Сегодня же эту заметку перепечатала электронная ежедневная газета «Питер-Т» («Санкт-Петербург туристский», Re: НОВОСТИ ТУРБИЗНЕСА - ВЫПУСК 11 (2658) 24 января от фирмы ПИТЕР-Т. Сайты "Питер - Т":,,,
Task 1. Make up five questions on the text above which would depict the main issues of the topic.
Task 2. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false.
1. Public finances are the aggregate of the allocation relations which arise in the process of forming and using the centralized money funds.
2. State revenuesare the amount of funds which the State mobilizes to secure its activity.
3. The centralized revenues are concentrated in the State Budget and Special Purpose Funds.
4. According to the mobilization means decentralized revenues are divided into tax revenues, loan ones, and receipts from the state property and objects of area of economic significance. Task 3. Read the following text about the State Revenues and Expenses in the USA. Answer the questions after the text. Speak on the topic.
1 In order for states to provide for their citizens, the U.S. Constitution granted them the power to collect taxes. Each state is different in its choice of how to collect revenue from its citizens. The taxes used in most states are sales and income taxes. Other types of revenue include fees, federal grants, and lotteries.
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: 1. What does the U.S. Constitution grant the states the power to collect taxes for? 2. Do all the states collect revenues in the same way? 3. What are the taxes used in most states? 4. What do other types of revenue include? 5. When is a sales tax collected? 6. What goods are left untaxed in some states? Why, in your opinion? 7. Who pay income taxes in the USA? 8. Have you gone to get your driver's license yet? 9. Do you own a car 10. Do you hunt or fish? 11. What will you pay in the USA if you are able to drive? 12. What will you pay in the USA if you own a car? 13. What will pay a hunter in the USA? What will he pay it for? 14. What will you pay in the USA if you are going to drive at the speed of 180rm an hour? 15. People of what professions and occupations must pay for licenses? Compare these fees with the similar in Ukraine. Task 4. Select the Ukrainian equivalent that most nearly matches the given English word or collocation. Learn them by heart.
Task 5. Consider the chart, translate it into English and comment on it.
Task 6. Read the articles from Linvo12 and WikipediA what revenue is, write the abstract of it. Lingvo12 offers: revenue 1) а) доход; выручка government revenue — правительственный доход annual / yearly revenue — годовой доход monthly revenue — месячный доход weekly revenue — недельный доход to collect revenue — получать доход to generate / produce / yield revenue — давать доход б) государственные доходы (Syn: public revenues) net revenue — чистый годовой доход 2) (revenues) доходные статьи 3) департамент государственных сборов; финансовое управление revenue 1) the income accruing from taxation to a government during a period of time, usually a year 2) government department responsible for the collection of government revenue 3) the gross income from a business enterprise, investment, property, etc 4) a particular item of income 5) something that yields a regular financial return; source of income WikipediA offers: 1. Revenues In business, revenue is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. In many countries, such as the United Kingdom, revenue is referred to as turnover. Some companies receive revenue from interest, dividends or royalties paid to them by other companies. Revenue may refer to business income in general, or it may refer to the amount, in a monetary unit, received during a period of time, as in "Last year, Company X had revenue of $42 million." Profits or net income generally imply total revenue minus total expenses in a given period. In accounting, revenue is often referred to as the "top line" due to its position on the income statement at the very top. This is to be contrasted with the "bottom line" which denotes net income. For non-profit organizations, annual revenue may be referred to as gross receipts. This revenue includes donations from individuals and corporations, support from government agencies, income from activities related to the organization's mission, and income from fundraising activities, membership dues, and financial investments such as stock shares in companies. In general usage, revenue is income received by an organization in the form of cash or cash equivalents. Sales revenue or revenues is income received from selling goods or services over a period of time. Tax revenue is income that a government receives from taxpayers. In more formal usage, revenue is a calculation or estimation of periodic income based on a particular standard accounting practice or the rules established by a government or government agency. Two common accounting methods, cash basis accounting and accrual basis accounting, do not use the same process for measuring revenue. Corporations that offer shares for sale to the public are usually required by law to report revenue based on generally accepted accounting principles or International Financial Reporting Standards. In a double-entry bookkeeping system, revenue accounts are general ledger accounts that are summarized periodically under the heading Revenue or Revenues on an income statement. Revenue account names describe the type of revenue, such as "Repair service revenue", "Rent revenue earned" or "Sales". 2. Business revenue Business revenue is income from activities that are ordinary for a particular corporation, company, partnership, or sole-proprietorship. For some businesses, such as manufacturing and/or grocery, most revenue is from the sale of goods. Service businesses such as law firms and barber shops receive most of their revenue from rendering services. Lending businesses such as car rentals and banks receive most of their revenue from fees and interest generated by lending assets to other organizations or individuals. Revenues from a business's primary activities are reported as sales, sales revenue or net sales. This includes product returns and discounts for early payment of invoices. Most businesses also have revenue that is incidental to the business's primary activities, such as interest earned on deposits in a demand account. This is included in revenue but not included in net sales. Sales revenue does not include sales tax collected by the business. Other revenue (a.k.a. non-operating revenue) is revenue from peripheral (non-core) operations. For example, a company that manufactures and sells automobiles would record the revenue from the sale of an automobile as "regular" revenue. If that same company also rented a portion of one of its buildings, it would record that revenue as “other revenue” and disclose it separately on its income statement to show that it is from something other than its core operations. 3. Government revenue Government revenue includes all amounts of money (i.e. taxes and/or fees) received from sources outside the government entity. Large governments usually have an agency ordepartment responsible for collecting government revenue from companies and individuals. Government revenue may also include reserve bank currency which is printed. This is recorded as an advance to the retail bank together with a corresponding currency in circulation expense entry. The income derives from the Official Cash rate payable by the retail banks for instruments such as 90 day bills.There is a question as to whether using generic business based accounting standards can give a fair and accurate picture of government accounts in that with a monetary policy statement to the reserve bank directing a positive inflation rate the expense provision for the return of currency to the reserve bank is largely symbolic in that to totally cancel the currency in circulation provision all currency would have to be returned to the reserve bank and cancelled. Task 7. Read the following words and collocations and use them doing the next task.
1. Поворотні доходи – return revenues 2. ВВП – GDP 3. отримувати доходи – to receive revenues 4. завдяки – due to 5. власні доходи the proper / own revenues 6. реалізація (продаж) - realization, sale 7. право власності – ownership, property right 8. державне майно – state property 9. угіддя - object of area of economic significance 10. природні багатства - natural resources 11. національний дохід — national income 12. заново – anew 13. вартість – value 14. фонд відшкодування – Indemnity Fund 15. амортизаційні відрахування – amortisation 16. амортизаційний фонд - depreciation allowance reserve; amortisation funds 17. збір - tax, charge, fee, toll, levy, duty; dues - акцизний збір — excise duties - банківський збір — bank charge - ввізний збір — import tax, import fee - гербовий збір — stamp duty, stamp tax - митний збір — customs duties 18. платіж – payment 19. обов'язковий - obligatory, compulsory 20. добровільний – voluntary, willing 21. надходження (доходів) - income, receipts, incomings 22. бюджетні надходження — budget (budgetary) receipts, budget revenue 23. зовнішньоекономічний - foreign economic, external economic 24. дохідний (прибутковий) - profitable, paying, lucrative 25. дохідні статті (бюджету) — revenues 26. видаткова частина бюджету — budget expenditure 27. ознака - feature, characteristic 28. господарської діяльності - economic activity, operating activity 29. дорогоцінний – precious 30. мито - duty, customs, custom dues, toll 31. вилучення – withdrawal, immobilization 32. юридична особа – legal entity 33. фізична особа – individual 34. внутрішній (в межах однієї держави) - home, inland; domestic 35. зовнішній (іноземний) - foreign 36. допомога – assistance 37. межі – boundary Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Поворотні доходи – це державні позики. 2. Безповоротні доходи – це доходи власне держави і доходи, які надходять від інших суб’єктів розподільних відносин. 3. У США через бюджет перерозподіляється 28% ВВП. 4. У Німеччині через бюджет перерозподіляється 40% ВВП. 5. У Швеції через бюджет перерозподіляється 50% ВВП. 6. В Україні бюджетні ресурси становлять 34% фінансових ресурсів держави і майже 45% ВВП. 7. Державні доходи включають не тільки доходи від державної власності, а й доходи, які держава отримує завдяки перерозподілу від інших форм власності та населення. 8. Власні доходи держави формуються на основі реалізації її прав власника: доходи державних підприємств, доходи від державного майна. 9. Державне майно включає землі, природні багатства та угіддя. 10. Національний дохід – це заново створена вартість. 11. Джерелами формування державних доходів можуть бути: доходи від заново створеної вартості (=національний дохід); доходи, що включаються до фонду відшкодування (н-д, амортизаційні відрахування); доходи від реалізації національного багатства. 12. Залежно від методів акумулювання фінансових ресурсів державні доходи діляться на: - обов’язкові платежі і збори; - добровольні надходження; - емісія (включаючи як емісію грошей, так і кредитну емісію); - надходження від приватизації державного майна; - державний кредит; - надходження від зовнішньоекономічної діяльності. 13. Кожний бюджет поділяється на дохідну і видаткову частини, які мають бути збалансовані. 14. За соціально-економічними ознаками доходи поділяються на: 15. Державні доходи поділяють на внутрішні та зовнішні. 16. Внутрішні державні доходи – це податки та неподаткові доходи. 17. Зовнішні доходи держава отримує за її межами. Це – кредити, допомога з інших країн. * Literature used: