1. Protectionist measures (controls) are in the form of duties which eliminate the comparative advantage, or quotas which restrict the import of the product altogether. There are two forms of import tariffs (taxes): specific and ad valorem. A specific tariff is a certain amount of tax for each unit of the product, for example $500 for each automobile. An ad valorem tariff is based on the value of the product, for example 5% of its value. Thus, under an ad valorem tax a Rolls Royce imported to the United States would be taxed more than a Nissan. The imposition of the ad valorem tax depends upon first determining the value of the product. The United States uses the free on board (FOB) method, which is the cost of the product as it leaves the exporting country. European countries have adopted the cost insurance freight (CIF) method, which adds the value of place utility to the cost of the product. A tariff increases the price of the item, raises revenue for the government, and controls consumption through market forces. A quota has a different effect on the market because it limits the number of the items imported. While under a quota there may be a higher price because of a limited supply, under a tariff it is the tax that creates a higher price: the supply is not limited.
2. In order to import and export products, there needs to be a system of international monetary exchange. While a few products like oil are always priced in dollars, most products must be paid for with the legal tender (currency) of the producing country. International trade involves the exchange of one currency for another. Most currencies are now exchanged on a floating (variable) rate basis. There are no official exchange rates. The rates fluctuate (change) according to market forces. If large amounts of a country's currency are being exchanged, the exchange rate may vary greatly because of demand, and therefore, the price of a currency is either rising or falling. Sometimes these great fluctuations in value threaten economic stability; then central banks change market forces by purchasing a foreign currency to support its price and maintain stability.
9. 3. Exporting countries sometimes set up subsidiaries (branches of companies) in the market countries. The larger company is referred to as the parent company. Some countries have laws restricting the foreign ownership of factories or other production facilities, while others encourage foreign investment. A large company that sets up production facilities in different countries is referred to as a multinational. Multinational corporations develop a global philosophy of management, marketing, and production. They choose to operate in those countries that afford them comparative advantage.
Exercise 2
a) Comprehension questions:
Part I
1. What advantages do countries derive from world trade?
2. How does efficient production give rise to world trade?
3. How could climate affect a country's production efficiency?
4. How could unskilled laborers be an advantage to a country?
5. Why do governments encourage exports?
6. How do governments encourage exports?
7. Why do governments try to control imports?
Part II
1.What groups sometimes encourage protectionism?
2.What are the most common types of protectionist measures?
3. Why is the system of international monetary exchange necessary?
4. What are the features of a multinational?
b) True/false statements
1. International monetary exchange is necessary for world trade.
2. The more a country imports, the richer it becomes.
3. International trade encourages economic development.
Exercise 3
Determine the part of speech and give derivatives:
theorized competition specialization manufacture comparative efficient
Exercise 4
The following words can be both verbs and nouns. Translate them into Russian. Make up words-combinations with these words (both as verbs as nouns).
Nouns and verbs: produce, export, import, supply, trade, benefit, result, market, control, guarantee, price, value, support.
Exercise 5
Make up word combinations: adjective + noun. Find the sentences with these w/c in the text above.
1. Efficient
| a. market
2. Free
| b. producer
3. International
| c. country
4. Comparative
| d. measures
5. Exporting
| e. advantage
6. Protectionist
| f. specialization
Exercise 6
Make up word combinations: verb + noun or adverb. Find the sentences with these w/c in the text above.
1. To determine
| a. goods
2. To supply
| b. price
3. To export
| c. domestically
4. To produce
| d. products
5. To manufacture
| e. abroad
Exercise 7