Контрольная работа № 1. The first Olympic Games were being held in Ancient Greece in 776 BC
The first Olympic Games were being held in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. Ifit, the king of a small state Elide on the territory of which Olympia was situated, has founded the Games in the honour of the god Zeus. The Games were being held in Olympia. The Olympic Games were held regularly once in every four years “between harvest and vintage”. This festivity consisted of the numerous religious ceremonies and sporting contests. Only freely born Greeks were taking part in the Games. Women were not participating in the Olympic Games. It was forbidden for them to attend the Olympiads even as spectators. In the first Olympic Games the athletes were competing only in running. In 394 the Rome Emperor Theodosius the First perceived a pagan ceremony in the Olympic Games and prohibited their holding. The first attempts to revive the antique Olympic Games were undertaken in the 19th century by Pierre de Coubertain. The year of the first Olympiad was called to be the year of 1896. The counting of the following Olympiads is being done starting from this year. The basics of the “Olympic Charter” were approved according to the proposal of Coubertain. In accordance with the Charter the Olympic Games are held once in every four years. The winter Olympic Games represent an independent cycle of competitions. The counting of the winter Olympics is carried on since 1924. In these games amateurs or non-professional athletes and at present professional athletes can take part. Each country sends teams for as many of the different events as possible. The winners of each event are given a certain number of points. The International Olympic Committee decides where each Olympics will take place. They ask the city (not a country) to be the host. The Olympic flag has a white background and in the centre there are five interlaced rings-blue, yellow, black, green and red. These rings represent the five continents joined together in the Olympic Movement. The Olympic motto is Citius- Altius- Fortius (“Faster-Higher-Stronger”).
7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.
1. When were the first Olympic Games being held? 2. What did the festivity consist of? 3. Who could take part in the Games? 4. Who can participate in the Games?
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1. The counting of the following Olympiads is being done starting from this year. 2. The first attempts to revive the antique Olympic Games were undertaken in the 19th century by Pierre de Coubertain. 3. In the first Olympic Games the athletes were competing only in running.
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Контрольная работа № 1