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1) What famous writers wrote about the Rhine – river? Mark Twain, V. Hugo.

2) The translation of the word ‘Rhine’? Stream

3) Where is the beginning of Rhine-river? Swiss Alps

4) What was necessary to have land on the bank of the Rhine-river to build a castle? Money or the political favor of the king

5) How many castles are there along the Rhine-river? Dozens

6) Why did merchants prefer to move their cargo by Rhine-river than everland? It was dangerous

7) Who and when build Forsgrafinshtain? Ludouick, in 1326

8) How was the Forsgrafinshtain castle called? A stone ship attorney arched at the face of the city

9) Why was the Forsgrafinshtain castle chosen to take taxes from the passing by ships? It was situated at narrowest place of river

10) Who served as the soldiers in the Forsgrafinshtain castle? Why was it possible? Cripples and retired

11) How did peasants taxes at the Medieval Germany? With wine

12) How much wine did every peasant consume a day and why? 6 pounds

13) What was an equivalent of 1 barrel of wine? Gallic of grapes, 6 baskets of fish, 4 gallons of wine

14) How was wine called at Medieval Times? Dragon’s blood

15) The legend about Loralai. The girl mermaid - enticed all the singing of lullabies

16) What was the claim of every castle landlord? Landlord’s claim to all the territory belong

17) Falcon hunting: where and when was it borrowed to become nobility’s fashionable entertainment? From the East during the crusades.

18) The mutual exchange with benefits and services between the castle owners and nearby dwellers. Peasants with service

19) How and from what material were steps and roof of the castle Browbatch built? Slate excavator from the foundations

20) The themes of the the frescoes in the Browbach castle? Biblical

21) The legend about Elisabeth and Marcus. Elisabeth waited for monk Marcus; he died

22) The last vision of St Mark defending the Browbach castle. American tourist

23) The life story of Philip, the last owner of the Browbach castle. 72, she was 20 years.

24) The decline of all castles: the period and the cause. 16 century, 1479 – the there nobody to inheriting the castle

25) What happened to the Browbach castle in 1945? American bombards destroyed it

26) How are medival castles used today? As hotels.

  1. Art styles: Classicism and Neo-Classicism. Symmetry and accuracy, Imitation antique samples, high painted ceilings with a stucco moulding, arches, columns. Style of refined luxury.
  2. Art styles: Gothic. To change loading distribution in a building and considerably to facilitate its walls and overlapping. Thanks to the given invention architects of the Middle Ages could increase considerably the area and height of erected constructions.
  3. Art styles: Baroque. Baroque distinctive features are spatial scope, splendour, magnificence and luxury. "Vicious", "dismissed", «inclined to excesses»
  4. Art styles: Rococo. Style of rococo was Baroque taste continuation. Refinement, big decorative нагруженность interiors and compositions, a graceful ornamental rhythm, a great attention to mythology, erotic situations, personal comfort.
  5. Art styles: Mannierism. Raised спиритуализм, oblongness or even деформированность figures, intensity of poses (контрапост), the unusual or freakish effects connected with the sizes, illumination or prospect, use of caustic chromatic scale, congestion of a composition etc.
  6. Art styles: Fauvism. Use of bright contrast colours, two-regularity in the image of subjects, their deformation, absence of a plot of product
  7. Art styles: Naturalism. Naturalism in art refers to the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting. a type of art that pays attention to very accurate and precise details, and portrays things as they are.
  8. Art styles: Romanticism. the expressiveness and mood of color, Occurrence of metal designs, The image strong (frequently rebellious) passions and the characters spiritualised and the salutary nature.
  9. Art styles: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. The moving, ephemeral, escaping world, therefore accent — on the present and for this leaving instant. The impressionism prefers light, a touch, colour vibration.
  10. Art styles: Cubism. Use is underlined геометризованных conditional forms, aspiration to "shatter" real objects on stereometric primitive things.
  11. Art styles: Dada. It is expressed in separate scandalous tricks — an intaking scribble (roots modern граффити), the pseudo-drawings which do not have any sense, combinations of casual subjects.
  12. Art styles: Social Realism. pictures of life's struggles; often depicting working class activities as heroic.
  13. Art styles: Socialist Realism. Socialist realism is teleologically-oriented style which has as its purpose the furtherance of the goals of socialism and communism. Although related, it should not be confused with Social realism a type of art that realistically depicts subjects of social concern. Unlike Social realism, Socialist realism often glorifies the roles of the poor.
  14. Art styles: Symbolism. Aspiration to innovation, cosmopolitism and an extensive range of influences
  15. Art styles: Fluxus.
  16. Art styles: Abstract Expressionism.

17. Art styles: Surrealism. works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur;

18. Art styles: Pop-Art. mass-produced visual commodities of popular culture is contiguous with the perspective of fine art. Pop removes the material from its context and isolates the object, or combines it with other objects, for contemplation.[1][2] The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it.[2]


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 243. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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