![]() Головна сторінка Випадкова сторінка КАТЕГОРІЇ: АвтомобіліБіологіяБудівництвоВідпочинок і туризмГеографіяДім і садЕкологіяЕкономікаЕлектронікаІноземні мовиІнформатикаІншеІсторіяКультураЛітератураМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургіяМеханікаОсвітаОхорона праціПедагогікаПолітикаПравоПсихологіяРелігіяСоціологіяСпортФізикаФілософіяФінансиХімія |
Року від створення світу 7195, а від різдва Христового 1687, 25 липня.Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 755
I. Transcribe the following words and practise them for pronunciation: intimately, analogous, equal, conjure, label, spinal, efficiency, infer, criteria, habitual, connotive, valuatively. II. Name adjectives from which the following nouns are formed: awareness, newness, greenness, quickness, sleepiness, bigness, blindness, blackness, usefulness, seriousness, unexpectedness, darkness, nervousness, correctness III. Form adjectives with the suffixes -ful and -less from the following nouns and translate them into Russian: care, use, doubt, help, fear, need IV. Translate the following sentences and word combinations into Russian. (The exercise is to be done orally): to retain information; to retain knowledge; to retain the exciting news; the mechanism of retention; to store facts; to store data; the brain is the place where a great deal of information is stored; storage capacity; to have good intellectual capacities; our memory has a great storage capacity; efficiency in performance; efficiency in memorizing facts and figures; recent events; a recent trial; a recent experiment; to value one 's views; to value one 's opinion; valuable facts; valuable data; valuable information; information value; historical events; recent events; to remember better frequent and recent events; to involve new data; to involve one's consciousness, to involve one's memory; to involve thinking; the image of the world around us; the image of a concept; image memory; a visual image; to study the pattern of one's behaviour; to influence one's pattern of thinking; to depend on the pattern of memorizing new data; the pattern of movement; the younger generation; the older generation; several generations of experimental animals. V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary: 1. Мы удерживаем в памяти только часть получаемой информации. 2. Сохранение в памяти многочисленной информации — чрезвычайно сложный процесс. 3. В его памяти хранится самая разнообразная информация. 4. В памяти хранятся наиболее важные сведения. 5. У разных людей различный объем памяти. 6. Как правило, у детей хорошая восприимчивость к учению. 7. Он — человек больших способностей. 8. Новые эффективные методы обучения нашли широкое применение в нашей школе. 9. Много квалифицированных преподавателей работает в пашем университете. 10. Лечение оказалось эффективным. 11. Следует проверить эффективность этого метода 12. Это происходит чрезвычайно часто. 13. Частотность употребления этого слова в речи очень высокая. 14. Интерес к исследованиям в области массовой коммуникации — сравнительно недавний. 15. С большим удовольствием я вспоминаю недавнюю встречу со старыми друзьями. 16. Новизна — одна из особенностей памяти. 17. Хотя знания студента были недостаточными, преподаватель оценил усилия студента самостоятельно разобраться в изучаемом материале. 18. Без сомнения, ваш ценный опыт окажет нам большую помощь в решении этого вопроса. 19. Огромна ценность экспериментального метода для психолога. 20. В его жизни, казалось, не было никаких примечательных событий. 21. XV111 Международный психологический конгресс в Москве был событием огромного значения. 22. Два события оказали решающее влияние на всю его жизнь. 23. Данная проблема включает несколько отдельных вопросов, которые следует рассмотреть отдельно один за другим. 24. Многие внутренние органы вовлечены в этот процесс. 25. Психологи, биологи, физиологи, химики заняты изучением процесса старения. 26. Ощущение — суть субъективный образ объективного мира. 27. Образная память бывает зрительной, осязательной и т.п. 28. Изучение модели поведения обезъяны дало интересные результаты. 29. Сейчас много говорят о необходимости разработать модель будущего специалиста. 30. Между поколениями существует тесная связь 31. Новое поколение многое наследует от старого. 32. Опыт проводился на нескольких поколениях мышей. VI. Choose the right word from the box and insert it into one of the following sentences: to retain, to involve, pattern, frequency, conscious, consciousness, capacity * 1. The elementary form of ... amongst animals is sensory ... 2. Learning a skill may ... many errors. 3. For most people maximum intellectual... in the biological sense is somewhere between the ages of 15 and 25. 4. This behaviour in the main takes the form of the specific ... of activity in response to specific stimulation termed reflexes. 5. At the opposite pole is behaviour in which individual is clearly... of a definite end or goal towards the attainment of which his actions arc directed. 6. He ... these responses unchanged throughout life. 7. Attempts to make contact with other children increase in ... with age, although contacts are usually short-lived until three years and upwards. 'II. In the following sentences find the Gerund, define its forms and functors, translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Psychologists measure intelligence by observing a person's performance in a set of standard tests. 2. Measurements of perceptual and motor skills, or even personality, attitudes and motivation might give useful data for predicting age-changes. 3. We are all familiar with the experience of being urged or driven to behave in certain ways to achieve certain ends. 4. During the past 25 years psychologists have taken more seriously the possibility of constructing mathematical models for the description of mental phenomena. 5. Easier tasks, if they are of the right sort, stand a greater chance of being solved by insight. 6. The subject was first tested by being handed pencil and paper and told to make a written reproduction of what he had learned. 7. Changing the food used as a stimulus will produce divergent results in the same animals. 8. We cannot understand the nature of measurements without knowing about the properties of mathematics. 9. Without being conditioned human beings soon learn that the dinner bell is a signal for dinner and will respond to it by going to the dining room. 10. Being punished can be preferable to being ignored. 11. The fact does not prevent our using this experimental technique. /III. Translate the following sentences and analyze all the -ing forms in them (the Gerund, the Participle I, the Verbal Noun): 1. The subject will be tested individually by being given simple problems to solve. 2. The essential of this procedure is the placing of some sort of barrier between the subject and the goal he is trying to reach. 3. Learning occurs as a result of experience, but while this experience occurs, forgetting is also going on. 4. There are many approaches to the achieving of these results. 5> Here we shall discuss independent variables which are commonly recognized as playing a role in laboratory experiments on learning. 6. In humans there is evidence for the beginnings of form perception within the first weeks of life. 7. A number of experiments have shown that it is possible to control eating by stimulation or cutting off certain parts of the brain. 8. We have been developing the theory that the needs which Operate in the determination of the level of aspirations continue to exert their influence upon later performance. 9. They study the learning ability of animals by offering rewards such as food for correct solution of problems. 10. Growing older means being able to utilize earlier experience. 11. We turn now to observing variations among individuals in the same direction. 12. It is usually supposed that at birth the first action to appear is the reflex gasp for air, followed by crying. 13. In most psychological experiments on thinking, the methods employed are adaptations of procedures first used in studying other psychological activities. 14. For the beginner, choosing a problem is often one of the most difficult steps in designing an experiment. 15. Most sciences are busy answering the question Why?. 16. Knowing and understanding may play an important role in survival. 17. Without trying to determine the direction of the discussion we shall mention the problems touched upon in the papers presented. 18. We are far from having all the answers yet. 19. One way of doing it is to measure the degree of punishment which the animal accepts in satisfying his drive. 20. Pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned one will eventually result in the conditioned stimulus becoming effective. IX. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the italicized expressions: 1. The higherthe level of scale, the more we can do with the numbers we obtain in measurement. 2. The greater the proportion of similar reactions, the nearer they are on the scale, and the smaller the proportion of similar reactions, the farther apart they are. 3. The greater the age difference between the child subject and the experimenter, the more difficult is for the experimenter to understand the child's feelings. 4. The less complex the subjects, the easier it is to carry out a scientifically valid experiment. X. Answer the following questions based on the text: 1. What is human memory closely connected with? 2. What is human memory based on? 3. Where is memory located? 4. What is the quantity of information stored in our memory limited by? 5. Is storage capacity the same for every individual? 6. What are general features in memory? 7. What is meant by the term 'frequency'? 8. What do we remember better, the more recent events or the events that occurred earlier? 9. What does the term 'value' refer to? 10. What is thinking? 11. What is thinking closely bound up with? 12. How do we understand and communicate the symbols and concepts that we learn? 13. Why is language so important for human beings? XI. Prepare a dialogue between two students, one of whom majors in psychology, while the other majors in history. The following may serve you as a guideline for your dialogue: — Since you major in psychology, I hope you'll be able to help me. The thing is, I must remember numerous facts and figures and I find it too difficult. I'm afraid there is something wrong with my memory. Besides, the trouble is that though I can memorize learning material fairly quickly, I forget it as quickly. Why so? — I see. So there is long-term and short-term memory. What should be done to retain the material studied and make a more permanent gain in learning? — How much material can be remembered and stored in our memory? Are there any limits to our storage capacity? — I've noticed that I remember material better if I feel emotionally interested in it. — I see. But I still don't understand why some people remember things better than others. Can I improve my memory? — Thanks a lot for the interesting information. You must be a very good student. XII.Read the following text about Herman Ebbinghaus and be ready to speak about his contribution to psychology: Ebbinghaus (1850 —1909), a contemporary and countryman of Weber and Fechner, began the scientific study of memory processes. Prior to Ebbinghaus' work, many philosophers and psychologists had said that such a complicated mental process as memory could never be studied empirically. As a mental event, memory could not be brought into the laboratory for study. Fortunately, Ebbinghaus did not pay much attention to these earlier attitudes. He decided to learn how he himself learned and how he retained what he learned, and in line with this aim he developed the memory drum and the nonsense syllable (qux, kun, mes). The memory drum is a device that presents nonsense syllables to a subject one at a time. Ebbinghaus made up a list of nonsense syllables and presented them to himself in a memory drum. He counted the number of times that he had to see and pronounce the syllables in order to learn them. Then he left the 6-1756 task for varying periods of time and later relearned the syllables. Naturally, he found it easier to learn the list the second time, and he used the percentage "saved" (the second time over the first as his retention measure. Ebbinghaus believed, as did Weber and Fechner, that he was getting at the relationship between physical events and mental events. But again we can see that Ebbinghaus' mental event was purely behaviour. It was the number of nonsense syllables that he could recite after a period of time. Ebbinghaus' technique and procedures remain important in learning today, and he is historically important because he went into the laboratory to study a phenomenon that had hitherto been considered mental. XIII. Speak on the following topics: 1. Memory and its general features 2. Experiments on memory you know of 3. Thinking, types of thinking 4. Language and thinking, language as a means of communication XIV. Translate the following text: Запоминание, сохранение и воспроизведение индивидуумом его опыта называется памятью. В памяти различают такие основные процессы: запоминание, сохранение, воспроизведение и забывание. Эти процессы формируются в деятельности и определяются ею. Изучение механизмов памяти — одна из важных проблем психологии. Память включена во все многообразие жизни и деятельности человека. Она имеет много форм. Деление памяти на виды обусловлено прежде всего особенностями самой деятельности, в которой осуществляются процессы запоминания и воспроизведения. При этом отдельные виды памяти выделяются в соответствии с тремя основными критериями: 1. по характеру психической активности память делят на двигательную,эмоциональную, образную и словесно-логическую; 2. по характеру целей деятельности — произвольную и непроизвольную; 3. по продолжительности закрепления и сохранения материала — на кратковременную, долговременную и оперативную.