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Discuss the interviews in class

XVIII. Comment on the picture. You may find these phrases useful:

a Teacher-Parent Association meeting; to keep discipline in the classroom; to use traditional (new) methods; to be in the habit of giving orders; to be strict with the pupils: to tell the pupils off; a bossy teacher.

" I will now explain the progressive methods by which your children are taught — so keep quiet, sit up straight and don't fidget."

XIX. Film " Mr. Brown's Holiday" [10]. Film segment 1 " An Unexpected Turn'' (London), a) Watch and listen, b) Do the exercises from the guide to the film. [11]


Clarity, interest and emphasis are marks of good writing. Good writing is also based on selection of words in a sentence, on organization of sentences in a paragraph, and on unity of a written passage. These are the main objectives of the second-year studies of written English.

Patterns of written prose. When writing you may choose to describe the facts or events, to tell a story about them, to argue about them or to explain them according to your understanding. These verbs correspond to four basic forms of treating a topic: description, narration, argumentation, and exposition (explanation).

Paragraph is a single sentence or a group of related sentences expressing and developing a basic idea, or a particular phase of thought. The paragraph is a practical device in writing. Its purpose is to indicate the beginnings and endings of a thought unit. The beginning of a paragraph is indicated by beginning a line a little in from the margin.

Here is a short paragraph describing a well-known portrait: " Mona Lisa (Gioconda) isrepresented sitting in front of a marble balcony. The left arm rests on the arm of the seat, and the fingers fold over the end of it. The right hand, perhaps the most perfect hand ever painted, lies lightly over the left hand and wrist. On sleeves and bodice the pleats of the satin dress take the light" (From " Leonardo de Vinci" by E. Mc. Curely)

The author presents his impressions of the portrait and describes it in detail.

Here is another example of a paragraph telling a story: " A rather dreadful thing happened in the car as they were driving up from the beach to the ancient town, once a Norman port, but now left high and dry by the receding sea." (From " The Wind" by A. Bennett)

Here is an example of a paragraph of argumentation: " I am here to say a very few words or» the whole question of the treatment of animals by our civilized selves. For I have no special knowledge, like some who will speak to you, of the training of performing animals. I have only a certain knowledge of human and animal natures; and a common sense which tells me that wild animals are more happy in freedom than in captivity — domestic animals are more happy as companions than as clowns." (From " On Performing Animals" by J. Galsworthy)

The author tries to convince the reader of his point of view: he dislikes the idea of turning domestic animals into performers in the circus.

The expository paragraph below makes it clear what politeness is: " It isn't only with acquaintances and friends that politeness counts so much. Half the trouble in marriage and other family relationships begins with the throwing of politeness overboard. Politeness is often little more than the exercise of self-control, which is as valuable a quality in friendship as kindness itself." (From " Effective English and Personal Efficiency Course")

Note: These patterns of writing seldom occur alone, more often they are joined together.


1. Read the text " Anne Meets her Class" and point out the paragraph» of description, narration, argumentation and exposition. What does the author like to describe in this episode? What is he telling the reader about? What argument is Anne thinking of to manage the class? What is Miss Enderby trying to explain to Anne?

2. Search Texts А, В (Р. II) for the basic forms of treating the topic " On Teaching" and prove your selection of paragraphs.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1084. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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