Студопедия — II. Read the first paragraph of the article and make questions for these answers
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II. Read the first paragraph of the article and make questions for these answers

1) for its baby food.

2) glass was found in jars of Gerber juice.

3) by recalling half a million bottles.

4) sales dropped by 4%.

5) two years later.

6) more than 200.

7) tiny.

8) because it seemed unjustified.

9) they decided to keep quiet about it.

10) they were criticized in the media.

III. Read the second paragraph and complete the table.

What Gerber thought What the media and the public thought
1). We are the victims. 1).……………….are the victims.
2). We behaved legally. 2).Gerber behaved……………...
3). No public declaration or explanation was necessary. 3).Gerber should have…………...

IV. Read how Pepsi dealt with its own product tampering case, in the third paragraph.

1. How successful was its policy of openness?

2. What four steps did it take to reassure the public and neutralize any bad publicity?

3. What do you think was the specific aim of each of the four steps?

4. How do you think the public felt about Pepsi by the end?

V. Have you, or anyone you know, ever bought a food product which had glass or stones in it? What did you do about it? Did you complain to the shop or the manufacturer?

Lesson 5. Flowers in Business


I. How do you consider flowers in business? Are they obligatory? In what situations?

II. Can you remember the situation when flowers led to the confusion on a meeting?

III. How do you think flowers are accepted in different countries?

IV. Did you happen to give anybody flowers? Tell your group mates about it.


Flowers occupy a uniquely acceptable place in the spectrum of gifts. The transitory nature of cut flowers makes them an ideal present: They cannot be mistaken for a bribe, and can be given on a regular basis. However, flowers also have specific cultural associations which differ in each country.

There are two typical situations in which flowers can be useful to businesspeople. One is to help establish a good relationship with a secretary. The other is when an executive is invited to someone's house.

It is still more customary - all over the world - to give flowers to women rather than men, who in most cultures only receive flowers when ill. Here are some flower-giving guidelines which should keep you from falling foul of local taboos.


The appreciation and arrangement of flowers is a complex art in Japan. Every flower has a legend. The camellia, for example, is considered unlucky! Flowers are traditionally given in just three specific situations: during courtship, at funerals, and as a get-well gift. Funeral arrangements consist of small bunches of yellow or white chrysanthemums (Japan's national symbol), combined with lots of foliage. Avoid giving flowers in the " unlucky" numbers of four and nine. And be sure to bring only cut flowers to a sick person.


Gladioli and lilies are associated with funerals, although lilies are also given at Easter. Red roses usually have romantic connotations. Apart from that, for most Americans there are no flower taboos.

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