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Exercise 14

Дата добавления: 2014-10-29; просмотров: 672

Fill in the gaps in the text using the words and word combinations from the text “Rear Axle Gears”

1. From the (1)________________ the movement is transmitted to the (2)____________by the propeller shaft. At the back end of this shaft is a (3)__________________.

2. The (4) ___________________ has two halves. A strong gear (bevel wheel) is fixed to each half.

3. A strong box covers the (5)______________________. This box turns when the axles turn.

4. To one side of this box is fixed a large gear (the crown wheel). When it turns, it turns the box and the axles.

5. The (6) __________________ meshes with the (7) _________________. 6. When the (8) _____________________ turns, it turns the crown wheel and the box and the axles.

7. Round the inside of the box are fixed (9) _________________ small gears (differential pinions). Each pinion can turn freely. These pinions mesh with the (10) __________________ on the axles. The (11) ___________ do not turn when the (12) ______________ is going straight. They make the bevel wheels and the axle turn at the same speed.

8. The outside wheel has farther to go when the car is turning. So it must move (13) _________________ than the inside (14) _________________. So the differential pinions turn when the car is turning. Now (15) ______________________ can travel faster than the inside wheel.


Exercise 15

Complete the multiple choice test

  1. It helps when the driver changes gear.

A) the pinion B) the clutch C) the neutral gear.

  1. This gear is used when the car stops for a short time, like at traffic lights.

A) neutral gear B) reverse gear C) first gear.

3. From the change gears the movement is transmitted to the back axle by…

A) camshaft B) crankshaft C) propeller shaft.

4. This gear is used to increase the speed of the car.

A) first gear B) second gear C) top gear.

5. This gear is used to start the car moving.

A) first gear B) second gear C) top gear.

6. Round the inside of the clutch plate there is …

A) a spring B) soft material C) rough material.

7. The piston rings rub against …

A) the cylinder walls B) the crankshaft C) the inside of the big end.

8. The driven shaft leads to …

A) the pinion B) the back axle C) the clutch


Exercise 16

Fill in the table with the information from the texts above

Gear Function
first gear  
second gear  
top gear  
neutral gear  
reverse gear  




Exercise 1

Make words with the help of suffixes according to the model


Model I: the root of the noun + -al – adjective

Addition part origin accident form friction

Model II: the root of the verb + -able/ible – adjective

To desire to comfort to break to change

Model III: the root of the verb + -(t)ure – noun

To mix to fix to press


Exercise 2

Choose the correct translation of the word

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Exercise1 | Combustion, combustion chamber, compression
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | <== 5 ==> | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
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