![]() Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
ПРИВИЛЕЙ ШЛЯХТІДата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 752
I. Transcribe the following words and practise them for pronunciation: partial, threat, anxiety, actually, external, accentuate, convergent, divergent II. Read the following adjectives with the suffix -ous. Mind the pronunciation of the suffix, translate the words into Russian, wherever possible name the words from which the given adjectives are derived: nervous, various, obvious, curious, serious, famous, tremendous, spontaneous, conscious, monotonous, simultaneous, dangerous, desirous. III. Translate the following sentences and word combinations into Russian. (The exercise is to be done orally): occasional reinforcement; occasional repetition; occasional presentation; partial learning; partial remembering; constant error; a constant number; constant reinforcement; to make an effort to memorize a poem; to make an effort to achieve a goal; to make an effort to get a reward; the transfer of meaning; the transfer from internal to external speech; cause of one's anxiety; he fell ill because of constant anxiety; anxiety influenced his performance; to excite interest; to excite desire; he was excited before the experiment; a cause of excitement; desire to enter the University;desire to be free and independent; desire to get a reward; desire to achieve a goal; what do you desire? 1 desired to be left alone; external (internal) factors; external (internal) influence; external (internal) development; to acquire new skills; practical skills; to form new skills; to distribute equipment; to distribute food among the animals; 1 can't account for this distribution; to affect the distribution of water; similar objects; similar living conditions; similar distribution; similar skills; similar habits; similarity of behaviour; similarity of tastes; children's attitude to parents; one's attitude to work; one's attitude to society; I have a negative attitude to him; they have a similar attitude to work; the characteristic features of a natural language; features of one's temperament; features of one's character; manifestation of interest; manifestation of anxiety; manifestation of desire; to manifest awareness of the environment; to manifest some change in behaviour. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary: 1. Даже помощь от случая к случаю лучше, чем ничего. 2. Время от времени причиной такого поведения может быть беспокойство испытуемых. 3. Лабораторные условия могут быть иногда причиной искажения полученных данных. 4. В этом случае даже частичное достижение цели было большим успехом. 5. Изучение механизма памяти связано с вопросом о частичном и полном забывании. 6. Шум был причиной частичного искажения в восприятии. 7. Необходимо определить постоянную ошибку. 8. Родители оказывали ему постоянную помощь и поддержку, и?. Он"хорошо учится без всякгтх усютчт. ГГ. Чгибъгсделать з гит опыт, не потребуется много усилий. 12. Врачи, учителя, психологи прилагают массу усилий, чтобы повысить эффективность школьного преподавания. 13. Испытуемые животные проявляли большой интерес к окружающим предметам. 14. Его математические способности проявились в раннем возрасте. 15. Группа ученых изучала вопрос о проявлении возрастных различий. 16. В природе можно наблюдать много проявлений действия закона естественного отбора. 17. Велики достижения в области теории коммуникаций. 18. Чтобы достичь хороших результатов в учебе, надо потрудиться. 19. При втором предъявлении испытуемый показал лучшие результаты. 20. По-моему, у Вас нет причиндля беспокойства. 21. Постоянное беспокойство быстро состарило ее. 22. Новая методика проведения измерений вызвала всеобщий интерес. 23. Больной находился в состоянии непонятного возбуждения. 24. Вскоре возбуждение сменилось апатией. 25. Жажда знаний заставила Ломоносова покинуть родную деревню и отправиться в Москву. 26. У меня нет желания испытать это ощущение еще раз. 27. Если испытываешь желание достичь определенной цели, исполнение лучше, чем когда такого желания нет. 28. При определении причин заболевания следует учитывать как внутренние, так и внешние факторы. 29. Психолога интересует влияние внешнего мира на внутренний мир человека, его мысли и чувства. 30. Для опыта было отобрано шесть предметов, сходных по цвету и форме. 31. Я не замечаю никакого сходства между ними. 32. Вторая серия экспериментов дала результаты, сходные с результатами первой серии. 33. В университете многие студенты овладевают мастерством чтения лекций. 34. У него хорошее знание теории, но нет практических навыков. 35. Новые методы помогают скорейшей выработке у учащихся умений и навыков. 36. Работа была слишком сложной, пришлось распределить ее между несколькими студентами. 37. Общественность Англии протестовала против раннего распределения детей по разным типам школ в соответствии с результатами специальных тестов. 38. Как Вы относитесь к этому вопросу? 39. Отношение детей к учебе зависит от многих факторов. 40. В возрасте 13 лет отношение мальчика к родителям, особенно отцу, очень изменилось. 41. У нее очень приятные черты лица. 42. Характерная его особенность — стремление к достижению поставленной цели. 43. Матери пришлось перевести сына в другую школу. 44. Почему Вы переносите свое отрицательное отношение с отца на сына? 45. Положительный перенос — очень важен в процессе обучения. V. Choose the right word from the box and insert it into one of the following sentences: similarity, effort, anxiety, feature, achievement, external, skills 1. The mother in a state of high ... about her son's illness took him to a hospital. 2. Some child psychologists perceived a... in the early behaviour of animals and the human infant. 3. A great deal of thought may be required in learning ... , but in the end the behaviour patterns become largely automatic. 4. ... were made to control the process. 5. Philosophic materialism interprets consciousness as a reflection of the ... world. 6. There is a strong association between ageing and many kinds of intellectual.... VI. Form Participle I, Active and Passive, of the following verbs: write, report, reinforce, recommend, influence VII. Form Perfect Participle I, Active and Passive, of the following verbs: ask, reward, read, refer, make VIII. In the following sentences find all the participles, define their forms and functions. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. It was noted that even at the age of six the children were able to organize their performance in a variety of perceptual and motor tests, directing their energies towards efficient performance, working away independently and experiencing delight when succeeded. 2. The least developed area of human gerontology concerns motivation and personality. 3. The procedure recommended is to select the one best test to measure each factor. 4. The percentage of material retained varies according to the type of measurement of retention. 5. This approach is concerned with the effect of continuous performance on the efficiency in the performance being studied. 6. Often the behaviour being observed in the experimental situation is isolated and out of context and may differ from similar behaviour in an actual life situation. 7. Every individual coming to a psychological clinic or being seen and «treated» by a psychologist should have a careful physical examination by a doctor. 8. Five and ten years later we may repeat our measurements using the same tests. iX. In the following sentences find the Absolute Participial Construction and translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Man being a very complex organism, many sciences are concerned with his investigation. 2. Experiments being performed under carefully controlled conditions, behaviour of experimental animals may not be characteristic of their behaviour outside the laboratory. 3. Scientists having been able to discover specialization of different nerve fibres, a great deal is to be learned about the nature of nerve «messages». 4. This was done for obtaining additional data, the operations not being shown here. 5. Werner's results appear to demonstrate that even the black disk on a white ground can be made invisible, the whole black area being obliterated and the colour stimulation being nullified, if the contour is not given enough time to develop in perception. 6. Scientific measurement may either be direct, the response itself being measured, or indirect, the measurement being of the stimulus used to obtain a specific response. 7. A given individual may have many personalities, one of them being central and, perhaps, explaining the others. 8. Hoppe's experiments were characterized by a certain degree of informality, the conclusions being based on the subjects' spontaneous remarks concerning their reactions to the various situations. X. Change the first three sentences of Ex. IX so as to use a clause instead of the Absolute Participial Construction. Follow the pattern: The exams being over, we went to our University sports camp.= As soon as* the exams were over we went to our University sports camp. introduce the clause with such conjuctions as since, as, though, because, etc. XI. Define the functions of -ed forms in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. The blind adult, for so long reliant on his other senses, will have acquired a highly complex tactile and auditory perceptual world which may interfere with his newly acquired visual world. 2. In the general law of retention, how does the percentage retained depend upon the time since practice ceased ? 3. Each trial was followed by a 2-minute rest interval. 4. The conditions which retard or accelerate the rate of learning, the factors which are necessary for its successful completion, the order in which certain parts of a task are mastered — these and other similar questions can be answered, at least in part, by the use of experimental methods already examined. 5. Such methods of research have advantages when applied to human thinking. 6. The environmental world, as perceived, consists in large part of objects or things. 7. These observations are analyzed statistically to give an objective picture of the individual and his relationship to others in the situation observed. 8. A large variety of forms and patterns of maze have been employed in experimental studies of motor learning. 9. The animal is placed in a quiet room so that he will not be affected by uncontrolled or distracting stimuli. 10. The techniques employed have varied. 11. The papers received deal with a great variety of problems. 12. Theories also predict events not yet tested. XII.Compare the meaning of any and its derivatives in statements and interrogative sentences: 1. Can anything be learned when there is no motivation at all? 2. Anyone who has tried to memorize a lengthy poem has been aware of the way in which items mastered momentarily can slip away. 3. Is there anyway of discovering differences between laboratory and extra-Iabo- ratory thinking? 4. In any theory of personality the dynamics of behaviour is a topic of major concern. 5. Any discussion of personality begins with some definition of the term. 6. Theory testing is an important element in the growth and development of any science. XIII. Make up fifteen questions based on the text. XIV. Prepare a dialogue on the topic of complex learning. The following may serve you as a guideline: — We acquire knowledge by means of learning, don't we? — What is the basic principle of learning? — That's right. What kinds of reinforcement do you know? — Which of them is more effective, to your mind, and why do you think so? — In my opinion, it's only a part of an answer to the question. We should also mention ... And what do you mean by latent learning? — I quite agree with you that in case of latent learning the results are limited. There are many factors which influence the efficiency with which we master some new material... — I think that proper distribution of the material to be learned is also very important. — Of course. So, as a rule I prepare for exams... And what about you? — We seem to know at least some laws of efficient learning. If we could apply and follow them I am sure our University achievements would be much better. XV. Speak on the topic: Complex Learning and Language. XVI. Read the following text, retell it and say if, in your opinion, there are age limits to efficient learning of a primary language and a foreign language. Give examples from scientific literature if you can. In 1967 a book called "Biological Foundations of Language" was published by the Harvard neuropsychologist Eric Lenneberg. Chapter 4 of the book presented what has since been called the critical period hypothesis. It suggested that the brain is able to learn a primary language during a certain early period, and not later on, and it proposed physiological explanations of why this might be so. Lenneberg's innovation lay in those explanations; the idea itself has been around for a while. Nikolas Tinbergen who was an ethologist had discovered that he could train baby ducks to follow him around if he trained them at a certain period. That was ducks. In humans, Piaget did his lifelong study about what ages children develop certain capacities. The theory is as old as Saint Augustine,- who realized it in an intuitive way back in A.D. 600 when he said, "Give me a child until he is six, and I'll give you a Catholic for life". Augustine was wrong. It takes till twelve. According to Lenneberg, the child's ability to learn its mother tongue effectively ends at the onset of sexuality. (After «Genie» by Russ Rymer. N.Y., 1993, pp. 84 -85) XVII. Translate the following text from Russian into English. Животное может приспосабливаться к условиям жизни, вырабатывая систему условных рефлексов. Однако животное не способно передавать другим животным свой опыт, оно не способно усвоить опыт предшествующих поколений. Важнейшее отличие человека от всех других животных заключается в том, что его индивидуальный опыт неразрывно связан с общечеловеческим опытом. Это оказывается возможным благодаря существованию языка. Язык — есть система словесных знаков. Язык выступает как средство передачи, существования и усвоения общественно-ис- торического опыта. Другая важнейшая функция языка состоит в том, что язык выступает как средство коммуникации. В процессе коммуникации мы получаем новые для нас знания об окружающей нас действительности.