a Yours faithfully,
Sally Blinton
Sales Manager
b We thank you for your letter dated
the 29th September and are pleased to send you our latest catalogue and the current price list. We shall send you a special offer as soon as we have your exact requirements.
cGeorge Finchley & Sons,
68 Bond Street, London
4 October 2006
d Dear Sirs,
e Messrs Dickson & King,
9 Newgate Street,
| 1.2
a Mr. J. A. Burns, ABC Advertising,
17 New Street, New Town BN45 67HO
b We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Irene Green
Sales Manager
c John Boggs plc, 25 Corner Street,
Darlington, Tel. 249 26 49
14 February 2006
d Dear Mr. Burns,
e We are writing to confirm our meeting on 20 February concerning the advertisement of our new device in your catalogue. We would appreciate it if you have time to visit our plant at an earlier date and inform us of it.
| 1.3
aDear Mrs. Bock:
b Mrs. R. E. Bock, Human Resources Director, Pearle Employment Agency,
1900 Grant Avenue, Sun Francisco,
California 92654
c North Road, Berkley, California 95436
June 29, 2006
dI am applying for the position of
secretary which was advertised in the
San Francisco Chronicle of June 28.
E I look forward to discussing this
position with you.
Sincerely yours,
Anette Lee
| 1.4
a Yours faithfully,
Frank Henley,
b We are interested in increasing our
range of car heaters and would like to
receive information about the various
models you are producing.
c The Sales Manager, Motor heat Ltd.,
Walker Road,
d Dear Sir,
e Clarke & Sims Ltd, High Street,
Ellingham, Suffolk
17 August 2006
| 1.5
a Manufacturers Trust Company,
55 Broad Street, New York 27, N.Y.
15 October 2006
b Messrs. A. Smith & Co., Ltd.,
28 Moorgate St., London, E. C. 2.,
c Please rest assured that we shall make
every effort not to repeat such mistake
in the future.
Faithfully yours
d In order to correct this error, we are
sending enclosed the cheque for the …
e Dear Sirs
We must apologize for sending you the
cheque for the wrong amount of
| 1.6
a Dear Sirs,
b Mr. Western, Account Department,
Crowley and Bullock Ltd.,
24 Hartley Lane, Real, Kent,
cWe enclose a statement of account up
to 30th March, from which you will see
that you owe us 2,850.00 for goods
delivered in February.
d Brown & Co Ltd., 34 River Boat Street,
Hull HY4 7VX tel. 38958745
18 April 2006
e Yours faithfully,
Lewis Carol
For Chief Account
| 1.7
a Your company has been recommended
to us by a business associate and we are
writing to inquire about you translation
services. We would be grateful if you
could send us your prices and terms of
b We look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Forms
Managing Director
c Dear Sir/ Madam,
d Blocks and Panels, Victoria Park
Street, Salton OK894
Telephone 875 34 53 77,
4 June 2006
e Director General, Globes,
15 High Street, Salton PO576
| 1.8
a Dear Ms Convey
b We look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Alan Khan
R&D Manager
c Ms J. Convey, Sales Manager,
Magazine on networking,
89 Bear Street, Newcastle, JP786P
d New Computer Subway Ltd., 234 Susy
Avenue, Austin BC925 7NP
April 28, 2006
e We are writing in connection with your
advertisement in yesterday’s Morning
Star. We would like to cooperate with
you and would appreciate it if you have
time to arrange meeting with us in our
| 1.9
a 316 Anderson Road, Coral Gables,
Florida 33134
May 16, 2006
b Dr. Ralf Carson, 55 Chapel Street,
Newton, Massachusetts 02160
c Dear Dr. Carson:
d Sincerely yours,
Wane Brooks
e I am writing in connection with your
advertisement for the post of lab
assistant in yesterday’s the Daily.
| 1.10
a Dear Mr. Rubin:
b Mr. Bill Rubin Vice President of
Operations Garnet Educational Services,
1523 Dexter Avenue, Suite 200, Seattle,
Washington 98109
c 52 Ward Circle, Ridgefield,
NJ 08888
June 17, 2006
d Sincerely yours,
Beata Gordon
eI am writing in connection with your
advertisement in yesterday’s Bulletin
where you announced the courses for
foreign students
| 1.11
a The Sales Department, Southern
Importers Ltd., Dane Street, Northam,
Southampton SO9 4YQ
b We are a large music shop in the center
of Liverpool and would like to know
more about tapes and cassettes you
advertise in this month’s edition of
Music Monthly.
c Yours faithfully,
Jeffry Allen
d A.X.C. Records’ Ltd., 41 Broadway,
Liverpool L91 5PB
12 May 2006
e Dear Sirs,
| 1.12
a The Sheffield Electronics Corp.,
51 Gooseberry Street, Sheffield
21 December 2006
b We would be grateful if you could send
us your latest catalogue and price list of
car appliances advertised in the current
issue of Motoring Monthly.
c Yours faithfully,
Robert Bear
Sales Manager
dMessrs Morgan & Co., Tilbury Square,
London NW
e Dear Sirs,
Education: Park High School
Experience: Twenty years in US army
Physical Fitness Instructor.
Left army three years ago.
Has taken courses in
management and
computing. Over the last
two years has run a fitness
centre in Lower
Manhattan very
Skills: Speaks Spanish fluently. Is
a successful disc jockey in
a downtown club.
| |
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