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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

C) antonomasia

Исследование проводится утром натощак (нельзя есть, пить, принимать лекарства, курить). Зондирование прекращайте, если в получаемом материале появилась кровь, если пациент начинает кашлять и задыхаться.

В некоторых случаях энтеральный стимулятор может быть заменен на парентеральный стимулятор, например холецистокинин, вводимый в/в в дозе 75 ЕД.

Профессиональный модуль 04      
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C) antonomasia

D) synecdoche

E) periphrasis


30. Highest point of tension; the suspense of a story is at its highest point

A) dénouement

B) climax

C) exposition

D) complication

E) catharsis


31. Kind of report that concentrates on particular people as the starting point for the reader to draw general conclusions

A) bedtime story

B) sob story

C) cover story

D) short story

E) feature-story


32. "They heard! - they suspected! - they knew!" (Poe)

A) inversion

B) epiphora

C) parallelism

D) polysyndeton

E) periphrasis


33. Statement to be proved in an essay

A) denial

B) warning

C) assertion

D) anouncement

E) thesis


34. His disease consisted of spots, bed, honey in spoons, tangerine oranges and high temperature (J. Galsworthy)

A) metonymy

B) a semantically false chain

C) simile

D) irony

E) repetition


35. The final part of a narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved

A) dénouement

B) climax

C) exposition

D) complication

E) catharsis


36. All at once there is a goal, a path through a shapeless day (A.Miller)

A) metonymy

B) epithet

C) simile

D) irony

E) repetition


37. An author's technique of saying less than necessary; the opposite of exaggeration

A) overstatement

B) preterition

C) depreciation

D) avoidance

E) understatement


38. Use of words whose sound mirrors their meaning in a specific context

A) polysyndeton

B) periphrasis

C) onomatopoeia

D) parallelism

E) repetition


39. The next speaker was a tall gloomy man, Mr. Something Somebody (J.B.Priestly)

A) metonymy

B) oxymoron

C) synecdoche

D) irony

E) antonomasia


40. The sequence of events in a literary work

A) atmosphere

B) setting

C) description

D) narration

E) plot


41. The moan of doves in immemorial elms,

And murmuring of innumerable bees (Tennyson)

A) polysyndeton

B) periphrasis

C) onomatopoeia

D) parallelism

E) repetition


42. The person who tells the reader the story and who must never be mixed up with its author

A) static character

B) m inor character

C) protagonist

D) narrator

E) antagonist


43. Friendship, peculiar boon of heavens(S. Johnson)

A) metonymy

B) periphrasis

C) synecdoche

D) antonomasia

E) oxymoron


44. At that point in a story the action takes a different direction

A) turning-point

B) climax

C) exposition

D) complication

E) catharsis


45. The young lady who burst into tears, has been put up together again (Ch. Dickens)

A) metonymy

B) epithet

C) simile

D) irony

E) violation of phraseological units


46. Lesson taught by a didactic piece of literature

A) tone

B) moral

C) language

D) setting

E) atmosphere


47. Choice of words: vulgar, slang, colloquial, poetic, obsolete, literary, scientific etc.

A) stylistic device

B) periphrasis

C) register

D) euphemism

E) emphasis


48. Substitution for an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, using instead an agreeable or less offensive expression, or to make it less troublesome for the speaker

A) simile

B) periphrasis

C) synecdoche

D) euphemism

E) oxymoron


49. Narrator who knows everything about the characters' thoughts, feelings and motives

A) author-narrator

B) omniscient narrator

C) critic-narrator

D) observer-narrator

E) image-narrator


50. We are experiencing heavy casualties

A) simile

B) periphrasis

C) synecdoche

D) euphemism

E) oxymoron


51. Intensification of conflict, part of a story immediately following the exposition

A) turning-point

B) climax

C) exposition

D) complication

E) catharsis


52. Use of exaggeration / overstatement in order to create humorous effects or to emphasize an idea

A) litotes

B) metonymy

C) hyperbole

D) irony

E) antonomasia


53. Examples of it are the novel, the short story, the play, the poem...

A) stylistic device

B) genre

C) register

D) imagery

E) emphasis


54. I was walking along when suddenly this enormous dog walked along. It was as big as an elephant

A) litotes

B) metonymy

C) exaggeration

D) irony

E) antonomasia


55. The place or location of the action, providing the historical and cultural context for characters

A) plot

B) point of view

C) s tructure

D) setting

E) atmosphere


56. "Why do you dress me in borrow'd robes?" (Shakespeare)

A) epithet

B) metonymy

C) simile

D) irony

E) clothing imagery


57. An expression or idea that has been used so often that everybody takes it for granted and nobody questions it

A) obsolete word

B) proverb

C) vernacular

D) cliché

E) dialecticism


58. "...but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder - louder - louder." (Poe)

A) periphrasis

B) metonymy

C) simile

D) parallelism

E) repetition


59. Events are arranged in purpose in such a way that future events are prepared for. The reader "feels" the outcome of a plot

A) suspense

B) c onflict

C) c ausality

D) foreshadowing

E)c risis


60. "He gave her a warm welcome." / "My foolish friend"

A) alliteration

B) dissonance

C) assonance

D) parallelism

E) onomatopoeia


61. An explicit comparison introduced with words such as "like" or "as"

A) periphrasis

B) metonymy

C) simile

D) parallelism

E) metaphor


62. Sense of worry established by the author

A) suspense

B) c onflict

C) c ausality

D) foreshadowing

E)c risis


63. The tone or mood of a piece of fiction that is conveyed to the reader by the effective use of description, dialogue, choice of words, setting and character

A) plot

B) point of view

C) s tructure

D) setting

E) atmosphere


64. An implied comparison, e.g. "bed of roses", "fountain of youth"

A) periphrasis

B) metonymy

C) simile

D) parallelism

E) metaphor


65. Critical essay on a new book, film, or play

A) retelling

B) annotation

C) review

D) announcement

E) exposition


66. Main male or female character in a piece of fiction

A) storyteller

B) author

C) protagonist

D) narrator

E) observer


67. Character who often provides support and illuminates the protagonist

A) static character

B) m inor character

C) protagonist

D) d ynamic character

E) antagonist


68. Character who changes in some important way

A) static character

B) m inor character

C) protagonist

D) d ynamic character

E) antagonist


69. Character or force that opposes the protagonist

A) static character

B) m inor character

C) protagonist

D) d ynamic character

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