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Exercise 8

Дата добавления: 2014-10-29; просмотров: 794

Put the verbs in brakets in Present Simple Passive

1. Each cylinder (provide) with a piston which fits tightly within the cylinder walls.

2. The vehicle fails to accelerate properly when the accelerator pedal (depress).

3. We must not forget that different makes of cars (design) in different ways.

4. The operating cycle (show) in a table at the end of the text.

5. The petrol tank usually (fit) at the back of the car.

6. Air (mix) with petrol in the venture.

7. Petrol (draw) into the venture through the main jet.

8. The water pump (situate) just behind the fan.

9. When the exhaust valve opens, the smoke and gases (push) out of the cylinder.

10. The clutch (operate) by the clutch pedal inside the car.


Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets in Passive form. Pay attention to the modal words used in the sentences

1. If the float chamber is empty, the needle valve or the float may (block).

2. Air resistance is one of the main factors which must (evaluate) and taken into account in the design of a car.

3. Both sets of valves have to (arrange) to open and close at just the right moment.

4. The drain plug should (clean) and then replaced.

5. Old machinery is to (replace) next month.

6. Motion may (define) as a continuous change in position.

7. The difference of travel between one rear wheel and the other is known as differential action and it has to (allow) for in the design of the rear axle.

8. This device cannot much (rely) upon because it is not accurate enough.

9. The filler cap should (remove) and the engine should (refill) with oil.


Exercise 10

Act out a conversation between a car salesperson and a customer. Ask for the detailed information about family cars. Express concerns about price. Ask for a test drive. Use the expressions listed:

Could you tell me…? I’d like to know about …? Have you got …?

I’m a bit worried about …? What about …? I’m not sure about …?


Exercise 11

  • How has transport changed in the last 100 years? If you could live at any time of history when would it be and why?
  • Do you agree that cars from different countries have different styles? If so, what is your favorite national style? Which country does your or your parents’ car come from? Does it reflect the style of the country? How would you describe German, French, Japanese, Italian, British, or the USA style?


Exercise 12

Read the text. Be ready to answer the questions

1. How many cylinders does the cylinder block of the car have?

2. How many holes are there in the top of each cylinder?

3. How does the sparkling plug ignite the mixture of air and petrol?

4. How do smoke and gases leave the cylinder?

Text 2

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
1 | <== 2 ==> | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
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