Студопедия — Exercise 17b. Use the required present past and future tense forms instead of the infinitives in brackets.
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Exercise 17b. Use the required present past and future tense forms instead of the infinitives in brackets.


1. Which houses in this district (to renovate) last month? 2. A stitch in time (to save) nine. 3. How many chapters of the book (to translate) by her by Sunday? 4. Family life patterns (to change) rapidly, aren’t they? 5. Which of you (to try) to match a password to my confidential computer files yesterday? 6. Nobody will leave the hall until the problem (to solve). 7. Your English class or German class (to start) at 1.25 pm last term? 8. Can I share a secret with you, Mum? – Why not? You (to tell) me your secrets since you were eight. 9. Listen! Holidays for college students just (to prolong) by the announcement on TV! 10. What’s wrong? – I (to starve) and my feet (to kill) me! 11. Help yourselves! These pancakes with chocolate and bananas (to taste) fantastic!!! – Yummy-yummy! 12. Several job interviews or seminars (to hold) by Mr. Martin next morning? 13. You (to think over) the idea of buying hotels for a long time before you bought one, hadn’t you? 14. The neighbour of ours or theirs constantly (to poke one’s nose) into everybody else’s affairs? 15. We will take urgent measures unless the patients (to isolate) immediately. 16. You look gloomy. What’s up? – I (not to sleep) last night, I (to have) a headache since that time. 17. Emily (to come) to a Saturday’s or Sunday’s barbecue? 18. Who (to play) the part of Eliza in the next version of “Pygmalion”? 19. Oh my! What you (to do)? You seem to have all the strawberry jam in the world on your face! 20. Mr Poirot (to keep a watch) on the remoted mansion for several days before he (to catch) the murderer.


Exercise 17с. Use the required present past and future tense forms instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. The magazine still (to leaf through) or the evening meal already (to enjoy) by the elderly gentleman when we (to return) to the lounge? 2. You (to meet) a friend of yours in the picture gallery or the museum tonight? 3. It (to turn out) that the secret already (to give away) by Robert and all the guests (to inform) about the surprise beforehand. 4. When I (to meet) my friend next time, he already (to live) in New York for five years. 5. On that November night the wind (to blow) and the rain (to beat down). Max (to stand) at the railway station shivering. He (to try) to imagine the warm fireplace and a hot evening meal when he (to see) the headlights of the coming train. 6. Each time the detective (to read) a report made by this policeman, he (to understand) everything. 7. At midnight sharp Phillip (to stop) working, (to turn off) the lights, (to leave) his study and (to return) to the parlour. He (to find) a cold beer in the refrigerator, (to make) himself a cold cheese-and-tomato sandwich, (to turn on) the TV, (to sit down) in the armchair, (to drink) his beer and (to begin) surfing the TV channels in automatically. 8. Mr. Spencer (to work) in Egypt or in India for ten years by the time he (to hire) by your company next month? 9. Ron already (to be asleep) for eight hours or seven hours, and now I am going to wake him up with the sad piece of news. 10. While the political news (to discuss) by some of the guests, the other guests quietly (to eat) their pizzas. 11. You (to paint) in your small studio on the beach or (to walk) along the coastline at 11 am tomorrow? 12. Who (to present) to you this magnificent Chinese vase? 13. That morning Amelie (to develop) a severe cough and it (to become) evident that she (to catch) a cold the day before. 14. The pages of the book (to be) dog-eared – it (to be) evident that the kids (to read) it with gusto for the whole night.15. The criminal (not to suspect) that his every word (to hear) by the detective, hiding in the closet. 16. You (to look) unfriendly at the theatre yesterday evening because you (to wait) for us in the cold wind for half an hour or because you (to argue) with your boss on the phone for hours by that moment? 17. The day before Peter (to promise) to book a flight and to come back before we (to see) Jack Robinson, didn’t he? 18. We (to go out) for only two months when he (to ask) me to marry him this week-end. 19. By next morning the snow, that (to start) falling during the night, (to turn) into a blizzard so thick, that all the college classes (to cancel) by the authorities. 20. I (to feel) totally exhausted as I (to proofread) the final issue of the magazine for the whole week.


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