Студопедия — Stylistics and Interpretation
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Stylistics and Interpretation

The essentials of stylistics: relation of linguostylistics to other branches of general linguistics.

The notion of expressive means and stylistic devices, their interrelation and functions.

Stylistic classification of the vocabulary.

Phonetic, lexical and syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices.

Functional styles of modern English language. Belle-lettres style (prose, poetry, drama). Publicistic style and its variants. Newspaper style and its variants: brief articles, headlines, announcements, advertisements. The style of scientific prose and its variants. The style of official documents and its variants.

The analysis and interpretation of texts of different functional styles.

The knowledge of various approaches suggested by major Critical Schools of the 20th century.


The History of the English and American Literature

Brief characteristics of the literary trends and movements, tendencies in genres, styles and themes raised to a great literary height which got their development in England and America during the periods of Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Neoromanticism, Modernism, Post-Modernism. Historical background of the period. The major exponents and their literary inheritance. Analysis of one (some) of the characteristic works.


British Country-studies

Physical geography. Relief: Lowland zone, Highland Zone. Soils. Drainage. Plant and animal life.

Population of the U.K. Problems of distribution. Immigration.

Economy of the U.K. Main industries. Agriculture. Finance. Trade. Transportation.

Administration and social conditions. Government. Political parties. Parliament. Justice. Police services. The armed Forces. Mass Media. Broadcasting.

Cultural life. Religion. Education: primary, secondary, higher education. Arts: visual arts, performing arts, cultural institutions.

Patterns of leisure. Traditional holidays.

Вопросы по истории и теории английского языка (первый иностранный язык)

The Theory of Phonetics

1. Sound system of the English language

2. Prosodic features of the English language

3. Modification of sounds.


The History of the English Language

4. Main properties of Germanic languages.

5. The problem of the chronological division in the development of the English language.

6. Main phonological, grammatical and lexical features of the English languages in the periods of its development.

The History of the English and American Literature

7. English and American literature during the period of Renaissance and Enlightenment.

8. English and American literature during the period of Romanticism and Realism.

9. English and American literature: The Turn the century (Naturalism, Symbolism, Aesthetic movement, Neoromanticism).

10. English and American literature during the period of Modernism."

11. English and American literature during the period of Postmodernism.


12. Lexicology as a science. Language units. The word as the main unit of language.

13. Word building. Affixation. Conversion. Compounding.

14. The etymology of the English word-stock.

15. Free word combinations and phraseological units.

16. Semasiology. Lexical groupings within the vocabulary (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms).

17. British and American English.

18. Secondary ways of word building.

19. Archaisms and neologisms.


20. Characteristics of the functional styles of the English language. Different approaches to their classification.

21. The three-member system “elevated – neutral - degraded”: The superneutral and subneutral levels.

22. Expressive means and stylistic devices. Different approaches to classification of stylistic devices.

23. Phonetic and graphical stylistic devices: types, functional role and expressiveness.

24. Lexical stylistic devices: types, functional role and expressiveness.

25. Syntactical stylistic devices: types, functional role and expressiveness.


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