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The job of a manager is both hard and exciting. This job implies coordinating and supervising both personnel and business problems.

The personnel manager deals with interviewing, selecting, recruiting and dismissing (firing) employees (staff) as well as with career development and various other problems.The most important thing in personnel management is staff motivation.

A manager should be flexible, sincere, intelligent, full of common sense, creative, tolerant, committed to his job and loyal to his boss and his company. He should be obliging, well-disposed, sympathetic and understanding. He should be a good psychologist and be good at planning and organizing both team and individual activities.He should be good at decision making and have some idea about administrative law to settle different problems.

There are many other types of managers in a large firm. Sales manager deals in selling different products and services. Purchase manager deals in buying goods.

Shipping manager deals in shipping products, their delivery and packing.

Works (production) manager deals with industrial enterprises, manufacturing process, testing various machines and equipment, after sales service and some ecological problems.

There is also a Financial Director who deals with money matters. There are many
accountants who report to him. There are numerous secretaries, receptionists, typists and
different clerks called secretarial/clerical staff. Public relations manager deals with
customers and their problems and is responsible for the attractive image of his firm.
R&D department deals with fundamental research. There are experts in advertising and

promoting goods and services working for Marketing Department.

There are lawyers, barristers, attorneys, legal advisers who deal with legal problems,

start legal action against unreliable busnessmen.
Different firms and companies do business with other firms. Companies belong to

different areas of business: wholesale or retail trade, insurance, banking, catering, vehicle manufacturing, engineering, transport, shipping, real estate, manufacturing various goods, etc.

In wholesale trade the parties of a transaction are called Buyers and Sellers. Those who produce goods are called Producers or Manufacturers. Those who supply and distribute goods are called Suppliers and Distributors.

People doing business together, cooperating in some spheres of business are called partners. Those who compete in business are called competitors. The competition on the world market is very tense nowadays. All manufacturers feel it and try to update their products, to raise their quality. They try to diversify the range of their products and, if possible, to decrease their production cost and selling price, because cheap goods of high quality meet the demands of the customers. And naturally the clients are not interested in expensive low quality goods.

To find out about the range of goods offered by the firm the customers study leaflets and catalogues. To know the prices for products they look through price-lists and quotations. To clarify some details concerning the design and technical features of some machines they ask for specifications.

They go on business trips and see round manufacturing plants where they can test the equipment and see the type of packing.

Businessmen hold business talks (negotiations) where they discuss various business matters: the terms of payment, shipment and delivery. There could be different terms (manners) of payment: by a Letter of Credit against shipping documents, payment for collection, FOB (free on board), CIF (Cargo, Insurance, Freight) terms, etc.

The sides discuss the time and manner of shipment and delivery. There might be some

delays in delivery because of technical problems or some unforseen circumstances.

They negotiate prices for goods. A price can be high, low, reasonable, attractive, suitable, competitive, acceptable.

If they agree to the terms and selling price, they place an order with the firm. Before placing an order they make offers,enquiries for goods. If the customer does not accept the price he asks for a discount on the price. Prices and terms are often revised because the market situation is changing every day. The market is not stable.

The sides sign contracts which provide a legal guarantee for all obligations. A contract includes know-how, prices, cost, licence, terms, after sales service and guarantee period.

If the equipment bought from a certain firm is damaged or if some defect is found, it should be repaired and faulty parts should be replaced at the Seller's expense.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What are advantages and disadvantages of a manager's job?

2. Is the job of a manager hard and exciting? Why?

3. What problems does a personnel manager deal with?

4. What is the most important thing in personnel management?

5. What kind of person should a manager be?

6. What types of managers work in a large firm?

7. What other specialists besides managers work there?

8. What areas of business do companies belong to?

9. What can you say about the competition on the world market nowadays?


10. What measures do manufacturers take to compete successfully?

11. Where can a customer find out about the range of goods offered by the firm, their quality and applications, prices, industrial cost?

12. Why do people go on business trips?

13. What manners of payment do you know?

14. What can cause the delay in delivery?

15. What adjectives can we use when speaking about the price for some goods?

16. When do the customers place an order with the firm?

17. What do the customers do before placing an order with the firm?

18. What does a contract cover?

19. When do they open a Letter of Credit with the bank?

20. Who deals with after sales service?

21. How do the Buyers find out about the quality of equipment to be bought?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 824. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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