to be attracted by the unbalanced material so that neutralization does occur. For example, a charged piece of material can be neutralized by utilizing a static neutralizes However, it does not eliminate the static electricity because, if the material is again fnctioned after being neutralized, static electricity will be generated.

In order to gain the most benefit from your static neutralizing equipment, it is important that you understand how they operate and how they provide the means of neutralization. Most electronic static neutralizes are constructed by placing a high voltage on a sharp point in close proximity to a grounded shield or casing. There are two basic types static control ionizers- AC & IX?.

With Alternating Current ionizers the high voltage alternates current pulses through the 60 cycle operation, the air between the sharp points and the grounded casing is actually broken down by ionization and therefore both positive and negative ions are being generated. Half of the cycle is utilized to generate negative ions and the other half is utilized to generate positive ions. On 50 or 60 cycles per second power grid polarity is changing ionization every l/l 00 or, 1/120 of a second.

DC ionizers also put a high voltage on a sharp point but need to produce the opposite polarity by a second power Supply or some kind of circuitry to switch polarity.

Both AC and DC Systems have advantages, ihe application, cost, performance, space are all factored into deciding the proper type of ionizer to use.

If the material being neutralized is charged positive, it will immediately absorb negative ions from the static neulralizcr and repel the positive ions When the material becomes neutralized, there is no longer electrostatic attraction and the material will cease to absorb ions. Conversely, if the material being neutralized is chiirged negative, it will absorb the positive ions being generated by the neutralizer and repel the negative ions. Again, once neutralization is accomplished, the material will no longer attract ions. See figure below.

Nuclear-powered equipment may also be used to generate ionized air for static neutralization. These devices, powered by Polonium 210 isotopes which have a half-life of only 138 days, are continually losing their strength arid must be replaced annually. 1 hey arc more expensive and less effective than electrically powered devices. Iliese nuclear devices cannot be purchased and tire leased by users. One year lease costs are usually more than the purchase price of comparable electrically powered devices

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Учиться фокусироваться на чем-то одном - это, пожалуй, одна из лучших вещей, которую вы можете сделать, инвестируя в себя.Это, возможно, одна из самых неизученных областей в сфере личной эффективности.

Вы можете считать, что фокусироваться на одном деле легче легкого, но это напротив очень сложно. Чтобы наглядно показать мою точку зрения, что фокусироваться на чем-то одном тяжело, давайте сфокусируемся на одной из целей, которую большинство людей хотят достичь.

Например: «Создать основной доход». Способы создания основного дохода бесконечны. Вот лишь несколько примеров:

● Открытие собственного бизнеса

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● Сделки с недвижимостью

● Инвестирование в фондовый рынок

● Сетевой маркетинг


● Написание книги-бестселлера

● Стать знаменитым актером

● Получить высокооплачиваемую работу

На нас со всех сторон сыпется тонны информации о способах создания основного дохода из разных источников по телевидению, радио, интернета, знакомых ит.п.

К примеру, типичный Усманов, услышал байку о том, как можно заработать на недвижимости. Он покупает массу книг, идет на семинары и даже пытается работать в этой сфере, совершать сделки, но не слишком удачно, дальше, у него опускаются руки, и он решает, что недвижимость не для него.

Далее, он слышит, что фондовый рынок – это хорошая тема, он находит и звонит брокеру, читает книги Уоррена Баффета, подписывается на финансовые журналы. После покупки и продажи нескольких бумаг, он решает, что это тоже не для него.

Далее, он слышит, что люди становятся миллионерами работая в Интернете, и он решает заняться этим бизнесом тоже. Он связывается с оптовиками, создает свой магазин, продает несколько товаров, но опять же бизнес не идет так удачно как ему хотелось бы. Тот же результат. Почему Усманов приходит к одним и тем же результатам снова и снова, и ему не удается создать основной источник дохода?

Все потому что отсутствует фокус на чем-то одном.

Давайте обратимся за примером к тем людям, которые уже знают, как важна и трудна концентрация на одном деле. Уоррен Баффет, когда мы слышим его имя, мы ассоциируем его с инвестированием. Дональд Трамп – недвижимость. Урал Рахимов – сделки с нефтью. Евгений Чичваркин – создание «ЕвроСети». Антонов – «ДАСКО», «сеть винных магазинов и ресторанов». Земфира Юсупова – отличный стоматолог, владеющая собственной клиникой «Белое Золото» (Уфа). Алла Пугачёва – певица. Олег Табаков – актёр. Все эти люди выбрали концентрацию на одном деле и следовали ей.

Google гордится своей поисковой системой. Сейчас у Google есть рекламный сервис, видеопоиск, Google Earth, Froogle, и другие. Сначала Google создавал одно направление, затем без особых усилий создавал остальные.

Вы обнаружите, что если вы фокусируетесь на одном единственном деле, и начинаете преуспевать в нем, многие другие двери начнут открываться перед вами. Это предложение очень важное, поэтому я еще раз повторю:

Вы обнаружите, что если вы фокусируетесь на одном единственном деле, и начинаете преуспевать в нем, многие другие двери начнут открываться перед вами.

Далее я приведу пример, иллюстрирующий то, как важно фокусироваться на одном деле.

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